U2: Letterman's House Band for a FULL WEEK

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I dont know if ill be able to stay up for a 3rd straight night my energy is really draining...unless I go for a power nap now....hmmm sounds like a good idea :)
(Thought this should go hear too.....)

I was there for the taping and can confirm that U2 played I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight. This was its live debut, right? From the audience anyway, it sounded great. Bono was a bit tentative at first (he stayed at the mic stand instead of wandering the stage as usual) but the song picked up dramatically near the end and the crowd, once again, leapt out of their seats to give them a standing ovation. It was terrific.

Also, the band did the Top 10 list....and it was hysterical. I won't spoil it, but the four members walked out, gave a goofy bow to the audience, and proceeded to read off the list. Most of the entries were good, but the two best belonged to Larry and (especially) The Edge, who seemed to ad-lib one that brought the house down and had Letterman himself in stitches.

I'm betting we get a new song tomorrow too....the word is that the band stayed late at the theater last night to rehearse. I suspect it'll either be No Line on the Horizon or Stand Up Comedy. Also, they advertised that U2 would be doing an interview segment tomorrow, too.

Additionally, it was really cool to hear so many Late Show personnel raving about the lads...Dave's said it several times on air already, and so many behind-the-scene staffers were talking about how great the band's been all week and what an energy they've brought to the show (and the crowds) all week. The word "electric" was used to describe the atmosphere several times. Great stuff.
Additionally, it was really cool to hear so many Late Show personnel raving about the lads...Dave's said it several times on air already, and so many behind-the-scene staffers were talking about how great the band's been all week and what an energy they've brought to the show (and the crowds) all week. The word "electric" was used to describe the atmosphere several times. Great stuff.
This makes me happy :dancing:
Can someone tell me if there's gonna be full episodes available online somewhere? I have two tests tomorrow so I have to study for them.
Lol! people send up dumb videos thinkin' we're youtube!!!!


glad I wasn't the only one who saw the resemblance.
What the fuck is up with Edge's problem with Sting?

Saw the Letterman top 10 tonight and Edge's jab at Sting.


It's not the first time, and frankly it's pissing me off. Edge, go ahead and make fun of Bon Jovi, or whatever,but Sting? Why? Sting is much more of an accomplished artist than "The Edge", so really, step the hell off.

Sting has been lame at times but so has the Edge, starting with that fucking stupid riff to Vetigo and continuing with Boots.

Edge, whatever your fucking problem is, it ain't cool to keep on pissing on Sting. It's in bad taste and you know it.

Or are you afraid Sting can whip your ass on guitar whn Sting is primaily a bass player?


BTW Edge, I think you owe Andy Summers some money.

Saw the Letterman top 10 tonight and Edge's jab at Sting.


It's not the first time, and frankly it's pissing me off. Edge, go ahead and make fun of Bon Jovi, or whatever,but Sting? Why? Sting is much more of an accomplished artist than "The Edge", so really, step the hell off.

Sting has been lame at times but so has the Edge, starting with that fucking stupid riff to Vetigo and continuing with Boots.

Edge, whatever your fucking problem is, it ain't cool to keep on pissing on Sting. It's in bad taste and you know it.

Or are you afraid Sting can whip your ass on guitar whn Sting is primaily a bass player?


BTW Edge, I think you owe Andy Summers some money.


Chill pill; You should take one.
Hilarious joke from The Edge tonight. Funniest thing on Letterman's show in years unfortunately.
Edge, whatever your fucking problem is, it ain't cool to keep on pissing on Sting. It's in bad taste and you know it.

Or are you afraid Sting can whip your ass on guitar whn Sting is primaily a bass player?


BTW Edge, I think you owe Andy Summers some money.


OMG, you didn't take any of that seriously did you? really..
you're being sarcastic, right.. :ohmy:
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