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Dec 27, 2003
What is the rarest or most expensive/special you have that is U2 related? Whether it be a pic with one of the band mates or an autograph you got in an unexpected circumstance.

Just thought I would throw that out there. :wink:
MAN! that's awesome? how do they sound? music different or the same?
I do have some rare bootlegs, but they are just rare cuz they aren't traded. But, my best, favorite, rarest thing I own is something no one else could possibly own, and it's my memory of kissing Bono in Boston. I'll always have that and it's worth more than all my other U2 stuff combined. :)

And Michael, what you have is very rare indeed, but is it your most prized possession of theirs?

Interesting question, by the way. I'll be interested to see where this goes.
A kiss is definately rare! Was that at the Boston concert where they shot the DVD?
Meeting Bono twice was awesome, and being one of the first to hear American Prayer, sitting in the first row, was amazing (even though some people hate that song, it made a lot of people cry...)

As for actual items, I'm not a big collector and all my bootlegs are just CD-R copies or mp3 concerts, but I do have an UABRS t-shirt from 1983/4ish, size small. I love it b/c it fits! All the t-shirts on eBay are too big, but it fits great, and yes I wear it all the time. I don't believe in collecting good stuff and just keeping it packaged forever, that's no fun. I'm not sure if it's rare, but I've never seen it before and at the big bash in Cleveland, a guy offered to buy it for "any price" I'd name. I also have a Rattle & Hum CD that looks different than everyone else's and I still haven't figured out why. My aunt bought it used from eBay so I don't know what country it came from.
I have the Achtung Baby car tool kit which is quite cool. My father got it from a contact within Island Records and I think it's pretty rare.

I've also got some Zoo Ecus from Bon's dressing room, the currency Bono threw around on the Zooropa tour.
I don't have anything rare ... or at least U2 (which disappoints me, but oh well). If we're talking cricket or rugby union I might have a few things ...
2 pairs of Larry's sticks, used at the Clemson 97 show and the 5-15-01 Chicago show. 2 Edge picks used at the Detroit 97 show and the 5-15-01 Chicago show. Those are probebly my favorite collectables other than my bootlegs of course.
To Lynne:

that is my rarest u2 thing, my most prized possesion(s) are probably the memories, holding bono's hand during uteotw 5/15/01, helping make the sign that got the girl up on stage during wild honey 11/19/01, freezing my ass off in line in chicago then not caring one bit once the concert started. Being able to capture on film a friend(Courtney 11/12/01) playing people get ready with the band, oh and Julie too(11/18/01) and lest i forget(well i forgot her name) the girl that got on stage for I shall be released 11/23/01 in phoenix.

I have been to over 150 concerts since my last U2 show and i cant say that any of them compared to any of the U2 shows.
I love that video of Courtney (and so does she! She just loves to talk about that moment as I'm sure you know) and of Julie too. I was at the Vegas show and I just loved it when she got on stage. It was so cute with her and her flip flops and then Bono changing the words to the song. That is my favorite part of that Las Vegas video.
on the IEM for vegas you can hear the conversation that takes place between Julie and bono much more clearly than on the audience recodings, it is interesting to hear her talking.

It is funny how different people are, to this day Courtney has not viewed the video footage of her playing with the band. Julie saw it about 48 hours after.

did you ever see the VH1 Special 'A night with' that featured Julie? it was a short lived series on VH1 but one of the segments was about Julie's night in Vegas, they used footage from all 3 of the 'bootleg' videos that were shot at that show, that was another one of my proudest moments, footage i shot was aired on national TV!
What? I'm pretty sure Captive has watched that video. I could have sworn she has talked about it. Jeez, I will have to ask her about it specifically. But, she's traveling right now, I believe. (I'm a terrible online friend to her!)

And yes, I saw Julie on that special (when it finally aired!). We actually have a friend in common (or used to, I just realized I haven't talked to him in a bit).
Exit is in Bosnia and Austria right now playing for the troops, i got an email from Susan yesterday, they borrowed a cam so they could film some of the gigs over there. As far as i know Cap has never watch the video but she has listened to the audio boot.

Keeping on Topic: i have an edge guitar pic and a few pix of me taken in the heart with bono in the back ground

who is the friend in common?
Yep, I've been reading her (Captive's) journal. She's having a fun, but tiring time.

Julie and I had a friend in common. He's off at college right now, but we used to talk a bit during the Elevation tour (I can't remember his real name, he always signed as Dragon Doll). He asked me to get her a copy of the LV boot after I got it. I think you sent her the tape. At least that is what I was told.

I wish I had a picture of Bono and me. We ran into him several times in Boston and never once thought of taking an individual picture. Stupid us!
I think my Joshua Tree ticket stub is probly my most prized possesion.. and the concert on CD to go with it :)
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