U2 360° Tour 2010 Photos 4

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Is he auditioning for West Side Story?

"When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way!"

All right, Bono. I'm sorry I suggested you were trying out for a musical.

Me too. I love that he wears it under his shirt and doesn't flaunt it like some people do like it's fashion statement or a stamp of approval or something.
He is such the real deal. :heart:

I cannot but agree!! :applaud: Sometimes less is more, keeps the thing in which you wholeheartedly believe in from becoming "cheap"!:angel:
I would guess it's under his shirt at least partly for practical reasons - keep it out of the way to keep it from catching on things, getting in the way, or getting yanked on by fans (maybe not so much the latter since there's more space between the stage and the fans on this tour).
Great pictures--thanks! How am I going to wait until next July 5??? :love:

I wonder who he's flipping off??

:lol: I always wondered how I'd make it to June after buying tickets in November...and now, well :hyper:

And he was probably just flipping off that particular photographer :camera:
I would guess it's under his shirt at least partly for practical reasons - .

Well ofcourse it's practical (that he keeps it under his shirt) but you know what I mean.
It's not a blinged out crucifix that he wears to make a statement.
He has at times worn it outside his jacket or shirt or whatever...but I don't think it's just for show. Do you?
AWESOME shot:heart:

Thanks for posting such great pictures Andreianloth . Stunning photo! Absoltuely love it!
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