What nurtures your soul?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Aug 21, 2004
We're learning each other's triggers, but what nurtures your soul?
Positive people, motivation, and thought. It takes a lot to tame my restless soul at times.
these all fit for me too....hmmm...is there a chance us fans share many of the same qualities? Only makes sense, don't you think?
angelordevil said:
these all fit for me too....hmmm...is there a chance us fans share many of the same qualities? Only makes sense, don't you think?

i don't think it is as much a matter of us being u2 fans as it is us being humans. as different and as unique as we all are, we are often moved by similar things. we're one, but we're not the same.

we've got to carry each other. :hug:
Thank you all so far. This is exactly what I am looking for. Feel better already.
I'll agree wholeheartedly with music and laughter. Other things for me include optimism, my family, and writing-writing is such a great way to get everything out. And reading would be another one-some of the things I read really inspire me, make me think, help me learn things.

sunlight slanting through leaves.

The sight of the tops of distant hills and mountains, singular and mysterious, fading purple and black against a inky-blue and fuschia sunset.

The laughter of couples and little children, strolling along.

Birdsong, in whatever form..including the cawing of crows, and the tumultous honking of Canadian geese.

Above all, MUSIC, SWEET MUSIC...also in whatever form it takes. The singing of choirs. Tolkien wrote in his fictionalized version of the Creation of the World (from"The Silmarillion", his history of the First Age of the World--LOTR takes place at the end of the Third Age) that the voice that most clearly describes the Divine Music as it was heard in the beginning was the sound of water. In whatever form..the sound of rain falling, the ripple of streams, the flowing of rivers, the crashing of waves. In Tolkien's tales, the world was born from a Divinely played Song.

The sound of Water, for him, was the ultimate Voice of Creation.

In its infinate capacity to soothe, I tend to agree.
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Locked threads. I was entirely too happy when I saw a locked thread in here tonight. :huh:

Yeah, I'm weird. :wink:
indra said:
Locked threads. I was entirely too happy when I saw a locked thread in here tonight. :huh:

Yeah, I'm weird. :wink:
When I saw the thread about the Bono quote "little Lord Jesus..." locked, I got that feeling too, oddly enough. Same thing with the one we had quite some time ago about U2's politics. I go either way when people get banned. On one hand, it's like a monster laid to rest. On another, I'll miss their utter lunacy and just have to dream of what could've been.
Macfistowannabe said:
When I saw the thread about the Bono quote "little Lord Jesus..." locked, I got that feeling too, oddly enough. Same thing with the one we had quite some time ago about U2's politics. I go either way when people get banned. On one hand, it's like a monster laid to rest. On another, I'll miss their utter lunacy and just have to dream of what could've been.

Well, it's not that I'm happy to see the threads locked to to stop the conflict...it's that the conflict itself is great fun. I see locked threads and I think "Oh what fun!" and check them out first. :)
I mean it's only a message board -- so the conflict doesn't really matter -- and usually the locked threads are the most interesting ones.
indra said:
Locked threads. I was entirely too happy when I saw a locked thread in here tonight. :huh:

Yeah, I'm weird. :wink:

its been a while in here....:wink:
I actually totally agree with NB's post. And no, I don't mean his wife and children nurture my soul. I would add nature and traveling.

Nice thread idea. :wink:

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