What's your earliest musical memory?

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Dorian Gray

Sep 4, 2001
Nova Scotia
Ok, I know that might be hard to remember, so what was the first song/portion of song that you can recall hearing and liking?
The first band I ever got into was the Beach Boys.

The first music I remember liking were the songs from the "Popeye" movie starring Robin Williams.
I remember hearing Huey Lewis all the time...my mom was obsessed with him. Everytime he came on the radio, she'd scream, "HUEY!!!!!!" When Huey was on tour, my sister and I had to stay at Grandma's house so Mom and Dad could go see a show.

I also remember my sister and I dancing in the garage, singing along to "Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits (Dad was listening to the radio while doing work in the garage). That song came out in '88, so I was 6. That's my earliest specific memory I have.
u2popmofo said:
The first band I ever got into was the Beach Boys.

"Endless Summer" was my first ever record

I think the theme music to "The Magical World of Disney" is the first music I loved
tom paxton, he was this folk singer who at one point started doing children's songs. my idol when i was 4 years old
God, it's either the Beach Boys - Cocomo (from Full House) or my mom playing this "Carmelia" song over and over and over. I have no idea how old I was, but that's what I remember (assuming we don't count musicals...in which case I'd say it was "Do Re Mi" from the Sound of Music...or the Tidy Up song from Kindergarden)
When I was really, really little I had a musical teddy bear. I can't remember for the life of me what tune it played, but I guess that would be my first musical memory. Oh, yeah, and the themes from Sesame Street and the Electric Company.

The first rock and roll tunes I ever listened to were probably by The Beatles. My older brothers were always playing their records or playing Beatles songs on guitar.
U2 - "Where the Streets Have No Name"

I'm not lying either...lol. I was seven at the time.

I have a book I was presented with in 1963 for good attendance at Sunday School. That always puzzles me...what choice did I have when I was two years old?
I was on stage in the end of year Sunday School concert in the "Teddy Bear's Picnic/ It's Busy Day Today" routine , about age 3 and apparently I overacted in the first half and had a bit of a tanty in the second. Unfortunately I remember it.
I can't remember my exact first song, but I know I loved singing Pete Seeger's "Little Boxes" and I LOVED Peter Paul and Mary....I was always hammering out freedom, justice and love between my brothers and my sisters. I loved Go Tell It On the Mountain..all of them really....I'm getting a bit ancient:)
Beach Boys - Cocomo. When I was 5 or 6, I used to go along when my grandpa got lunch for us, which was usually every day, so I got to hear a lot of Beach Boys. A year or so later I became obsessed with ABBA. :tongue:

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