Your biggest-greatest-deepest-darkest-desired secret fantasies ever

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Oct 8, 2001
Another Time, Another Place, in The Electric Co. ;
In random order:

1- Never have to use a bra- NEVER
2- Make out with Greg. A cute peruan manager who came to visit our plant last week
3- Eat one of those gigantic flour burritos
4- Wear my bf's briefs
5- Throw a stink bomb underneath my boss's chair hehe

6- Tatoo Bono's face on my neck

And you?

I Love controversy

Why am I not a vegetable??
I want to live on some remote tropical island with my wom-an, and spend the rest of my days on some peaceful, deserted beach.

Or, at least move to some tiny, tiny little island and run a small hotel.

I've occasionally thought living in some remote, Alaskan or Canadian cabin would be rather interesting.

I also wish that someday I could be a famous architect and design the most marvelous buildings the world has ever seen. (never gonna happen, I'm afraid)

1- Never have to use a bra- NEVER

That's one of mine, as well!

4- Wear my bf's briefs

Uhhhhh.....why would you want to? Men's underwear may be more supportive than women's, but it is a hell of a lot rougher. I wish they would make men's underwear that is as nice and comfy as women's. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to wear women't undies, I just want men's to feel as nice! How hard is that?
Originally posted by LarryMullen's_POPAngel:
Same here, Klod.

Any PLEBA girl doesn't have the nerve to.

"Very strange looking object you have at the end of your stick.." - Bono

"Bono looks too intense for me." - Rollercoaster Tycoon park guest

"I was drunk, high on him, a shrinking, shadowboxing dwarf following in his foosteps...badly...STARSTRUCK.." - Bono, on meeting Frank Sinatra for the first time

"Bono? Bono is going to tie ropes around my neck? Wait a minute.." - Edge, when shooting the 'Numb' video
Originally posted by sulawesigirl4:
errrm...have you READ much in PLEBA?

I spend my LIFE there.

Well.. I really should change my post to,"No PLEBA girl has CLEAN deep dark secret fantasies". How about that?

"Very strange looking object you have at the end of your stick.." - Bono

"Bono looks too intense for me." - Rollercoaster Tycoon park guest

"I was drunk, high on him, a shrinking, shadowboxing dwarf following in his foosteps...badly...STARSTRUCK.." - Bono, on meeting Frank Sinatra for the first time

"Bono? Bono is going to tie ropes around my neck? Wait a minute.." - Edge, when shooting the 'Numb' video

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