Why are MOST U2 fans so loyal and obsessive relative to other bands?

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Self-righteous bullshitter
Aug 2, 2000
Soviet Canuckistan — Socialist paradise
Although sometimes you wouldn't know it from reading some of the posts here—which is good.:wink:

I was reading Canadiens1160's thread about which song "hooked" people onto U2 and some of the stories sounded so familiar.

I like many bands and different types of music, yet no matter what I always come back to U2. I guess I've always wondered about why this is. Every other U2 fan I know is very obsessed with the band: buying their entire back catalogue, listening to albums multiple times in succession, seeing multiple shows, TRAVELING hundreds of miles to see a concert.

I'm probably biased in saying this but, I guess what I'm trying to say, is that relative to other bands I find that U2 fans are the most loyal, die-hard, obessive types out there(which is not to say there aren't these types of fans for other bands).

So why is that? What is it about U2 that brings this out of us? Is it their music, their personalities etc.?
I've noticed that too, though I've also noticed that about the band KISS :uhoh:
I don't know, but sometimes it can get really insufferable. Maybe I'm being insufferable by complaining about what I consider insufferable fans, who knows?
BonoManiac said:

I like many bands and different types of music, yet no matter what I always come back to U2. I guess I've always wondered about why this is. Every other U2 fan I know is very obsessed with the band: buying their entire back catalogue, listening to albums multiple times in succession, seeing multiple shows, TRAVELING hundreds of miles to see a concert.

i really dont think u2 fans are really any different than other big groups. springsteen has his loyal fan base, pearl jam has theirs, rolling stones, i mean the dead heads were craziest of all.

so i dont know, i think every band has their loyal/obssessed fans.
Because U2 have great songs, great history, great 4 people and it is a myth....and they are not done (yet) not old, kind of cool and don't live on their past.
Their songs just go in your head and never get out....I can relate them to life, to certain points of my life, I remember which song I heard for the first time, where and with whom.... it is strange.
every band has its hard core cult following but i truly believe (or would like to believe) u2 fans are a bit special , we tend to care about each other alot more and "pay it forward" do things for each other for the love of the music and the band. and get involved more in the global social justice causes of u2 as well, Amnesty International, greenpeace, One , make poverty history, Africa in general , etc.

as to why ? who knows, i guess its because their music is so special to all our lives, they are awesome people, and they rock.

Re: Re: Why are MOST U2 fans so loyal and obsessive relative to other bands?

Chizip said:

i really dont think u2 fans are really any different than other big groups. springsteen has his loyal fan base, pearl jam has theirs, rolling stones, i mean the dead heads were craziest of all.

so i dont know, i think every band has their loyal/obssessed fans.

Weren't many Phish fans also fairly deadhead-like in their devotion?

I've seen and known a lot of very devoted/loyal/obsessed fans for a variety of groups, from small local bands to mega-bands. I know (casually) one guy who financed his favourite band for several years -- to the tune of three quarters of a million dollars. And lots of people I know collect everything they can find about their favourite bands and/or travel to see them play, etc. I think pretty much any band with fans is going to get really loyal ones.

I think forums such as this expose us to the more rabid fan, so we get a distorted view of what is an "average" fan. My guess is the average fan (of pretty much all bands) will buy the band's newest album when they see it and may consider going to see them in concert if they come to their city. Chances are good they won't stand in line for hours or days for the perfect GA spot, nor will they travel to another state (unless they live very close anyway), region, or country to see a show.
i'm asking for a lynching here but in response to the first post I've noticed that too - but not necessarily in a good a light as everyone else :|
There are certainly diehard fans for any group, but I do think U2 fans make more of an emotional tie with the music. I mean, the U2 songs that really hit you hard, aren't they usually the ones that are the most emotional, whether it be uplifting or spiritual or dark or whatever? U2 fans tend to feel a very personal connection with the music itself, thus being more likely to be more protective and obsessive of the band.
I don't know how protective they are - there's certainly a fair amount of bashing around here (of certain albums, looks, etc.).
Re: Re: Why are MOST U2 fans so loyal and obsessive relative to other bands?

Chizip said:

i really dont think u2 fans are really any different than other big groups. springsteen has his loyal fan base, pearl jam has theirs, rolling stones, i mean the dead heads were craziest of all.

so i dont know, i think every band has their loyal/obssessed fans.
ntalwar said:
Go to forums for other bands and you'll see the same type of fans.

I understand what you're saying but I'm not only refering to people on this board, or any other message board in general.

I'm speaking from personal experience, from friends and people I've met in my life. As an example, I met many fans while waiting in line to buy tickets or to get into GA for a concert. I've asked many, many people and only one or two had ever even heard of Interference let alone other U2 fansites.

It just seems to me that for whatever reason U2 fans are more rabid and devoted about the band than fans for other bands, even though Zootles posted that disturbing video.
BonoManiac said:

I'm speaking from personal experience, from friends and people I've met in my life. As an example, I met many fans while waiting in line to buy tickets or to get into GA for a concert.

Yeah - the GA people are more hard core. I've talked to people at non-U2 shows who also follow their band. I still think the vast majority of all concertgoers see only one show.
^ Whoah is that you on stage? Bad-ass!

Yeah, I agree. U2 is notorious for caring about their fans in ways that other big bands simply do not. A lot of that pre-dates the Internet, too... back in the '80's, before it was easy for any ol' band to set up an online fan club, U2 had Propaganda and advance pre-sales for fan club members. Little things like that. The fans feel the love, and give it back.
U2 have always gone out of their way to be as accessible to the fan base as possible.

Bono early on spent alot of time jumping into the crowd rather than being on stage.. :wink:
yup i noticed it too. thats why i enjoy U2 concerts the most the fans totally rock =D
and i think its a different reason for everybody
personally i love how theyre political and they have a religious side.
and their humor. as people they are amazing as well as being musicians
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