U2 Fan Database

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Oct 8, 2001
Another Time, Another Place, in The Electric Co. ;
Hey girls! http://www.u2fdb.com

This is the link for a great site. You can join and also see the profiles of other members who are U2 fans, as us.

Log in, you won't regret it!
If the link doesn't work try out this one: http://www.iwillfollow.org


Dilbert: Is there more to life than just working?
Dogbert: Yes, there's also the complaining about work, the nightly periods of unconsciousness and sweet, sweet death.
Dilbert: Maybe I should have kids.
Dogbert: To share the joy? ...
I already have a profile there.

"I Don't Know You, But You Don't Know The Half Of It..."
Originally posted by Bonochick:
I already have a profile there.

Who are you???

I'm Ana Laura Guti?rrez

Dilbert: Is there more to life than just working?
Dogbert: Yes, there's also the complaining about work, the nightly periods of unconsciousness and sweet, sweet death.
Dilbert: Maybe I should have kids.
Dogbert: To share the joy? ...
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