U2 LP13 Discussion

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And then when March rolls around and we're waiting for an announcement a member of the band will say something about aiming for August, and so on...
They must be in creative dire straits.
And then when March rolls around a member of the band will say something about aiming for August, and so on...
They must be in creative dire straits.

Wouldn't surprise me. Man it's hard being a U2 sometimes. I'm kind of getting tired of all the false starts. I don't really care about invisible if it isn't going to be part of the album.
Maybe this is another one of those diversions so many of us have been discussing?

Wouldn't that at least make some sense?
It does sound a little like he's trying to fan some attention away in a sense?
The title "Invisible" is not an exclusive.
Release date info would be an exclusive.
And I have a hard time believing Bono would be dishing that out.
Only hope here is that they are trying to kid people into thinking its not coming in March, but lets be honest this is U2 and would anyone REALLY be suprised if it is pushed back again?
Only hope here is that they are trying to kid people into thinking its not coming in March, but lets be honest this is U2 and would anyone REALLY be suprised if it is pushed back again?

It would be the ultimate troll if they released the whole album Feb 2nd. But like you said, this is U2. It's hard to get excited with all these false starts.
Keep in mind, he didn't specify which June.

LOL true. They might mean June 2030. :)

Having said that, if they really are planning on dropping a bomb (if you'll excuse the pun) and surprising everyone with this record, I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility that this is just ruse by Bono.

Or maybe he was just drunk.

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I don't understand releasing a song that won't even matter in 4 months time. Sounds like a huge waste of time filming a video, when they could be working on finishing the album.
Which if it turns out that way i can see quite a few people loosing interest, very dissapointing news to be fair.

Who will lose interest? The vast majority of the music listening world hasn't been following every bit of minutia about this record, and never even knew about the March date. They have no interest to lose.

As far as the people here "losing interest" in a new U2 record...who are you kidding?

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Dafuq? They're still "working things out"? :lol: This is making Chinese Democracy look sane in comparison.
"up to something special" says The Edge...... double album? :lol:

yeah I know, being too optimistic with this band is the best way of commiting suicide soon, but at least they are up to something different this time around. If Invisible comes out as a single 4 months before the new album, I don't mind, as long as it's not in the album. It's a nice way of warming up the machine again. I'm just skeptical for this June announcement, and it smells like a fall release to me.... the only thing that could "save us" is that if the planned to tour in 2014, the stadiums are already booked and it would be weird if they tour without a new album.

I seem to distantly recall the band talking about a partnership with RED several years ago. Something about releasing new music through them. Anyone remember the details?
It will be interesting to read the liner notes for this album. If you look in Zooropa's booklet it says recorded March-May 1993. This one would say something like September 2010-March 2014 lol.

In all seriousness though, where the hell is Dangermouse? Is he even a part of this record any more?
That whole June thing seems off to me. Not buying it.

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At least the whole band seems excited about whatever they're up to.

Well, they're not going to say the opposite, are they?

:edge: Every day I go to work is more of a living hell than the last. It's all a load of derivative bollocks. I've never been so bored listening to Bono go through the motions like this. There are knees and souls for days. Good God.

:bono: Edge isn't on fire at all this time around. He's more like a wet napkin. A wet napkin with a delay pedal that doesn't let you forget that he has a delay pedal. Can't guitars do anything else? Jiminy fucking Cricket.

:adam: It takes a mountain of weed to make this album interesting. Why do you think I got this ridiculous haircut? It's the only interesting thing happening in the studio.

:larry: I think things are going really well. Safe and predictable is just the way I like it. First there's one chord, then there's another chord that follows, and even though there are thousands of possibilities, you always know which one it's going to be. It's like sonic missionary position every day. Mmm boy.
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We thought it was going to be an 1st of April release, June is only 2 months after that so does it really matter that much?
In all seriousness though, where the hell is Dangermouse? Is he even a part of this record any more?

If Dangermouse has any sense at all, he's cashed the check, changed his phone number, and is staying the hell away from those four anal lunatics :wink:
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