Type The First Thing That Pops Into Your Head, 01-01-18

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My sister has a huge staghorn kidney stone, as well as five smaller stones, blocking her left kidney duct. Today the urologist inserted a stent-like tube in the duct to help with the flow. Visited her for a while this afternoon and was glad to find that she wasn't in a terrible lot of pain or discomfort. The plan is to sonic smash the stones in a couple of weeks. Sure hope all of this helps her!
My sister has a huge staghorn kidney stone, as well as five smaller stones, blocking her left kidney duct. Today the urologist inserted a stent-like tube in the duct to help with the flow. Visited her for a while this afternoon and was glad to find that she wasn't in a terrible lot of pain or discomfort. The plan is to sonic smash the stones in a couple of weeks. Sure hope all of this helps her!

Sorry to hear this about your sister Ms Purrl. Kidney Stones can be most painful. Hope that she will be on the mend soon.

I hate waiting for results from a medical procedures :waiting:
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