UF @ The Saloon this Friday, April 22

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

i'm the guy who doesn't look like bono... i am, however, the guy who looks excessively drunk.

headin' out the door... catchin' a 4:43 train out of hicksville, gets in at 5:23... probably stop at trax in penn station for a few and then head right up to the saloon by 6:30ish or so.
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meeting up w/ a friend who lives near the saloon at 6:30pm, have something to eat, have a few beers, and then head over.....
You guys are all probably on your way already....but i'll just post for the heck of it :p

Waiting for Nivea...then we're off to the Saloon!! :) See you guys there...
Haha Headache...my ears were ringing too till this morning....

What an amazing night...UF was ON FIRE!!! :) The band seemed to be having a blast...and the audience certainly was too!! Cant get enough! Way to go guys...

Numb...were you there? Didnt see ya?!
yea i think the speakers near the stage were a bit too big and loud for such a small place... i heard a high pitched ringing in my ear till like the next afternoon... finally it went away.

great show, though... it's a real nice place... if they can just figure out the whole sound thing it'll be even better.

and hopefully next time they play there i won't have to work the next morning :madspit: having to leave early sucks.

oh well... just a few weeks till the show at the inn... where i have a place to stay just a block away so i don't have to worry about leaving to get home... woo hoo... i'm getting shit-canned
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Yes I was there. I looked around for Nivea's description but i didn't want to just keep going up to random girls asking "Are you Nivea?". lol.

I did however meet the (in)famous Headache. I dunno if he remembers because he might have been intoxicated, but we met up briefly just prior to the show

COBL sounds 100 times better live than on CD.
I was:drunk:

i would have been up by the band w/ you but the 2 people i was w/ (guy/girl) were short and were kind of getting stepped on. so we stood towards the front of the bar. i couldn't see the band at all but heard them loud and clear.
Hey Numb,
Yeah...we weren't really comfortable going up to random guys and asking then if they were numb...that might have been a little akward!!

We were up front towards the center. Saw headache up front too. It was crazy up there!! Had a bunch of drunk "frat" boys trying to 'bump 'n grind' behind us (didn't know you could do that to U2) and some girl dumped a glass of ice on top of one of the guy's head...it was hilarious (except for the fact that I got ice down my back)!!

Won't be going to the next show b/c it is too far away and right in the middle of finals but definitely going to the Hoboken show!!

I think 'One' was the only AB song they played but they threw in a bit of 'Please' which was cool. My favourite was definitely 'Two Hearts' though!!

Headache in a Suitcase said:
yea i think the speakers near the stage were a bit too big and loud for such a small place... i heard a high pitched ringing in my ear till like the next afternoon... finally it went away.

Too loud, yes, but you were standing right next to them! :shame:

If I were you, I'd invest in ear plugs...eventually, the ringing WON'T stop.
AndyUF said:

Too loud, yes, but you were standing right next to them! :shame:

If I were you, I'd invest in ear plugs...eventually, the ringing WON'T stop.

lesson learned...

i always stand on that side of the stage though... just not used to a gigantic speaker being there.


oh well... my hearing's back
Hey Andy...a little off topic here, but I haveta give ya credit for those tackles you made at BB Kings, runnin those girls offstage. It was kinda comical..you'd shoo one off, and another would be right there.

Yeah I've had that ringing in my ears a few times after a UF show...nothin worse than a hangover AND bein' half deaf the next day.

Probably not gonna see you guys till June 24...workin alot of OT.

Keep rockin...
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