U22 ♫ Part 2

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Got it yesterday and loving it, that version of UTEOTW is amazing, possible best version ever?
Recieved mine here in the uk just got to collect it from the post office :)
trevgreg said:
Thanks! I'll have to check it out on Youtube (unless the postal service allows me otherwise in 20 minutes or so).

Someone on YouTube has all of U22 uploaded with multi cam video very good
The part where nobody held a gun to my head to subscribe,he can go fuck himself and listen to that knob ian brown,who must be obsessed with U2 as he is always on about them.

Rant over!:angry:


Not sure what Nick's gripe is. If you want a "free" fansite, come here or @U2 or one of the other many sites out there.

Of course, lately these sites rely on ads to help pay costs. So, are they really free? Someone has to pay for the server and people who run the website.

Free CD's? Tough one - someone has to pay for that.

U2 should do this for free as they are rich? Yeah, and Microsoft should give away their software because Bill Gates is rich. And Nick is probably rich compared to a person in another nation, so you should also work for free as well.

As you wrote, no one forced you to join U2.com. And most of us - except for the baby who doesn't like 50% more cash, I mean, the CD - really like this U2.com fan item.

Not sure what Nick's gripe is. If you want a "free" fansite, come here or @U2 or one of the other many sites out there.

Of course, lately these sites rely on ads to help pay costs. So, are they really free? Someone has to pay for the server and people who run the website.

Free CD's? Tough one - someone has to pay for that.

U2 should do this for free as they are rich? Yeah, and Microsoft should give away their software because Bill Gates is rich. And Nick is probably rich compared to a person in another nation, so you should also work for free as well.

As you wrote, no one forced you to join U2.com. And most of us - except for the baby who doesn't like 50% more cash, I mean, the CD - really like this U2.com fan item.

Does anyone have a high-resolution (or as close to as possible) copy of the cover-art? All the versions I am finding through Google have the title graphic much larger than it actually is, and I'm looking for the exact artwork.

Any help would be appreciated! :up:
and I am still waiting for mine here in New Zealand and I will be away for the next two weeks with the neighbour collecting the mail. I guess thats when it will arrive.
So you think if I gain 200 lbs I might get it sooner?


Yes. Gain 200 pounds and show up at live nation wearing Lou Reed's Glasses, Jim Morrison's leather trousers and Elvis' jacket. They'll give you a complimentary copy as a member of the band.

It might help if you're balding, can fake a back injury, and have a propensity for lying (or so I've been told here).

Yes. Gain 200 pounds and show up at live nation wearing Lou Reed's Glasses, Jim Morrison's leather trousers and Elvis' jacket. They'll give you a complimentary copy as a member of the band.

It might help if you're balding, can fake a back injury, and have a propensity for lying (or so I've been told here).

It worked for me. Jealous much?

Now, to lose 200 pounds, regrow my hair and take off this back brace. I'll keep the leather pants for, uh, other reasons. :shifty:
In all fairness ive done alot of moaning about the u2.com service. Even though i renewed last november and ive only just got it,it was well worth the wait.id have waited longer if i had to. I dont mind waiting as long as i get a gift like this.

Great cd and the big book packaging is top draw

Well done u2.com

(theve set the bar now)
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