What should I do with my hair?

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ok, one more time....

i look kinda pissed off in this pic. i ran out of lightener to do the sides of my hair. it wasn't easy doing this for the first time

i ended up buying more lightener to do more strands towards the back. it does seem too uneven to me. im not trying to go blonde all over, its just uneven to me.
My grandma harassed me all my life to 'do something with my hair' :rolleyes: which in her opinion was always chop it all off and get a tight perm like hers. I loved her very much, but I always joked off her complaints about my long straight hair, and I'm glad to say I still have it and have never had to grow out any bad haircuts or bad perms.
my hair looks different from the picture i took 2 days ago. i can't smile right now cuz mondays suck. i'll take pictures again tonight or tomorrow morning. you can read about my hair disaster in my journal. i'll post pics of me smiling with my streaked hair soon. its not the same though. but i like it. hope you guys like it too.
firstly...you have a nice grandma
secondly...you have lovely healthy thick hair,it's going to look good whatever you do( well almost, I'm definitely no expert when it comes to hairstyles, but think twice about the mohawk)
I find this thread so interesting/encouraging, thanks.
I heard a discussion on the radio, mentioning someone( PJ Harvey I think) has a spiral perm. Are they coming"back in" in the USA?Whetever happens up there , ends up here eventually.I have the thinnest straighest hair known to mankind, so at the moment in Oz, I'm currently in fashion. My hair can't take a perm or bleaching( I'd LOVE to be blonder)so I'm enjoying the trend while it lasts.But what next?
Geez, that DrWho presents a good argument for spending $$$ on style( interesting about the chemicals too, I just read an appraisal of what is in tattoo inks...ewwwww).
What does daisy think icelle? I find children are so honest and have a natural sense of what is good. My middle son takes an interest in my appearance and will discuss style with me on occassion.
What I really want is one of those face transplant things.

Anyway thanks again, enjoy whatever you do and tell your grandma...U rock!
More encouragement...
I look forward to a particular horoscope each week. It is often so accurate.It sums up cryptically this week by saying,
"Big hair gets a fabulous makeover" If that's not a hint....

plus yesterday, I was cleaning out my wallet( looking for a forgotten $20 note I hoped, but only found moths) and I found the business card of the hairdresser I went to last year. She is so nice. I am taking my g'friend out on Friday night and wanted to look nice.Hub reminded me we need cupboard doors for the kitchen more than I need blonde foils...true...but...

Funny how topics here, often have a relation to ....stuff.
Can i adopt your grandma? please?
Bono is a Taurean too
Maybe it is his "big hair" that is getting the "fabulous makeover"?

I'll have to tell you about my 3rd ever U2 dream I had last week.Bono and Edge were so charming and lo and behold on Sunday, I drove down the very mountain road we were on in the dream. I was amazed in the dream how safe I felt in the car ( Edge was driving) and how safe I felt the other day. Good stuff.
Bono was very sweet and funny in my dream..about the car they were driving he said"best $10 we ever spent eh Edge?"
No limos for me...that's cool.
Peace icelle

dare I say it?

hair peace
ok, here's a pic of me somewhat smiling.

thank you all for your kind words:hug: it means alot to me:)

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