u2 On Radio 1's Live Lounge 27th Feb - U2 at BBC!

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Beautiful Day would be as cliche as it could possibly get, and we've already heard Breathe live, plus it's being played on Jonathan Ross. I want them to do a song off the new album that we haven't heard/seen live.

But fuck all that. Lily is playing right now. :drool:

We have heard breathe, how many that are there will have? my bet would be not many,

maybe the "secret gig" is where they will play some new stuff? if it happens of course.
Hopefully Beautiful Day is just the title of the day as it's U2 special and they're not playing.

Boots on now. Hopefully at least 1 'surprise' out of the next 2.:up:
Well... all worries about GOYB live have finally been put to rest... That was a great performance...
And Edge sounded unreal during Let me in the sound....
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