Your interview with U2

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Erin go bragh

The Fly
Sep 4, 2004
OK, here's the deal. With as many people, thoughts and ideas running through this place, I'm sure this has been done before. However, I have never stumbled upon anything like it, so it will be a first for me (you crusty veterans deal with it...hahaha!).

YOU are chosen to interview the band. I orignally was going to limit it to just Bono, cuz I think an interview with him could last long enough, but I thought better of it. Therefore, you have the chance to interview the band.

What I want is for you to name to whom the question is directed, and then state the question. Let's see what people come up with.

I'll start:

To Bono: People (myself included) tend to look at you as a very serious person who deals with very serious issues (your not so serious life as a rock and roller aside). Are there any times, maybe while alone or with your family, where you just act goofy for the sake of being goofy? If so, give an example.

Ok....who's next?
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If this was in PLEBA I'd expect this to be as far as an interview would go...............




P.S. sorry for doing that so early in your thread and I mean no offense to the people of PLEBA at all
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I've thought of this many times since I am a reporter (one in a small town who will probably never get anywhere near doing an interview of this magnitude, but hey, you never know). It's so hard to come up with something that hasn't been asked a million times before. I guess I might ask Bono if it is difficult for him to talk to world leaders and try to persuade them to his point of view - does it ever intimidate him? Does he ever worry they won't take him seriously because he's not a politician but a guy making a living screaming his lungs out while wearing leather pants? Does he ever feel constrained from having to be more careful about what he says (or sings) so he won't piss off the people he is trying to persuade? I can't help but think that's got to be difficult for someone as outspoken as he is.

As far as music goes, I'm curious if there is anyone out there they haven't already collaborated with that they want to work with. Also, what in the heck ever happened to that rumored song they (or was it just Bono?) did with Bruce Springsteen called Break of Day or Break of Dawn or whatever it was supposed to be called?


Question to Bono:

If the opportunity presented were offered two wishes but would only be granted one wish......which would you choose and why you felt one was more important than the other.

1. The elimination of all poverty in the World.

2. The elimination of AIDS and all childhood diseases in the World.



all_i_want said:
obvious, poverty. main reason AIDS is so persistent in africa is poverty.


That is the correct answer world-wide. So if poverty is eliminated, so are many other ills such a child slavery and world-wide name a few.


My question for each band memberwould be, you have toured the world and performed in numerous countries and cities. What is the one place in the world that you would like to perform in that you've never played in before?
To Adam:

Assuming a woodchuck, also commonly known as a groundhog or whistle pig, could, in fact, "chuck" wood, what is the amount of timber that said rodent is likely to chuck?
Erin go bragh said:

To Bono: People (myself included) tend to look at you as a very serious person who deals with very serious issues (your not so serious life as a rock and roller aside). Are there any times, maybe while alone or with your family, where you just act goofy for the sake of being goofy? If so, give an example.

Bono: I tend to reenact the iPod commerical whenever I see it on tv, and I often spend most of dinner spewing out quotes and letting my family tell me if they're speech worthy.
To Bono: Im feeling a bit stodgy today, would you like to strip naked to make the atmosphere in the room a little more loose? :sexywink:

To Larry: Whats the most annoying thing about each of your mates?

To Edge: So what the feck WAS with the eyepatch?

To Adam: Knickers or skirts?

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