Vertigo's spot on the album! Do you know?

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Roland of Gilead

Jul 25, 2000
Okay, where is this song going to be? Make your pick! Is it the first one? Logic would have you think that with the last two albums. But then again, look at the Fly! It was track 7!

1. Indigo tree, 2861U2
2. Angela Harlem, Sleep Over Jack
3. Axver
4. Jack In The Box
5. beli
6. Roland of Gilead
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Hm, I think it will come third. New Year's Day, With Or Without You, and Desire all held that position.
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I think it will be the second song on the album..they might surprise us with the start of the album; Skyhawk anyone? ;)
Axver said:
Hm, I think it will come third. New Year's Day, With Or Without You, and Desire all held that position.

That is great observation.

By the way, thanks for the email Axver! Must get you a case of Heineken if we should ever meet.
Roland of Gilead said:
By the way, thanks for the email Axver! Must get you a case of Heineken if we should ever meet.

It was absolutely no problem! Want to make that a bottle of quality white wine though? :wink:
I say first, Discotheque and B-Day led off the last two albums, so I think this will follow suit. Would like it if not the first track for some reason, but I think it will end up that way.
I think it'll be the first or second. Now that I think of it, it reminds me a bit of EBTTRT, which of course was 2nd on AB.
Fly was Track 7 because it was the first track on the flip side of the LP- same reason why Red Hill Mining Town was in the middle of JT, yet was originally planned as the second single off the album.
lukea said:
Fly was Track 7 because it was the first track on the flip side of the LP- same reason why Red Hill Mining Town was in the middle of JT, yet was originally planned as the second single off the album.

Wow! I never thought of that before. 1st track on the flipside. Is this fairly standard with other bands? Making the 1st song on the flipside the 1st single?

Wine is great Axver! Ever try Ice Wine?
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Roland of Gilead said:
Wow! I never thought of that before.

Neither had I. Interesting observation. However, it still seems interesting that the predominant eighties pattern was for the first single to be the third track of the first side.

Wine is great Axver! Ever try Ice Wine?

I get this feeling I should have, considering that I grew up with a wine connossieur as a father, but no, I haven't. Wine's pretty much the only alcohol I ever drink though.
They had the tracklist on some Amazon site as reported by Interference.....was first on that list, I believe...
BigMacPhisto said:
They had the tracklist on some Amazon site as reported by Interference.....was first on that list, I believe...

Yeah, that was stolen from a SPECULATIVE piece on Interference. It was plagiarised so badly, without any credit or any acknowledgement that it is not official.
I kinda hope it wont be first because i want a zo station like intro song to be first......just what i want......track 2 would be nice or even track 4
i'm going to guess Track 2, just picture an epic U2 song like "streets" leading into "vertigo"!!!!
1. Indigo tree, 2861U2, Flaming Frair Sr, Herco, kellyo, Joshua_Tree_Hugger, kevink
2. Angela Harlem, Sleep Over Jack, intedomine, mikal
3. Axver, Lucy3011
4. Jack In The Box
5. beli
6. Roland of Gilead
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