What are you gonna be for Halloween?

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Carek1230 said:
^Hey Stranger! Where ya been? Good to see you here again!

Hey Kren! Good to see you too!

*Sigh* I've been a busy gal. I finally had a "slow" day and I thought it might be fun to stop by and say hello. :)

DMP---your girlfriend would look gorgeous in that silver dress from Edward Scissorhands! She should do it!
Nothing. I'm 21. I outgrew trick-or-treat five or six years ago, and it's not like I have any parties to go to.

I will, however, turn all the lights off and go upstairs from 7-9 on trick-or-treat night so it'll look like no one's home - so I don't have to hand out candy to the little kids. :wink:
namkcuR said:
Nothing. I'm 21. I outgrew trick-or-treat five or six years ago, and it's not like I have any parties to go to.

I will, however, turn all the lights off and go upstairs from 7-9 on trick-or-treat night so it'll look like no one's home - so I don't have to hand out candy to the little kids. :wink:

cranky old man! :lol:
Zootlesque said:

cranky old man! :lol:

I am just getting increasingly irritated by young children(young being 3-9). Some are well-behaved but some are little tyrants who already bounce off the walls before they stuff themselves with 5 snickers bars, 4 nestle crunch bars, and 2 bags of m&ms(all fun-sized, of course). And if it's not the little off-the-wall kids, it's the older kids(12-16), who, starting at 12, are less 'dressed-up' each year than they were the year before, because they're more and more aware that they're getting too old for it. Believe me, I've been there, done that. Putting a black hoodie on, pulling the hood over my head, saying I'm dressed up. :wink:
Last year the Rec Committe at my company put on an awesome Haunted House and raised $300 in 2 hours! This year we haven't had enough interest or time to plan another one. It was so much fun and I ran around scaring people dressed as a hunchback monster with a club. Maybe we'll do it every other year.
gonna probably be what i have been for the past several years. I am a shark w/ jeans and sneakers hanging out of the mouth. It covers my entire body. SCARY...OOOOO:wink:
bammo2 said:
I won't dress up cos we don't really do halloween here :shrug:

I mean, some people have parties, some pubs have theme nights. but on the whole, no one bothers. A few kids might come knocking on the door, but last year we didn't have any

I only miss Halloween because without it Christmas stuff is out in stores in September. :crack:
Hmmm...what will Tracy be for Halloween...? *thinks*

I had it down between being a pirate or Bono. Err yes. A Bono with long blonde hair. o_O

Bono is looking like more of an option since I don't have everything I need for a pirate, but I do have everything I need for a Bono wanna-be. :wink:
Boo bies!

I had this brilliant (or so I think) idea for my husband and I to dress up as Creationism and Darwinism. I would wear one of those Eve costumes (flesh-colored bodysuit with strategically placed leaves) and carry a Bible. He would wear a loin cloth, an ape mask, walk slightly hunched over, and carry a science book. But, alas, we don't want to spend any money on our costumes and I don't think any of his friends would get it.

So, I think we are down to either Sick and Tired or Publisher's Clearinghouse. Sick and Tired = Us in pajamas and robes. Sick person looks a litte green in the face, hair all matted, carries a box of kleenex and some other sickly things. Tired has dark circles under the eyes and carries a pillow and No-Doz. Publisher's Clearinghouse = Husband in a suit and carrying a few balloons and a large $10 million check. Me in a towel, hair in curlers, and whatnot. This would be even more ideal if we had a 3rd person to dress up as the camera man.

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