What Would You Do?: An Ethical Hypothetical Concerning NLOTH...

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What Would You Do?

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NEVER do A or B......the band's management would probably think you took it to make copies and were now pretending to be a "good samaritan"......and for that you would take a nice trip down to police headquarters where you would be interrogated for the better part of the day and you might wind up in the slammer...I don't think so
NEVER do A or B......the band's management would probably think you took it to make copies and were now pretending to be a "good samaritan"......and for that you would take a nice trip down to police headquarters where you would be interrogated for the better part of the day and you might wind up in the slammer...I don't think so

on what grounds? they cant lock you up for being a good samaritan.

If they have proof that you stole/leaked the disc and evidence supporting it then....yeah. But if the above scenario took place you could sue the living shit out of the record company and maybe even the cops.
Take it, rip it to my computer or iPod and whatnot, make a new account on Interference and pretend I'm one of the band members (probably The Edge since he's tech smart, though it's been done), and start leaking little 15 second good quality clips of the music to get everyone going crazy and flooding the topic.

Ok I wouldn't actually do that, but the mischief maker in me would love to :love:
have track times been released yet?

it would be funny if someone made a playlist on iTunes of songs that matched the exact times of the album, renamed all the tracks to match, and waited to see if Universal freaked out when the songs started popping up on Last.FM and such.
E I'm a very honest guy, but not that honest...:D I would share it with my 3-4 friends who are also U2 fans and play the thing 20 times in a row for myself!
I'd probably just give it back. I wouldn't want to potentially keep the band from getting millions of dollars just so I could listen to their music a couple weeks early. Honestly, anyone who did that would have to have some pretty messed up priorities.

And the fact that it would be stealing.
have track times been released yet?

it would be funny if someone made a playlist on iTunes of songs that matched the exact times of the album, renamed all the tracks to match, and waited to see if Universal freaked out when the songs started popping up on Last.FM and such.

yes. in the stickied "what we know so far" thread.
I'd listen to it once, or a few times then rightfully return it to the band, hey I would want to be a good person in the bands eyes, wouldn't I? Wouldn't want them to hate me. :wink:
I would do E also, as long as the thing doesn't get leaked everywhere, I think they would be appreciative of that. Is not as if they would care for a copy of the CD.
Imagine this highly unlikely hypothetical scenario:

You have somehow ended up working at one of these places U2 have been having their listening parties at. The morning after one of these listening parties, you are about to use the same soundsystem for something else. You open the CD player, and see that the band forgot to take the disc - the finished new record - with them. NLOTH lies before you, and no one knows it(yet) but you.

What would you do? (And in the interests of full disclosure, I've set the poll to show who voted for what ;) )

A. Figure out how to get in contact with the appropriate people, and return the disc to the band through the proper channels without ever having listened to it.

B. Listen to it once, and then do A.

C. Take it and keep it, but only for yourself - listen to it to your heart's content but don't share it with anyone.

D. Do nothing. Just leave it where it is and let it become someone else's ethical dilemma(although by knowing it's there and not doing anything its already your ethical dilemma).

E. Take it, keep it, physically share it(read: no internet transfer) with a small group of friends that you trust not to give it to anyone else.

F. Take it, keep it, and leak the hell out of it(read: Torrents, limewire, youtube, etc).

F all the way baby!
Maybe rip it on to my PC and then see if I could get U2 to pay off my student loan, else I threaten to leak.

Probably end up in prison with all career prospects thrown down the tube...
A. Figure out how to get in contact with the appropriate people, and return the disc to the band through the proper channels without ever having listened to it.

I don't know any people.

B. Listen to it once, and then do A.

See A.

C. Take it and keep it, but only for yourself - listen to it to your heart's content but don't share it with anyone.

Sharing is caring.

D. Do nothing. Just leave it where it is and let it become someone else's ethical dilemma(although by knowing it's there and not doing anything its already your ethical dilemma).

Fat chance. This is gold, Jerry!

E. Take it, keep it, physically share it (read: no internet transfer) with a small group of friends that you trust not to give it to anyone else.

Don't have any.

F. Take it, keep it, and leak the hell out of it (read: Torrents, limewire, youtube, etc).

Post it once using an alter right here. And where is the leakage already??? :scream:
Well, now that I'm thinking about I thought about this:

Get the cd.
Copy it to my pc.
Go to Bono's house and try to return the cd in person.
Return and tease Interference in a good way, providing some lyrics and descriptions. (I would never leak it.)

Just bumping this thread due to its awesomeness
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