Why is living together still so taboo??

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I Serve Larry's Stick
Feb 5, 2001
Rocky Mountains

I think there was another thread on this someplace, but I didn't look very hard to find it. It just seems like in the 00's that this shouldn't be such a big deal. Being raised Catholic, I can see where religious beliefs might come into play, but still. I think a commitment is a commitment with or without a marriage certificate. Am I just some kind of heathen or what? :shifty:
I guess it depends on the group of people you are around. To me it's not taboo, so that's what I go with.

"Making it legal" though does have various legal protections and financial advantages, so it makes sense for those who either believe in it or don't care either way.
I don't follow what you mean.


Well, there will never be any questions about living together in my life. There won't be much time apart :macdevil:
Indra, that's very true. I can always hear my family cringe when they talk about things like that. Very staunch Catholics. Catholicism has never much been to my liking.

For Honor. Taboo as in very unacceptable. I'm speaking in the context of a couple in a relationship. I think that's what you were asking. ;)
I know what the word means.... but I don't understand what is "taboo" about moving in.

That's what I was questioning.
But I guess it's just my kind of logic that makes me say such a thing
I don't see anything wrong about it, but it seems like there are still strong feelings against it. Maybe that's based on my background and family more than anything, but it just seems odd to me that this can still be so much of an issue.
I don't have a problem with it but my parents do...in their minds a couple living together means nothing but premarital sex, but in my mind its a good way for a couple to see if they are compatible living together before they get married.
Actually, here it isn't taboo anymore. All the married couples I know were living together before they got married! I think most people would think it strange if couples got married and THEN moved in together, wouldn't they?!
OceanGirl said:
Actually, here it isn't taboo anymore. All the married couples I know were living together before they got married! I think most people would think it strange if couples got married and THEN moved in together, wouldn't they?!

I remember waaaayyy back in the early 80's a professor of mine who said "I don't tell this to my kids, but you wouldn't buy a car without test driving it, would you? And you're not planning on keeping the car more than a few years either."

That always made me laugh. But, hey, it is true! :laugh:
When I first mentioned to my parents that my boyfriend was moving in with me, my mom was all for it. My dad on the other hand is so old school he didn't really like it at all at first. But once he got to know my boyfriend, he had no problems. They get along really well now! :)

Oh and my dad is an old school catholic btw.
My boyfriend's been doing one of those "I want to live with you!" "no I don't!" "yes I do!" "nevermind!" things for about 2.5 years now. The only comprehensible reason I can get out of him for not wanting to is that his parents wouldn't approve... he's back on "yes I do!" now, set for later this year, and if he pulls that "nevermind!" crap again this time I think that might be it for him.
I personally don't understand what the big deal is. If you're in a committed relationship, and you're over at the other person's house all the time anyway, why keep shuttling back and forth? It's a matter of convenience, to me.

As for my parents, I doubt my dad would approve, but oh well. Whereas my mom has been living with a (wonderful) man for the last four years and has no problem with it.
The idea of "taboo" is really a matter of "who finds it unacceptable?"

The answer will depend on who you ask whether in person or in prayer.
:confused: It isn't taboo anymore, as far as my family, my friends, and my circle of acquaintences go. :shrug: I didn't realize there are still people out there who still think in those terms.
It's not taboo for me, it would be for my community and my fiance's family though. To me it's not a premarrital sex issue, b/c we've been sleeping at each others houses and sharing tents for camping trips for three years now and if premarrital sex was going to happen, it would've happened already. Our lives would be a LOT easier and less stressful in terms of transportation and finances if we didn't have to live in seperate houses and pay seperate rents. Luckily, we've reached a compromise between my practicality and the traditionalist attitudes of others, so he's living with my parents instead :)

The only reason I'd worry about unmarried couples living together would be legal/property issues.
Originally posted byLivLuvAndBootlegMusic
Luckily, we've reached a compromise between my practicality and the traditionalist attitudes of others, so he's living with my parents instead
With your parents! Now there's a twist! That idea startles me so much it almost seems funny, it is very cool however :up: .

I've read that in some Amish communities it's a ritual of sorts for a "courting" couple to be given time alone in the bedroom...with the lights turned off...but with a board dividing the two halves of the bed! Not a solution to everyone's taste, but it is an interesting way of balancing the competing values of "waiting" on the one hand, and on the other the value of getting a foretaste of what private, intimate conversations with your partner which don't invove sex are going to be like (they're supposed to be discussing "serious" issues--children, household, money plans, other life goals, etc. during this time). Which after all, in the long run, that is indeed what most of your private, intimate conversations will wind up being like--not sexy, not flirtatious, not starry-eyed Ooohh-isn't-it-sweet,-we-both-like-reggae-and-antique-lamps! kind of stuff.

While I think there is much logic to the "test drive" idea, I have never had the impression that living together really has that effect for many (I don't say all) couples who do it and then later get married, because what often winds up happening is that they don't really make that psychological shift to seeing their futures as irrevocably intertwined until they get married. It makes a big difference. I think in the long run, a shared commitment to making a household work, and a shared vision of what that household should be like--no matter what outside twists and turns life takes you through--is more important than whether or not you have prior experience in merely living under the same roof with that person.
U2democrat said:
I don't have a problem with it but my parents do...in their minds a couple living together means nothing but premarital sex, but in my mind its a good way for a couple to see if they are compatible living together before they get married.
I think this pretty much sums up what the usual nature of the divide is. Also, as you've probably already noted to your irritation :wink: , parents of girls tend to feel more strongly about this, because in particular they worry that the guy is interested in "nothing but premarital sex," and thus all their daughter's well-meaning plans to learn about other kinds of compatibility will come to naught.
Mr. Catlady and I lived together before we got married. I am four years older than he is and he was still in college when we met. After he graduated he lived at home for about six months and then he moved in with me (and four of my girlfriends---all of his friends were like, "dude that is so cool" and he was like, "dude, it's really not, someone is always PMS-ing!")

Anyhow his parents had a huge problem with it when we first brought the idea up...there is a lot of famly history that would make this post way too long but suffice it to say Joe's dad is not one who has ever understood that his children were individuals...with all of them has tried to force them into the mold of what he wanted rather than what would be good for them. As a result, he only has a working relationship with one kid out of five.

Anyhow we had to have a really candid conversation with one another about whether we were, as two adults, going to live our lives as we saw fit, or organize our lives around what his parents (mostly his dad) wanted.

Nine years later we are still very very happy...although a total disappointment to his dad. After "bringing shame upon the family" by living together before we got married, we then went on to commit the cardinal sins of having successful careers, a great social life, a nice home, the opportunity for travel, as well as a conscious choice not to have kids, hence the disappointment. He says we "owe" him grandchildren.

Ok, enough ranting.

:) Happiness is the best revenge.
I lived with husband 4 years before we got married:up: highly recommended! In my opnion its the only way to do it......you wouldn't make any other huge purchases in life without trying it out first would you? But thats just me.
U2democrat said:
I don't have a problem with it but my parents do...in their minds a couple living together means nothing but premarital sex, but in my mind its a good way for a couple to see if they are compatible living together before they get married.

How many couples do you know who are living together and not having sex?

For the record, I don't see that it's taboo at all in the mainstream society. It might be family to family but even then I think people are much more adaptable today than before. As far as I'm concerned - live together, don't live together, marry, never marry, it's all the same to me.
yolland said:

With your parents! Now there's a twist! That idea startles me so much it almost seems funny, it is very cool however :up: .

Yeah, well, it goes something like this: his lease is up in April and no one is sticking around, so he can't sublet at that house. My lease is up in May, but I am sticking around to sublet for the summer. My little bro moved out and is probably going to buy or build a house when his lease is up. I can't move home b/c I have two cats and I'm NOT giving them up! So, it made sense for Phil to be moving in w/ my parents since they've got the extra room and he really needs a cheap place. They said Phil doesn't have to pay them rent, but I think he might get them Comcast cable, since my family has never had cable, so my dad and little sis will be cool with that. My mom thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, so I think it'll be just fine :D

There is no way on God's green earth that Phil AND I would live together with my parents!!! :yikes:
Im all for living together before being married. At one point in time my mom was really against it. But after all of my older siblings have done it than she's pretty much accepted it,lol. Of the 4 that did this 3 of them are now married to the ones they were living with.

As for me Im moving in with my bf this year. His parent's aren't aware of this yet and they are rather old school. However his youngest brother and gf are living in their house together right now. So see no problem when our plans get announced. My theory is if you want to do it than do it! Times have changed a lot since our parent's were young. Even my grandmother who is 80 is ok with living together before marriage.
VintagePunk said:
:confused: It isn't taboo anymore, as far as my family, my friends, and my circle of acquaintences go. :shrug: I didn't realize there are still people out there who still think in those terms.

Oh yea? My girlfriend from high school (1989-1991) Just got married 2 years ago, at the age of 30, was still living at home with her parents and younger brother (by 2 years,who btw is Still living at home) and didn't move into her new home until she was officially "a wife"!! Plus, she was still :giggle: a virgin!
She's Portugese, Catholic (but Not a reg. church goer) and said she just wouldn't be able to respect herself if she'd done anything before marriage:rolleyes:
My mom is fine with people living together, my dad didn't care one way or the other and I'm fine with it if my kids want to live with someone. The only person in my family who is stongly against living together before marriage is my grandmother. And for a tiny little 80 pound woman, she can put on the pressure, let me tell you :yikes:

I lived with Mr. BAW for 7 YEARS before we finally made it legal and it drove her crazy all 7 of those years! She would introduce Rick to people as "Char's friend" despite the fact that we owned a house and a business together and were raising our kids together. She loved him to death but until he made an honest woman of me, she considered him my "friend" and the only thing that would change that was a marriage license.

When we finally told her we were getting married, she squealed like a teenager and showed up for Thanksgiving with champagne flutes and a bottle of champagne! :lmao:
4EVRU2 said:

Oh yea? My girlfriend from high school (1989-1991) Just got married 2 years ago, at the age of 30, was still living at home with her parents and younger brother (by 2 years,who btw is Still living at home) and didn't move into her new home until she was officially "a wife"!! Plus, she was still :giggle: a virgin!
She's Portugese, Catholic (but Not a reg. church goer) and said she just wouldn't be able to respect herself if she'd done anything before marriage:rolleyes:

Oh, I think it's totally fine when people choose the more traditional route. In fact, my former spouse and I lived separately, with our respective parents until we were married (mind you, we got married kind of young :yikes: ). In retrospect though, it probably would have been better for us to live together first.

But, marrying as opposed to living together was completely our choice, no pressure whatsoever from either family, and these are people who are conservative in many other ways, just not the living together before marriage thing. :shrug: In fact, even the clergyman (an Anglican minister) who officiated at our wedding was surprised to learn during our premarital meetings, that we weren't living together, nor had either of us lived with any other member of the opposite sex before.
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