would Bono be as popular if...

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I'm fully aware he changed his name to Bono from Paul, by way of Bono Vox.
I was just being stupid.:eyebrow:
lemon-aide said:
I'm fully aware he changed his name to Bono from Paul, by way of Bono Vox.
I was just being stupid.:eyebrow:

I knew that and I was being stupid too. That's why I used the smilie. Sorry.
Don't worry, guys, it's very obvious that you're being stupid.
Would the Joshua Tree been as popular as it was in 1987 if Bono decided to keep his mullet throughout the tour?
david said:
Would the Joshua Tree been as popular as it was in 1987 if Bono decided to keep his mullet throughout the tour?

this question is both absurd and thought-provking at the same time.

well done david...
david said:
Would the Joshua Tree been as popular as it was in 1987 if Bono decided to keep his mullet throughout the tour?

It would have been MORE popular. The mullet ruled.
Hi I'm Casey Casum... you just heard We Three's 1987 smash hit "Where The Feet Have No Pain" off of their landmark album "The Log Of Wood." Man, I just love how Al hits those high notes... and man... that Bob sure can play a mean guitar.
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Ha ha ha!

Another one for you..."Where the Sheets have no Stains"

HA! I thank you...feel free to use that one of mine in civilised conversation ;)
Bonochick said:
Well, I never thought much of the name Larry until I discovered a certain drummer. :wink:

:yes: I would have been like Larry? What a dumb name!!! But then along came Larry Mullen Jr. :combust: :drool: What a beautiful name it is
Paul Hewson, Bono Vox, Paul Vox, Bono, MacPhisto, Al....... a rose by any other name would be as sweet.

(For those of you not hip to Shakespeare quotes: H*ll yeah, he'd be as popular with me if his name were Al... or George... or Fred... or....or....Rumpelstilskin!!!!) :tongue:
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