Why Is It the U2 "Fan" thinks that they are entitled to-

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Okay, I'm confused. I've been reading this post because it's been a great read.

But, I never noticed any fans pulling a "sit-in" on the DVD!!! Am I blind or something??
Where can you see this, I think it would be funny to see!

The reason I think it's funny is cuz, let's face it, I've seen U2 only 3 times on this tour, 3 FRICKEN times and every time they were no bigger than a bunch of peanuts!
And it was like that for me on the Popmart tour and the ZooTV tour. I planned to get GA tix but when I ordered them thru Ticket master I got behind the stage instead. Even

So, my thing is this, those... let's call them "protesters"..sat down during the show. They actually sat down in anger and tears instead of enjoying the show????? Oh wait, right I forgot-They were the first in line for EVERY Elevation show. No wonder they didn't even have to stand and watch, they were probably sick of the shows.

I could understand what some people are saying in this post about being cheated especially if you camp out all day long in the cold, blah blah. But what about everyone else who couldn't get a chance to be close because of those camping out?

This is most definetly a dead-end subject. I just wanted to add my 2 pennies.

What are we going to do now It's all been said,
No new ideas in the house and Every book has been read....
Blue Room, BostonAnne, and oliveu2 - I also can't imagine being angry and sitting down during a U2 show! Mentioning it to Bono seems reasonable (though I also would not waste my 3 minutes on such a complaint). I do agree that "bawling" or persevering on the point is excessive, and may reflect some degree of immaturity.

But I don't think that the act of organized peaceful protest (and a successful one at that) should be considered spoiled.
Originally posted by u2loopy:
Oh wait, right I forgot-They were the first in line for EVERY Elevation show. No wonder they didn't even have to stand and watch, they were probably sick of the shows.

That's exacly right. If you look at the e-mail that Stormy posted, the girl said that they wouldn't have even gone to Boston if they had known this would happen. That's right, they didn't even want to be at the show if they weren't one of the first 50 people in. I guess I can understand why they didn't mind sitting down then.
Olive- I didn't mean to take your good exp. and make you look spoiled- no way, I went to several shows and had good experiences. I was only saying that it DOES make a difference how close to the band you are, and to some it matters more than others. I brought that up to Diamondbruno too. It's a fact, the closer you are, the better your chance at a special moment. That's why we want to reach them so bad.

It's like U2Utah said, just because you and most of the others say they were 'just happy to be there' or that they wouldn't have gotten upset doesn't mean those others are bad because they did. We all feel things differently.
Originally posted by Diamond The U2 Patriot:
Diemen- My sediments exactly.
Thank you.
btw -You could of look for me and JesseU2 at LA3.


We could've, but we didn't have time. Peaseblossom and I got there about 10-15 minutes before No Doubt took the stage for LA3 - we were seated behind the stage. I kept on expecting some big guy to come through the GA line at LA1 though
Zooropamanda - I completely disagree with your response to "Did those people have the right to sit down and ruin everyone else's experience?" YES, they damn well do have the right to sit down (unless someone knows of some GA rules that say you can't sit). I think its ridiculous to let their sitting ruin your U2 experience. Other fans have no obligation whatsoever to smile, stand, or be happy to help you (or any other fan) enjoy your experience. Frankly, short of getting knocked on the head, there's very little that could prevent me from enjoying a U2 show.

And Diemen, I think $45 per show is plenty grateful for many fans. As fans (and believe me I love them as much as you do), we owe U2 NOTHING. For our money, U2 owes us only a little: fair treatment and a good-faith effort at playing a good show.

But beyond this minimum requirement, if U2 wants to enjoy and benefit from a fantastic relationship with fans, they need to abide by a fair system. If they change to an unfair system (as perceived by fans) on a whim, they may sacrifice the benefits of such as relationship (i.e. ecstatic-appearing fans who enhance the concert and the DVD). U2 broke their end of the (unstated) social contract on June 6.
U2 broke nothing that day. There were no rules or contract. Again, show me where it says "row1 seat 1" on the tickets. And secondly, 95% or more of the concert lines were organized by the fans ASSUMING this is how the GA line experience works. They found out the hard way they were not in charge.

Life isn't fair sometimes, those people dealt with it the way they felt best....which unfortunately, 99.9% of other U2 fans didn't agree with.

it was a great show, too bad they blew it.
Originally posted by BEAL:
U2 broke nothing that day. There were no rules or contract. Again, show me where it says "row1 seat 1" on the tickets. And secondly, 95% or more of the concert lines were organized by the fans ASSUMING this is how the GA line experience works. They found out the hard way they were not in charge.

Life isn't fair sometimes, those people dealt with it the way they felt best....which unfortunately, 99.9% of other U2 fans didn't agree with.

it was a great show, too bad they blew it.

well, i think the main problem in boston- why the fans "protested"- is because they were *lied to* by U2 staff members. they were told by U2 (not venue) security that those selected to go in early were not going to stay there- that they would be coming back outside to the line. the contract that sv was referring to, i think (please correct me if i'm wrong, sv!!!), was the one that implies *mutual respect* between the band and the fans. because the band did not respect the fans that day (in their opinion, at least) by lying to them, they felt that they had a right to, in turn, "protest" the breaking of this implied contract.

at least that's how i personally interpret the "protest". but i could be wrong...

i think it's easy for everyone to say on a message board, a year after the event, that they would NEVER do such a thing as the protesters in boston, etc. etc.
but i don't think you'd really know how you'd react unless you were actually in that situation (being told things that weren't true by people associated with the band, etc.). in hindsight, yeah, perhaps they acted rashly... but no one is perfect, right?

anyway, i don't really know what to think of the whole boston situation, even almost a year after it happened. i've talked to people who were there, who talked to U2 staff and to bono.... the whole thing is just weird.

but i think it's pretty telling that after june 6th, the GA lines were never messed with again.
Originally posted by Spiral_Staircase:
Wow. I had always been under the impression that the dvd production people had pulled more "film-worthy" people to look pretty for the camera.
and you probably were right

Shake it, shake it, shake it
Originally posted by Salome:
Originally posted by Spiral_Staircase:
Wow. I had always been under the impression that the dvd production people had pulled more "film-worthy" people to look pretty for the camera.
and you probably were right

hmmmmm, i tend to disagree with this. the girls who were at the front of the line, and who posted the message about talking to bono after the concert, are *very* pretty- i don't think you can get much more "film-worthy" than they are!
Well, you have a point to say that I wasn't there, so I don't know how I would react.

But I've had similar experiences where I've been lied to, had others selected instead of me.....important things like job interviews, but I consider myself a mature person when it comes to handling crap in life.

I'm pretty confident that I would not have cried, or sat down, or face away from Bono during the show. This was not the first concert for a lot of people...so they really can't say that they were denied an experience unlike one every before.

These people were greedy. all they wanted was to be close to bono and touch him. not that there's anything wrong with that...but i guess it is a concert, and I always assumed the music mattered the most....guess not.

anyway, it's unfortunate that it happened. I would have been pissed off....but I still would have gotten in the heart and you can always move around in there.

face it, they made a choice, and it didn't work out the way they wanted.

I think u2 saw this and probably didn't do it again just on the fact that a few out of a whole bunch over-reacted.

When you say "there were no rules or contract", I think my posts have made quite clear the unstated social contract to which I refer.

In reference to "they blew it": actually I think U2 blew it. I agree that life isn't fair and sometimes you just have to deal with it. And I think it's very fair that U2 had to deal with a) an imperfect DVD (though that didn't prove important); and b) a very weak NBA halftime telecast of "Elevation" in the opinion of most people I've heard (with many saying the crowd didn't look too enthusiastic). The shame is that if U2 had been fair to the fans that day, their telecast, which went to millions of people, would probably have been better. While U2 is unlikely to starve as a result, they might have sold a few more records, etc.

I think this discussion is influenced quite a bit by the pro-U2 nature of Interference participants. Perhaps I'm wrong, but if the exact same thing had happened to fans of another band or another similar situation (grocery store, whatever), I think many people would sympathize a bit more with the fans.

Also, let's remember that the heart-sitters were representing not just themselves (who did make it into the heart) but also 50 (or whatever) people that SHOULD have gotten into the heart but DIDN'T. This may include someone who waited in line all day and ended up with a 7 foot giant in front of them outside the heart. Those people didn't have any chance to protest because they were too far away. So I'm glad someone did (although I agree it would be a shame if they didn't enjoy the show as a result).
I just don't buy into your theory. I'll blame U2 when they screw up, but I just don't see this as being something that was just so damn important. I don't think this has anything to do with being Pro-U2.

It is a shame that these people got cut in line, but how fair is it to other people that the SAME people were always getting the "best" spots in the heart? Maybe U2 or security or whoever(still could have been a dvd producers idea to have select people in front) tried to balance things out a little.

I think it was Zoomandas post that said she saw the same people in the front the first night, then after that concert, went right back to the line to grab the same spots.

Now I understand that there is nothing saying they can't do that, but it's still not giving others a fair chance. It is an obvious act of greed.

I think if U2 was behind this, their reason was to get some fresh faces up there. There is nothing wrong with that. It is their concert and they are free to do what they want.

I have nothing against those that sat down except a disagreement with what they did. it's nothing personal, but they got plenty of chances to see their "heros" up front. Not having that opportunity ONE time isn't going to kill them, and didn't.

I thought the situation sounded bad when I initially heard the story, but when more details came out, I agreed more with the band.

As far as the tame audience goes, I don't think that had anything to do with the sit-down. I've read a lot of posts on here from Euro fans that attended american concerts that said they(u.s fans) don't have the same reactions as the euros. nothing wrong with that. when I go to a concert, I don't scream and jump up and down all the time, I like to stand back and soak it all in....there are plenty others who do the same.

it's a great dvd despite what happened, although I wish they wouldn't have cut so many different shots of the band. a little more focus on one person woudl have been nice.
U2utah is very confused

Yesterday while I was reading this thread I learned that the fans at the front of the line in Boston had no reasonable expectation that would be first into the building just because they were first in line. After all their tickets did not say ?first row? and there was nothing written or posted saying that the first person in line got to go in first. Also, the fact that all prior shows had been first come first served (with the exception of a few debacles brought on by brain dead security at arenas) gave them no reason to expect this line to work that way that day, and no right to be upset when other people were taken in first.

Hmmmmm. So, just because there was this long line that had been forming all day in Boston, the people at the front were foolish to assume they would be let in first. I thought this over and was dumbfounded. It appeared that I had been waiting in lines all these many year and, come to find out, this was completely unnecessary!

Armed with my newfound knowledge I went shopping at my local supermarket. I looked high and low and found no signs or written material of any kind that said one had to wait in line in the order you arrived at the checkout stand. Aha! I thought. I will simply go up to the front of this very long line. At first I was discouraged because the people close to the front wouldn?t let me in. Then I remembered that, based on the situation in Boston, it?s okay to lie about your intentions so as to not upset the folks in line. So I said ?excuse me, I would like to get one of the magazines up by the register.? Lo and behold, they let me in through. Victory!

Then, a funny thing happened, people behind me got very angry. I was glared at and rudely told to get to the back of the line. I informed them that there were no signs that said that the first person in line got to go first, it wasn?t written anywhere. That didn't help. The cashier got into the action next and told me I had to go back. I tried to point out that the first person in line appeared to be of questionable character and, besides, she had 11 items when this was clearly marked as an express aisle with a 10 item limit. I only had 3 items and was clearly a much nicer person, so shouldn?t I go first? It just got worse from there with a near riot breaking out before a manager was called.

I explained to him about the lack of written instructions, to which he said, ?Written instructions? Are you nuts?? And he threw me out on my caboose

Where did I go wrong? :confused;

Just giving y'all a hard time.


This discussion is so interesting. I truly am dumbfounded.

Yes, some of the people at the front of the line probably were obnoxious, and I completely agree that after people have been at the front of the heart and had their ?Bono contact? it is selfish to continue to take that spot night after night.


I would be completely satisfied with a random way of choosing who got into the heart


If there is a line, it is a cultural expectation that a line will be honored unless otherwise stated regardless of the relative ?niceness? of the people in line. So if they want to make a change it needs to be made clear when people start lining up, not after the line has been in place for 12 hours.

Choosing people (for any reason) from a line always leads to bad feelings and should never be done.

If you have to lie to avoid a riot, chances are whatever you are doing is not a good idea.

(It is, BTW common practice, when filming, to fill the more prominant spots with the preferred demographic. It was done by MuchMusic for that interview as well, but that's different since it was obviously a TV show and no one paid to get in.)

Have a great weekend folks
Originally posted by BEAL:

I think if U2 was behind this, their reason was to get some fresh faces up there. There is nothing wrong with that. It is their concert and they are free to do what they want.

yes, of course U2 are free to do what they want at their concerts. BUT they risk jeopardizing their relationship with the fans by doing certain things. this is what happened in boston. U2's camp pissed off a number of fans with the GA line situation, and the fans then reacted in a certain way.

even though U2 is free to do what they want at their concerts, the fans are also free to do what they want. remember, U2 thrive on a positive relationship with their fans- without the fans, U2 would not exist.

(please don't get me wrong- i don't know how i feel about the whole protest. i am not defending how the fans acted that day- i'm not sure if i agree with it. i'm just trying to look at the situation from an unbiased point of view....)

it's important to remember that U2 never screwed with the GA lines again after june 6th. i don't know why- perhaps they were annoyed with the fan reaction in boston, perhaps they were worried that they might piss off more fans by screwing up the lines, or perhaps they realized that they f*cked up on june 6th.

i don't think any of us will ever really know what the band thinks about this whole situation....
Originally posted by sv:

But I don't think that the act of organized peaceful protest (and a successful one at that) should be considered spoiled.[/B]

I don't think this is correct. Nobody is claiming that the people are spoiled because they protested. rather, they are complaining about the reasons for their protest. This is just my perception

I just want to say that, although I wasn't there, I think I would have been ticked off. However, that being said, there are no guarnatees. People are hurt because they had become so accustomed to the process that it became a guaratee of sorts.

But, to sit down at a U2 show is insane!

My 2 cents. I now expect some change.


Peace on Earth.
Originally posted by *Ally*:
yes, of course U2 are free to do what they want at their concerts. BUT they risk jeopardizing their relationship with the fans by doing certain things. this is what happened in boston. U2's camp pissed off a number of fans with the GA line situation, and the fans then reacted in a certain way.

Or more appropriately, overreacted in a certain way. What about the countless other hundreds of people in the GA line who were just as "screwed over" as those who staged the sit-down protest? Why weren't they as pissed off and mad about it and do something about it? Oh yeah, because they were reasonable people. As has been reported before, most of these people in the sit-down protest had seen multiple shows already and had been in the front row for most of them. My suspicion is that they stupidly began to assume that they had a right to that first spot over everyone else - that they were entitled to the spot. So lo and behold, when their darling spots are taken from them, they cry like a 4 year old whose lollipop was taken away. The rest of the people? Yeah, I'd bet they were pissed, but unlike the protestors, they were there for the music, not seat position, and all bad feelings became insignificant when the band came on.

even though U2 is free to do what they want at their concerts, the fans are also free to do what they want. remember, U2 thrive on a positive relationship with their fans- without the fans, U2 would not exist.

This is true, but these overzealous and selfish few should in no way represent the overall U2 fan base. I would wager that the majority of U2 fans would act quite differently if in the same position. I know, I know, I wasn't there, but I absolutely guarantee you that I would NEVER stage a sit-down protest while the concert was going on, that's just utter stupidity and lack of proper reasoning in my view. If I had been to 5-10 other concerts and been in the front row for many of them and was planning on going to several more, I would've been upset that other people got ahead of me, but hey, it's only one concert and I'm still IN THE HEART.

it's important to remember that U2 never screwed with the GA lines again after june 6th. i don't know why- perhaps they were annoyed with the fan reaction in boston, perhaps they were worried that they might piss off more fans by screwing up the lines, or perhaps they realized that they f*cked up on june 6th.

It's quite possible the band thinks they fucked up on June 6th. In a way they did. But what is more fucked up is the way these fans reacted to it - irrationally and selfishly. Maybe U2 didn't dare mess with the lines because they wanted to avoid any stupid incidents with self-centered over-reactive fans who take the littlest slight against them as some massive injustice.

One last little side-note - didn't these fans who staged the protest also go to multiple shows after the incident? Talk about following up on their convictions
. Or perhaps they realized how dumb they acted and got over themselves.

One can hope...
Originally posted by Diamond The U2 Patriot:
Is this not you?


Yes it is me; please forgive me--the combination of the long day that I am having with one of the longest forums that I have ever witnessed confused me a little.....

u2utah > great post, as always

I think we can all agree that if we had waited in line all day, let alone all night, with the expectation that being first in line meant first in the heart, any of us would have been heart broken on some level when that didn't happen.

The broken hearted people had every right to express their objection in a sit down protest.

And I still think it served no productive purpose other than to make themselves even more miserable and dampen the spirit of everyone around them. EXCEPT, as has been noted, that this random selection process never happened again. So maybe the band thought about it and realized that it wasn't worth breaking hearts after all.

I was expecting something completely different in this thread.


After the first reply I was disgusted with the thread as the author seemed to claim that certain U2 fans think the band owes them something and this person felt the need to jump on stage and not remain in the heart.

Why was I disgusted? Because many of us who went through great effort and resource just to get one ticket to see ther favorite band live may consider the actions of the author a bit too much to stomach. Yes I understand the desire to see multiple shows, and yes I understand the desire to be able to be in the heart for as many shows as possible, and have the ability to make friends on the tour to hold spots for you, but NO, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND QUESTIONING WHAT OTHER PEOPLE EXPECT OF THE BAND WHEN YOU FIND IT NECESSARY TO JUMP ON A STAGE AND EXPECT THE BAND TO BE OK WITH IT.

I do not know, this thread left a bad taste in my mouth as I was unable to see ANY show from the heart and I had a difficult enough time even getting a ticket. Now that I think about it (and after reading the topic - people holding spots for others, numbers, sit-downs etc.) I look back and find the whole thing absolutely pathetic. I am proud to say I was in the nose bleeds and happy I did not have to involve myself with any of the politics of the heart, line, or whatever.

I do not mean to offend anyone, but I kind of find this whole topic rather offensive.

$.02 X 4 = a whole lot of nothing on this thread.
diemen, i pretty much agree with you. i don't like the whole protest incident, and i tend to think that i would never act that way, either. but at the same time, i'm trying very hard not to judge those who were involved. people do sometimes act rashly in the heat of the moment, and then regret what they did later.... nobody's perfect- not U2, and not U2 fans.

i personally do not know any of the protesters, so i don't know if they went to more shows, or if they regretted their actions, etc.

i wasn't in boston, but i have talked to a couple of people who witnessed the incident. and, a year later, i still don't know what to think about the whole thing... i guess i just think that both the band and the protesters screwed up that day.

but it doesn't make me hate the protesters, and it certainly doesn't make me hate U2!
Originally posted by ouizy:
I do not know, this thread left a bad taste in my mouth as I was unable to see ANY show from the heart and I had a difficult enough time even getting a ticket. Now that I think about it (and after reading the topic - people holding spots for others, numbers, sit-downs etc.) I look back and find the whole thing absolutely pathetic. I am proud to say I was in the nose bleeds and happy I did not have to involve myself with any of the politics of the heart, line, or whatever.

Yeah the whole thing is sort of ridiculous. I am just as guilty I am sure for actually letting people in the GA line annoy me and trying to involve myself in it in general. I went to great lengths to be on the floor, in the heart, just once, and while it was great being closer than I had ever dreamed about, when it was all said and done, I don't think I'd do it again. The way the whole thing made people act was just messed up. It was like everything was forgotten: compassion, understanding, generosity. Everything except this overwhelming desire to get in front, to be first, for things to be fair (and god knows nothing is), giving way to a general disregard of almost everyone and everything else.
Originally posted by Blue Room:
I think if a fan actually believes U2 personally rejected them over that kind of a situation they have more issues going on than not getting front row in the heart.

Blue Room I find myself agreeing with your posts more everyday. And to think we once didn't agree on something...{shrugs trying to remember what it is, most likely the "static setlist" argument}

But I'd like to take this comment one step further and indicate there's similar deeper issues for anyone who needs to TOUCH the band and make eye contact in order to enjoy the show. Ugh. Talk to me about eye contact when I was in the nosebleeds the night of the alleged Beautiful People incident. I woulda given the whiners my seat for their "unchoice" spot in the heart if they were that unhappy with it.

Back to lurking during the tour off-season...
U2Utah- Excellent analogy, good example, right on!

*Ally*- YES! I agree, I do think the LYING was the main thing, the deceit, the insensitivity. That's what bothers me more than anything. Recently some of the European fans felt that way about the 'cancelled' tour, since it was not official but was planned, they feel they were lied to when told there never was going to be a tour. If they can't make it, we understand, but admit it and tell the truth, don't deny it. Those are the only two incidents in 25 years of U2, and hopefully they will be the only ones. As you also stated, it is interesting that no lines were ever messed with the rest of the tour, which means they knew something had been wrong.

Oh, but *Ally* I do seem to remember some reports of the fall leg NJ show line being split up because someone noticed the same faces that had been in line at all the MSG shows and that one and wanted to 'give others a chance' but some people who had only gone to the Meadowlands show were upset it was taken out on them. Living up there, did you hear anything about that?

[This message has been edited by *Stormy* (edited 03-29-2002).]
Hello there all.

As you can see, I'm not too fond of posting, but after reading this thread, for once
I felt like posting and giving my own two cents worth, if anyone is interested.

First, I feel that before I say anything I have to say a little about myself and my view of elitist fans. The last thing I wish to do is to start a name calling thread with anyone, or to name names and give a multitude of stories. I went to 12 shows last year, 10 in the heart. I am not a 'spoilet brat' I am a hard working student who works 30 hours week just barely making ends meet and recovering from spending a huge chunk of my life savings on a band that insipes me greatly.

I was not at the 2nd Boston show, but I did attend the 4th Boston show (hey there Diamond!) and I heard all the various stories about the 'travesty' a couple of nights before. Yes, it bothered me that U2 could mess up a line like that. And although I can understand the protesters decision, I personally wouldn't have done it.

I was at the screwed up Montreal show, I was number 20 in line and was the person who started yelling in English, and then in French about how "U2 are going to pick out people themselves as they drive up in their limos." Plenty of people believed me. I don't feel that these people where irrational, and had subpar intelligence, I just think that everyone was upset at the security and the people that cut in line, and rightfully so.

Did it ruin my show? Not in the slightest, I was in awe that my favorite band was playing the music I loved.

I was also at the Hamilton show that didn't have proper line numbering. I got 'screwed' over there as well. I did make it into the heart though, not the spot I would like, but I still had a beautiful experience.

And yes, I was at the Jersey show, which was madness. The ironic thing was, that people who were at all three MSG shows and had people saving them spots while the slept in hotels still were in the front row. Most people didn't hear about that. Of course, numbers 1 and 2 in line, who weren't at any of the MSG shows didn't make it into the heart.

I feel compelled to come clean here, I had someone hold my spot in line for a few hours once, the messed up Jersey show, while I was in my behind the stage seats for the MSG show the night before. Needless to say, karma caught up with me that one time, and for the remaining 6 shows I went to I never left my spot other than to go to the bathroom or eat. I still feel bad about it, and I know some people will harp on me for it, but I really didn't realize the problem with saving spots intil after that show.

But this now leads me to my point.

There are plenty of people, some of which are in this board, and maybe on this thread who I know went to multiple show (10 or more) went as a group and had people hold their spots while they constantly slept at hotels and took 6 hour breaks.

One person even went to Boston while "waiting in line" for the first Providence show to do an exam. They were gone for 12 hours. So was someone in the first 5 or so people in Jersey, who left for their grandparents birthday for at least 8 hours and then showed up and took their spot.

We had a great thing going with the GA, and a group of people couldn't handle it and ruined the experience for others. Yes I went to a group of show, but beside for that one time, I never left my spot, whether I was waiting 1 night or two nights.

I still bitter over the way certain people acted, and quite frankly, I hope if U2 actaully does bless up with another GA tour, they don't perform their same triks agains.

The bottom line is, when who show up you take your spot and don't leave. Security should respect the order and let everyone in the order they are properly lined up in, but we are only selfish humans, who make mistakes. So accidents happen.

Thanks for listing everybody,

peace and love to all.
Originally posted by Sterculius:
Oh, and I was ranting there, so pease forgive my spelling mistakes and typos...

Thanks all.

You don't post much, so I guess you didn't know- if you notice a mistake in your post, you can click the middle icon at the top of your post (the paper and little pencil one) and you will be able to edit and re-submit your post!

See? I just had to do it!

"I DO go on, don't I?"-Bono, MCI Center, DC, June 14, 2001

[This message has been edited by *Stormy* (edited 03-29-2002).]
Originally posted by *Stormy*:
Oh, but *Ally* I do seem to remember some reports of the fall leg NJ show line being split up because someone noticed the same faces that had been in line at all the MSG shows and that one and wanted to 'give others a chance' but some people who had only gone to the Meadowlands show were upset it was taken out on them. Living up there, did you hear anything about that?

[This message has been edited by *Stormy* (edited 03-29-2002).]

Stormy, I was at the NJ show. From what I can gather from being there and from talking to other ppl at shows afterwards I think it was a genuine security screw up...it was way way to disorganised and chaotic to have been intended. Basically the security guys had been saying all day that they didn't know anything about the fans numbering system and weren't obliged to honour the numbers given.

I queued for about 12 hours that day and failed to get in the heart. I did end up at the tip on the outside which, whilst an excellent spot in theory, it was scary. Very crushed, (and the stupid couple behind me trying their best to push past me for the entire show didn't help) and so noisy I couldn't hear the band half the time.

The other reason, I think it was a genuine security error, was that at the providence shows, the rumour was that the band had made sure that security there knew the fans had their own numbering thing going on and that it was to be honoured. Don't know if thats true but things seemed to run smoothly.

BTW, SheIsRaging...I think it was you behind me at Prov 2 with the camera wasn't it?? U kept accidently hitting me with it
...hope your pics came out a lot better than mine...only 3 from about 50 were any good

Anton I am not!


Being one can be great but respecting differences can be greater. - Bono in Belfast, August 26, 1997

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