What album did you just listen to from start to finish - part III

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Common - Universal Mind Control

Is that new? Mono, the Japanese post-rock band, right?

Yeah, it isn't technically out yet...the 24th is the release date. It leaked at the beginning of February though.

The album's gorgeous, and it's definitely worth the purchase on the 24th. I'll be going out to pick it up that day. :up:

You can download the first song from Temporary Residence: http://temporaryresidence.com/descriptions/trr148.php
Sonic Youth - Dirty

Ehh. I love Drunken Butterfly but can't get into the rest of the album at all.

Yeah, that's probably my least favorite SY album that I have. I really have to be in a mood for it.

So far today:
Neko Case--Middle Cyclone
The Geraldine Fibbers--What Part of "Get Thee Gone" Don't You Understand?
Ornette Coleman--The Complete Science Fiction Sessions (both discs)
Bon Iver - Daytrotter Session
The Dodos - Daytrotter Session
Fleet Foxes - Daytrotter Session

:up: to all of the free live sessions they have up for download.
Joni Mitchell - Court And Spark
Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets
Lupe Fiasco - The Cool
Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run
Silver Jews - American Water
Rockferry ~ Duffy
Prospekt's March ~ Coldplay
Lost Souls - Doves
Faded Seaside Glamour - Delays

Both second time.
This afternoon/evening so far:
Pronto--All Is Golden
Beck--Modern Guilt
The Geraldine Fibbers--Lost Somewhere Between the Earth and My Home
Reveal - R.E.M. (It's been a long time... looks so much better now. Need to give it another listen.)
Up - R.E.M. (One of the albums that have grown on me the most... ever.)
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