Window---Standalone Single or Album Material?

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Window in the Skies had better be....

  • thrown onto the next studio album as fast as possible!

    Votes: 22 23.2%
  • left alone on U2:18 and only U2:18!

    Votes: 73 76.8%

  • Total voters


Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Jan 31, 2005
WITS is great stuff. Is it album material, or best left as a standalone single? And if it goes on an album, what would that album sound like (I'm thinking 'awesome' :wink: )?
I think it should be left alone on U218. Why have an already released song on the new album?
Since I'm answerin to my med mate utoo , listen for the future MAY GOD WANT surgeon J_NP :

Put the song on the Album , make it the 13th track hidden

And ............

This is a Singles Best of right ? So leave it like that as the Sgl Vers , in the album put it with guitar only on chorus , Piano all way the song , like 400

It's fluffy and forgettable, like a track hastily recorded and thrown onto a Christmas compilation. Same with "Saints".........U2's been, in the past, an exception. I'd easily put "Sweetest Thing", "Electrical Storm" and "Hands" in my Top 50 list.

But this compilation smells like a totally needless cash cow and the new tracks aren't really worth our money. Whatever though, I'm getting a bonus Milan DVD along with a separate release of classic videos, many appearing for the first time ever on DVD. So, there's plenty to still be excited about. :wink:
WITS is most definitely album material. It is a great ballad. IMO U2 have made a mistake releasing it on a best of. WITS beats any song on HTDAAB.
look i really like the song, but i don't get the fascination with some people on putting already released material on to new studio albums. it just doesn't make any sense to me. this has already been released... that's it.
If the question is: is the song good enough that it should have been kept for the next album instead of going on U218? I would say good enough for an album most definately, but at the same time it IS the perfect song to add on a compilation, because it is poppy and will probably get some attention for U218, which is the whole point. Also, if they want to take a less-poopy direction for the next album, it's better if this one is on U218.

But obviously now that it's on the compilation that would be really silly to put it on the next album. It's out already!
WITS is a good song and I think is perfect on a "Best Of" type of release, just as "Electrical Storm" (and "Hands..." although I often view that as part of a soundtrack) and the remake of "Sweetest Thing" was. That is, it's not that great of a song that it could launch an album - say the way "Pride", "With or Without You", "Beautiful Day" and "Vertigo" did. Those four songs leapt out and grabbed you and made you pay attention to the upcoming album. WITS doesn't have that type of power. At absolute best, it might be a good second single from the album, but not an opener. Much like "Electrical Storm" or even "Hold Me..." it seems to be a nice one-off song that might not belong on an album. It's a chance for U2 to experiment with their new producer, while not committing to any specific sound just yet. It's position on "U218" is ideal.
As Bono indicates, there is nothing wrong with "good pop songs". I think this is a good example of that - it sticks in your head, has a nice melody.

I think it will either become a U2 classic, or a total flop. At least it doesn't copy anything from their past.
oceane said:
If the question is: is the song good enough that it should have been kept for the next album instead of going on U218? I would say good enough for an album most definately, but at the same time it IS the perfect song to add on a compilation, because it is poppy and will probably get some attention for U218, which is the whole point. Also, if they want to take a less-poopy direction for the next album, it's better if this one is on U218.

But obviously now that it's on the compilation that would be really silly to put it on the next album. It's out already!

Exactly. It's good enough to be on a proper album, sure, but it'd be stupid to actually put it on one since it's already out. It'd be viewed as a cop-out since it'd mean the new album would have one song that wasn't actually new.

I hope 402 and 404 make it on an album though...400 sounds so much better than the beach clip, I'd love to hear those, both of which I liked much more than 400
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