U2 tribute names

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 15, 2000
Toronto, Canada
So I knew a few people who are forming a new U2 tribute band and I'm just wondering if it's "okay" or "acceptable" for a band to take on the name of a U2 tribute that already exists.

To be fair, one of the members of the new band thought up a name for a U2 tribute, and then did a search online to see if it was taken and sure enough two bands already exist with the same name. I haven't heard of them and considering neither one is based in Canada, would it be acceptable to go ahead and take it?

I mean it's not like it's an official name and this can go to court IE London Suede, Rockstar Supernova - just wondering if there's some unwritten rule amongst U2 tributes....

Take this for what it costs you....nothing. But you asked. lol

When we started UV, originally formed UltraViolet, it wasn't our first choice of names. It ended up over time being our favorite for obvious reasons, it just works for us. There is another band out of Italy (I believe its Italy anyways) called the Ultraviolets. Similar, not the same, and far enough away that if someone were to look for UV online, they would find UV, and not a mixture of UV and The Ultraviolets.

You'll notice that there are a few tributes out there that have also used the same name of other tributes. I will choose not to mention any other band names other than ours and the previous (as an example only) for obvious reasons.

But the fact of the matter is, if you're planning on "piggy backing" on someone elses name for exposure or notoriety reasons, I dont think thats a great idea. If its an honest thing like you see a band on another CONTINENT, with the same name, I guess that's your call.

Alot of these bands travel extensively. Some are very reqional and dont travel much past their own back yards.

I don't think (at least to my knowledge) that anyone has a trademark on their name yet, maybe some do, I'm not sure. So technically, you could use just about anything you want. If you're wondering about whether there's some unwritten rule or something, I guess you should really think about it and if the band that you're thinking about copying is mildly successful, and does in fact or has in fact played in or about your area, you might want to brainstorm some more on a name.

We did. And it took awhile to find the right fit for us. There are a bunch of names we wanted, but chose NOT to go with them because we thought it would be a little unfair for that band that has already put in alot of work getting gigs, etc, and developed a "branding" of sorts to reap any benefits of their name.

This turned out to be a little longer winded than I intended, so I apologize. But I think if you are creative enough, and spend a little extra time, you will probably be able to find something just as good, that's unique and your own. Remember, you will probably be stuck with this name for the life of the band, so make it count. It would be a shame if you chose the name of a not-so-friendly band and you got blasted before you ever had a chance to prove yourself. Not saying that would happen, but since I can't speak for the rest of the people in other tributes, its a possibility that you'd bump into the wrong crowd.

You could always ASK the named band how they would feel about it. It's quite possible that they may not be playing anymore, or broken up, or maybe they only play a couple times a year for St. Patty's etc. They may not object at all.

But if it's one of the bands where it is their full time job, and they depend on it for their living, that might be a little hairy.

Best of luck on the new project, do our boys justice on the tunes, and have fun. Good luck on the naming too. And I hope this came across the right way. Its tough to hear tone of voice over email, IM, etc. I was as sincere as I could be here.

dmaleads said:
Take this for what it costs you....nothing. But you asked. lol

When we started UV, originally formed UltraViolet, it wasn't our first choice of names. It ended up over time being our favorite for obvious reasons, it just works for us. There is another band out of Italy (I believe its Italy anyways) called the Ultraviolets. Similar, not the same, and far enough away that if someone were to look for UV online, they would find UV, and not a mixture of UV and The Ultraviolets.

You'll notice that there are a few tributes out there that have also used the same name of other tributes. I will choose not to mention any other band names other than ours and the previous (as an example only) for obvious reasons.

But the fact of the matter is, if you're planning on "piggy backing" on someone elses name for exposure or notoriety reasons, I dont think thats a great idea. If its an honest thing like you see a band on another CONTINENT, with the same name, I guess that's your call.

Alot of these bands travel extensively. Some are very reqional and dont travel much past their own back yards.

I don't think (at least to my knowledge) that anyone has a trademark on their name yet, maybe some do, I'm not sure. So technically, you could use just about anything you want. If you're wondering about whether there's some unwritten rule or something, I guess you should really think about it and if the band that you're thinking about copying is mildly successful, and does in fact or has in fact played in or about your area, you might want to brainstorm some more on a name.

We did. And it took awhile to find the right fit for us. There are a bunch of names we wanted, but chose NOT to go with them because we thought it would be a little unfair for that band that has already put in alot of work getting gigs, etc, and developed a "branding" of sorts to reap any benefits of their name.

This turned out to be a little longer winded than I intended, so I apologize. But I think if you are creative enough, and spend a little extra time, you will probably be able to find something just as good, that's unique and your own. Remember, you will probably be stuck with this name for the life of the band, so make it count. It would be a shame if you chose the name of a not-so-friendly band and you got blasted before you ever had a chance to prove yourself. Not saying that would happen, but since I can't speak for the rest of the people in other tributes, its a possibility that you'd bump into the wrong crowd.

You could always ASK the named band how they would feel about it. It's quite possible that they may not be playing anymore, or broken up, or maybe they only play a couple times a year for St. Patty's etc. They may not object at all.

But if it's one of the bands where it is their full time job, and they depend on it for their living, that might be a little hairy.

Best of luck on the new project, do our boys justice on the tunes, and have fun. Good luck on the naming too. And I hope this came across the right way. Its tough to hear tone of voice over email, IM, etc. I was as sincere as I could be here.


Oh, the irony :lol:
(I'm sure Gabe's told you by now who I am...Hi Gabe! :wave:)

Thank you very much for your reply (btw, I'm not in the band, some people I "know" are forming a new one). You're right, I think a little more research is required - one of the bands with the same name is based in Europe and plays quite infrequently while the other band is based here in N.America and according to their website, plays once a month or so (I had never heard of them but that doesn't mean they're not already established). Their best bet is to probably contact that band directly and get their opinion on the matter. Failing that, some more brainstorming will be in order.

As for doing them justice, oh yes, no problem with that - most of them have been in a U2 tribute in some form or other over the years and they definitely plan on having fun - that's the only real reason they're doing this, they're all talented musicians who could be doing other things (and they all do come to think of it) but now they want to incorporate U2's music into their work as well.

Thanks again!
lol...too funny..what was even funnier was that Eddie had no clue who you were (are)

Anyways just spoke to the :larry: on the phone, it's all good. (what's with the mystic anyways, you don't "know" him, he's yer freakin boyfriend fer cryin out loud! :lol: speaking of which don't I get some type of mention in the credits of your film for location of hookup or something? haha! )

Make sure you get him to put the pressure on Fata to be :edge:

Only then will it :rockon: :bow: :rockon:

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on names: the name had little if anything to do with any other band anywhere, really (well, apart from U2 of course)...I know for me I didn't have any other favorites that I wished I could have used but decided against because others had already 'taken' them...having said that I personally have always felt that any band I was in was going to have to be named uniquely worldwide (ie october for example, which initially was unique but was later copied by others in other countries who, incidentally, emailed me first and asked if I cared - of course I didnt!)

besides, you can't really 'take' or 'claim' a tribute band name, especially if you name yourself after a U2 song or album ie you can't copyright something that doesn't belong to you ... if you want to avoid confusion tho, be unique

And btw I have no clue what he is on about: they only called themselves Ultraviolet until I came on board and in a sheer stroke of genius set them straight!!


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haha, credit for hookup? for who exactly? :confused:

lol, I didn't say I didn't know them, I said I wasn't in the band and that I only know them! And that's true - I'm not involved in any way but they do keep enlisting my assistance in name selections so decided to come here...

Fata's unbelievably talented (of course I'm biaised but everyone keeps telling me this!) but it's not something he wants to do right now. His priorities lay elsewhere. They offered him the bass position as you -know-who is going to be the guitarist. He's got a lot of Edge's equipment so it's going to be great.

I only hesitated writing this stuff and sounded "mystic" as you put it because I don't want to jinx anything for them - it's only in the beginner stages...

As for the name itself, it's not the name of a song or an album or anything like that, it was just a clever name someone thought up and sure enough a thorough online research revealed it was already taken. :shrug:
- uh, you and your s.o. hooked up at my summer spot, it was an inside joke

- you said 'i know them' - which is funny because you are a bit more than an 'i know them' to them

As for the rest :tsk:

Actually that was just a little joke, told with the internet equivalent of a straight face, though admittedly it's only funny if you know that I am the bass player in Elevation (the Canadian one).

As far as the name thing goes, I would have though it was simple common sense to avoid sharing names with U2 tribs located more or less in your area, for example we probably would not be called Elevation if we had known that there was a band of the same name in Chicago (a day's drive away) when we formed five and a half years ago. However there is nothing that I can think of to prevent your friends calling your band Elevation (though I think it would be a bad idea for all concerned for a number of reasons) or indeed any other name that has already been used by any other tribute unless it is a legal trademark or whatever. Anyway, good luck to all involved and looking forward to hearing the new name.
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gragravar said:
Actually that was just a little joke, told with the internet equivalent of a straight face, though admittedly it's only funny if you know that I am the bass player in Elevation (the Canadian one).

Ah, don't worry, mine was done the same way too (a joke with a straight face). I'm very aware of who you are and it seems to me you're British and having lived in the Uk myself a few years I thought I would engage in similar humour :wink:
(I've also actually met you before but you probably aren't familiar with my Interference handle or you don't remember me)

I was pretending to not have heard the name Elevation for a tribute before but nah, don't worry, they have noooo intention whatsoever of choosing your band's name. :)

I agree about not choosing a name of a band within close proximity - the other band with the similar name is as far away on this continent as you can get but really, at the end of the day it's best to consult them directly. Or go back to the drawing board.

I appreciate everyone's input!
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Good one! ...actually yes I know we have met on several occasions and I knew who you are both from your handle and the text in your posts, so say hi to Mass for me and I hope it all works out.

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