U2 Rehearsals In Turin Part III

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Afternoon, everyone!

Oh well... Football Manager, Strategy space games, Age of Empires. I love the old stuff. I don't have a playstion or xbox or whatever and my PC does not stand the most recent games.

Ooh, Age of Empires. Haven't played any of those in ages, but I loved them -- particularly the first one. My gaming interests have shifted recently -- I've been playing a lot of Mass Effect and World of Warcraft :reject:

In other news, just ordered floor tix for Montral 1 & 2 :hyper: Great way to spend my 25th birthday next year!
:wave: Hey GG long time no see......I thought I broke it, glad it was just an update....preparations for the masses on Friday hopefully.

:wave: Hiya, how've you been?

:lol: Oh friday will be overload. There's around a 100 people in this thread alone these nights, I can only imagine how much it'll be on the setlist party.
Updates from U2Place:

16:27 - Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World (techs only, bass and drums)
17:26 - guitar riffs for Elevation, IALW, UC, Gloria, Boots, UTEOTW (techs only)
Why does everybody like Age of Empires? :hmm:

Because it's a classic game. When I started highschool a teacher there(ict teacher) taught us the basics. Whenever we had a free hour we'd go to him and play via LAN. Even if it was 5 of us against him, he still won. :lol: Great guy! And he gave us all a crack for home usage to practice.
Because it's a classic game. When I started highschool a teacher there(ict teacher) taught us the basics. Whenever we had a free hour we'd go to him and play via LAN. Even if it was 5 of us against him, he still won. :lol: Great guy! And he gave us all a crack for home usage to practice.

We should play sometime... :hmm: :sexywink:
Updates from U2Place:

16:27 - Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World (techs only, bass and drums)
17:26 - guitar riffs for Elevation, IALW, UC, Gloria, Boots, UTEOTW (techs only)

That first one's interesting. :hmm: haven't heard that being played by the techs ever.
Gloria doesn't surprise me, Sam loves to play that track. He played the drums in Paris and Dublin during soundcheck.
^^whoa that excites me :drool:

Thanks for posting the video. Now I know what you all were talking about.....better late never, I guess.

Welcome to the party Nic! We have brownies and Long Island Ice Tea.

:sad: Couldn't they WARN us they were going to update?

NICE view of the screen. :hmm: So Edge uses his telecaster for HMTM...

I'm glad you could spot that, I couldn't quite make out the guitar. I like being able to tell what song will be played by guitar. People next to me think I'm psychic.
Welcome to the party Nic! We have brownies and Long Island Ice Tea.

I'm glad you could spot that, I couldn't quite make out the guitar. I like being able to tell what song will be played by guitar. People next to me think I'm psychic.

The guitar is the first thing I note. I actually do the same you do, determine the song by the guitar Dallas holds. And it works. :lol: Some people were annoyed I shouted out Elevation way before it started at the tour premiere in Amsterdam though. Ah well, it's not like thye wouldn't have found out a few seconds later.
Long Island Ice Teas.....so early? Hell, I'm in, it's Monday:sexywink:

Throw in a lemon slice and that is totally an appropriate breakfast drink. Would you rather have a Bellini?

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