What is your earliest memory of yourself?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jan 9, 2001
Melbourne, Australia, some time after tea
I'm curious about how far people can remember into their past and what their earliest recollections of themselves are. My oldest memory is, when I was two years old, my Mum took me to the church to be baptized. My family isn't religious at all, but my grandmother was a -very- devoted Russian Orthodox believer, so she insisted that I and all my siblings should be baptized.

Anyway, I remember it all very clearly. I wore a dark-green woolen dress with a white satin collar. The church was really dark, with low ceiling and a lot of people crammed into the confined space, most with the small children like me. I remember how the priest dipped me into the big bowl with holy water, all the while murmuring something under his breath, while I was busy screaming my head off with shock,
My Mum thinks it's very strange that I can remember myself so early...
I remember when I was 2 years old. That means my older sister Julie was 5, so she was school age. Every morning when she'd leave, I would stand at the door and watch her through the door window as she walked down the street, screaming and crying because I didn't want her to leave me. I either wanted her to stay, or I wanted to go to school too. I remember how much I couldn't wait to go to school...

Here I am...17 years later...in college...and all I wanna do is get OUT of school...*lol* *sigh*

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
I remember only one thing from my early childhood - I was nearly 2 years old and was visiting my parents' friends house. It's strange that being that young I remebered so many details, like what the glass table in living room looked like, what was the colour of woman's dress and how she breast-fed her new-born baby. It's probably because I fell off the stairs for a first time there (I remember that it was covered with a green carpet and had no protection-rails) and it was a big schock for such a young kid I was at the time...

btw - my mom always says that during that fall I probably hit some point in the brain responsible for addictions which caused me to be a U2 fanatic...
That must be that i was digging holes that kept collapsing in a heap of gravel during a summer holiday in Austria when I was 2 years old.

Don't know why I remember this, there are no pictures of it, it's not the most exciting thing in the world (though I must have found it very exciting then), but it's my first memory of myself

Also, how far can people remember. It's proven that you can remember things back till you were about 2, not really earlier. All things you remember of what happened before that, you don't actually remember, but you think you remember it, but you only know it because someone told you so, you saw films/photos of it or you just made it up yourself and started believing in your own fantasies.

Vorsprung durch Technik

[This message has been edited by Vorsprung (edited 11-07-2001).]
One of my first memories is when I was about 3 and the boy who lived next door broke my yellow teapot...it was a huuuge yellow teapot with little toy people inside. I also remember being at nursery school and drinking the milk from tiny glass bottles and I rememebr when we moved house and knneling on the floor with my cereal bowl on the sofa and I was eating it.

All these things happened at roughly the same time but they were my earliest memories :)
I don't know how old I was, but my earliest memory is of waking up in the middle of the night because there was a bullfrog in my crib. I'm still convinced that there really was one bc my memory of it is so vivid. Needless to say I'm not a big fan of frogs.

My other early memories have more to do with colors than anything else. Like bright pink and blue tissue paper in my easter basket.
It is till the source of one of my worst phobias today.

When I was about 3 years old, I was in the nursery while my parents were in the worship service at church. Well, 2 girls from the youth department came down dressed up as clowns - costumes, make-up, and all. I ran screaming under the farthest kiddie table in the room and continued screaming until the monsters left. I still remember it vividly, and I still despise clowns passionately.
My earliest memory is when I fell on the kitchen floor and busted my chin wide open. I think I was about 3. That seems to be the magic number for remembering childhood experiences!

So I remember the car ride to the hospital and my mom sitting with me in the back seat holding my chin with papertowles. I also remember them putting that cover over me preparing to stitch up my chin. And when it was done they gave me a pineapple dum dum.


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I opened a dumdum the other day thinking it was pineapple as the color and label were the same; it was a new flavor, "Buttered Popcorn," which is sickening for a lollipop.
I reached into the toilet and grabbed the piece of chocolate floating aroung in there and ate it.

You know how lizards often get squished on the hinges of your door? I put my fingers there once during a party and someone opened the door really wide. My mother cried cos she thought I lost my digits altogether.

My earliest memory was when I was about 2, we lived next door to the most feral mother on the planet. I was standing at the gate at the end of the driveway, this little girl of about 5 was on hers and threw rocks at me. I ran inside to dob and mum called the police cos it was about the 50th time mum could remember this little girl being left alone while her mother was down the local RSL getting pissed and playing the cardies. I only know the last bit because of the police car and mum filling me in on what happened years later when I mentioned it, she was amazed too. Needless to say, it was the last time we ever saw the little girl.

Another memory from about the same time, same house, my sister locked me in a cupboard telling me I was her baby now and I had to have my bottle which was a bottle of floor cleaner. Gosh I love my sis
when I was 2, sitting on the kitchen floor watching my mom-- who was pregnant with my sister-- do chores around the house. I think I was trying to be cute at the time by wearing a pot on my head.
I don't recall exactly how old I was, but I remember swimming. And I wasn't alone...there were many, many with me. I think they were relatives, but I haven't seen them since. I seem to remember we all had a common goal in mind; sort of a race.

i remember sitting in the high chair in the front room of our old house and looking out the screen door at our above ground pool.
i wouldnt have been any older than 2.

apparently i asked a lot of questions.why is the sky blue kinda thing. i said the word 'dangerous' a lot too.
they thought i was going to be a child genious.
god knows what happened...
my earliest memory is about 2 yrs later than most of yours (I was slow right from the start
we were on a plane to RSA, I was about 4, and my little sister was 2..my mom was pregnant so we had to sit by bathroom where there was more space..
I remember my dad's feet propped up on the wall and those ugly brown blankets they give you on planes..
really random memory

another fairly early memory, I have is of going up to the road at the front of my property completely naked and squirting cars with a water gun..I was a wild one right from the beginning too!

(crazy + stupid = trouble)

lol Ang, sis's are just lovable lil things arent they?

but for the grace of love I'd will the meaning of heaven from above...
my earliest memory that is so clear i can see it exactly to this day was when i was 7 years old. it was a nice minnesota summer day so my family was outside playing baseball...being american. well, we heard this big screech and we looked up and a B-52 bomber was flying over head on its way to war.

Go lightly down your darkened way.
One of my earliest memories was of being at one of my brother's swim meets and going off to look at the butterflies around some flowers nearby. I ended up catching one, but I was careful to catch it just by holding the wings so that I wouldn't hurt it. I thought it was really beautiful and I was proud that I caught it. I showed it to my mom and sat on her lap while still holding it. A baby in a mother's arms beside us reached over and grabbed the body and killed it. I felt so guilty. If I hadn't caught it, it would still be flying around the flowers with its friends.
I have a couple of memories which I think are both from when I was no more than about two. I was at the local pool with my mum, I guess she was holding me in her lap, and we were watching my brother's swimming lesson. I was holding a baby book and I dropped it over the railing. It was a long way to the ground. The way I remember it there was this baby book with a bear or something on the cover staring back up at me from what looked like about ten thousand miles down. I think I remember being scared.

The other memory is of my brother pushing me in a pram. We came to this teeny little hill in the park near our house and he let go of the pram! It wasn't malicious, he just wanted to give me a fun little ride (so I'm told
) and the pram turned over! I have this memory of...everything turning over.
But no harm done. Apparently he was quite upset so I don't think it was an attempt to do away with me!

You've got to cry without weeping
Talk without speaking
Scream without raising your voice
I'm another one of those with a traumatic first memory - that seems to be the norm, huh?

My first memory is probably this one: I was 3 years old and we were having guests over for lunch. At the time there were vintage cars printed inside of the soda bottle caps, and I collected them. I think I loved those pictures more than the drink, LOL! Anyway, for whatever reason, my mother decided to snuff out a candle with my brand new bottle cap, blackening my beautiful car. I remember crying very loudly and being very angry with my mother, even though she showed me that nothing had happened to the car, and the soot could be wiped right off.

Another memory from around the same time - although I haven't been able to find out exactly how old I was at the time, was going to the cinema for the first time, again with my mother. She took me to see a Donald Duck film, which I loved - until poor Donald's tail caught fire and I started screaming in horror. I did not see the humour in that at all. The interesting thing is that to this day I have a fire phobia, but I don't know if it was caused by that film, or if I got so scared because I already had it then.
Hmm I think I was about 4 or 5 when I was playing with my brother in the kitchen and somehow my chin ended up hitting the floor and it split open. :|

I remember my mom holding me in the back seat of the car with a towel on my chin as we rushed to the emergency.

Then I remember them putting the sheet over my face to give me stitches. I remember getting a pineapple dum dum after it was all over.
Holy crap.. lol.. I was like viewing who's online, and someone was viewing this thread and I just clicked on it and replied not even realizing it was so old!

:lol: :huh:
having a blonde moment?????

Good job Sicy?


and you say you never post in FYM

Well my earliest memory is when I was 2 and I was in the kitchen sitting on a barstool while my mom was pottin gplants on the floor?

I kept wanting to get down but she made me stay there in the stool. I was squirming around and my foot was caught in the legs of the stool, and I fell off breaking my leg. I remember that and being in the hospital slapping the doctor as he put me cast on.

This time probably around 3-4, I was in my sisters bedroom as she ran around circles around the house. One time she ran around, I reached out and grabbed her pony tail causing her to fall down and scream.

In first grade I put my bubblegum in this little girls hair and the teacher had to cut it out with scissors. Another time I painted the same girls face blue with watercolors.

One time in Virginia while vacationing with my family i was (probably still 1st grade) with my cousin out at the pool, and the tennis courts were down below under the pool. My cousin and I soaked our towels and t shirts and threw them down on the tennis players.

In 3rd grade I told my best friend a joke at lunchtime that made him puke into his tray of food. THen I started a food-fight as he was puking and everybody had lost their appetite anyway.

I was a bad little boy
Still am:madspit:
My earliest childhood memory would have to be when i was around 2 or 3 and what i remember is that i was in the hospital and i was looking over at my dad who was watching tv and eating fritos. He was waiting for me to go to sleep so that he could leave. I have a hard time remembering things of when i was younger but for some reason that sticks out in my mind.:tongue:
I'll blonde your face

z edge said:
and you say you never post in FYM

Well I just dont post in political or controversial topics. I am not one for lengthly discussion.

Light hearted and fun are my topics of choice :wink:

You were a mean kid. :eyebrow:
Re: I'll blonde your face

Sicy said:

Well I just dont post in political or controversial topics. I am not one for lengthly discussion.

Light hearted and fun are my topics of choice :wink:

You were a mean kid. :eyebrow:

I have only been here so much lately as i feel a sort of calling to
yes bad

I miss my sister:|
*joins in*

when i was 3 years old my dad was gone on a trip (somewhere.....)....anyway, i wanted my mom to take the training wheels off my bike, but she didn't think i could ride it, so she said "wait til dad gets home"....but i kept complaining and complaining until she got out the tools and took 'em off....anyway, i hopped on the bike and could ride it right away....my mom made my sister run behind me......i was yellin'

"I'M FWEE, AND I CAN RIDE A TWO-WHEELER!!" as i went......good times good times.........
I remember my third Christmas Eve...I was supposed to be in bed asleeep but I was awake and looked out my window to see my dad and a next door neighbor lift a tricycle out of the back of a car....

No...it did not disillusion me about Santa Claus!

I remember vividly and in great detail the day President Kennedy was shot. I was five years old. Go ahead and count!!! :D

dream wanderer
I was about 2 years old at the time. I had gotten a new bed so I could get up in the night to go to the washroom (I was fully toilet trained at 2.5 years) I remember waving bye to my crib as it got taken away and waving hello to my new bed. The wierd thing is that I remember all of my early (before 7 years) memories in third person. Like in kindergarten I remember hiding under the table because I didn't want to paint, I wanted to look at a book. I can actually see myself under that table as I look back on the memory. In grade one, I refused to do anything at playtime but build with lego or read in the reading corner. Someone had beaten me to the lego table and the reading corner was full so I went into the hallway and stayed there for the rest of the day. It seems I was always out in the hallway by myself instead of with the other kids. Again, I can see myself sitting in the hallway reading all the posters in the teachers room. I really don't understand why I see all my early memories in third person. Just like in grade one when I got sent to the office for not drawing a picture in my daily journal but using the space to write about the weather.(We had to start our journals writing about the weather for some reason) All my memories from about grade 2 on I see from my perspective.

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