Valentine's day

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Jul 14, 2001
Inside the Popmart Lemon
I'm sitting here awake in the middle of the night thinking......

Isn't it funny how life can change???

In november I decided that I wouldn't be around to face another

valentine's day sitting alone.......

But then suddenly as I hit rock bottom....there was something I

can only explain as divine intervention....when I met a very

special person....:heart:

Saturday I will take her out with my friends and their girlfriends

and we will go see a play at the theatre and then go out for


But when we come home I will read her a poem I have written

and give her a gold heart necklace.......

I won't say that I look forward to valentine's day but I feel

strange, how it has sneaked up on me as it is only 3 months

since I made that promise to myself.....

Anyway I just want to say to all the singles out there...hang in

there, if I could find someone(Still feels like she found me

though) anyone can......

Happy Valentine's day to all the girls of PLEBA


You guys, one of my guinea pigs that my boyfriend got me for our six month anniversary (not that we really pay attention to that, but he needed and excuse to get me pets!) had two babies this morning, one day before our one year anniversary! Ooooo, I can't wait to see my little piggy babies! Best valentine's present EVER!
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Thanks Lemon Boy, you are so sweet :)
Hey guys, I too am very happy this Vday... I met someone wonderful 2 weeks ago and so far things are going just perfect :)
Tonite he is taking me to see our local U2 cover band and tomorrow night is a surprise Valentine night out :)
I couldnt be any happier right now :)
Hope you all have a terrific San Valentino too!
:heart::heart: Love is in the air!:heart::heart:
*sigh* I'm cursed.

I've had this curse ever since my first girlfriend in high school. I have AWFUL days just about every Valentine's day. In fact, I've never even spent one with a girlfriend. Last year, when Bluey and I were living together, I had to work. She was so sweet the next day though. :D This year, I had marked as the worst ever, but then Bluey and I got back together *UBER REJOICE!!!* and I was THEN convinced that it'd be the BEST ever.


I got strep throat. BAD. Been sick ever since Sunday with a fever that has been off and on until yesterday when I finally got antibiotics. I couldn't swallow. My throat is so swollen that I sound like I have a golfball in my mouth when I talk. I'm TOTALLY broke. Like, I have bus fare. That's IT. AND Bluey has to work tomorrow and can't come down and I don't have gas/money to go up and see her. AND I'M SICK AS A DOG!!

HOWEVER, we've decided to "deek out valentine's day", as Bluey says. We're gonna have our OWN Valentine's Day.

I think this girl just might break the curse. Is it any wonder why I love her so much? Now I just need to figure out what to do for her or give her or both for OUR Valentine's Day...
Story I Told In Another Thread Already, But More Relates In Here, Except It's Being Told In Way Too Much Detail Because I'm Procrastinating:

So, this is my first valentine's day with an actual valentine, right? Except he had to leave this morning for Baltimore at 10:30, so Friday was designated our official Valentine's day. He's been really busy all week preparing for this trip, the trip is an undergrad chemistry research convention and he's got to present his poster on his research, so I'm looking forward to some nice quality time last night.
So we go to see the Vagina Monologues (romantic, no? :sexywink: ) and he asks if we can stop at his lab "for a minute" to print off his poster. Problem was, he apparently didn't realize that it had to be printed at such a high resolution that it takes about an hour to print four pages. He's got 17. In the middle of page two he realizes there's no glue... enter trip to Wal-Mart. I ask to be dropped at my place so I can change 'cause I'm in a skirt while he goes and gets the rubber cement. An hour later he shows up at my place with a rose and a really cute bear (and rubber cement). Back to lab. Play war for two hours. At 1:30am (printing page 11), he finally decides to leave it printing and get it in the morning. Go back to his place, where I sit around for another hour when he remembers he hasn't packed yet.

So, my valentine feels very bad about this, and I get another one after he gets back. Also, apparently he has another gift for me in mind that he's having trouble finding and I will recieve at a later date.
Mmm, presents :D

Of course, I got him an IOU because I couldn't find him anything. Not like I didn't look.
Wow Kristie, he owes you big time!

My valentine fell asleep while I was telling him a story and it took me a few minutes to figure out he wasn't even listening. So now I've come to Interference...
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