Toronto IV Setlist Watch and Party - DO NOT POST U2.COM SETLIST!

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DublinGuy said:

Cool, yeh it's amazing being that close. That's a good U2 year alright. I got 1985. Live Aid at least I suppose and some UF Tour and Ireland won the Triple Crown! Not that I could gave a crap about that last one but hey, it doesn't happen too often

Allow me to rub a statistic in the face of you and LJT and any other Irish folk here. :wink: New Zealand has never lost to Ireland in the rugby! Sorry, couldn't help myself.

UF Tour ... :drool: Any tour that opens with 11 O'clock Tick Tock is awesome.
Are any of you guys in to Arcade Fire? I think their album is the best debut in years and their demo and EP have some great stuff on it too and they apparently kick ass live!
:wave: hello......does anyone know if the disco ball was still up yesterday cause if it was it will be discotheque for sure tonight!!
Yea. Math and me have never got along very well.

I hope we get the boomchas!

I thought it was kind of deja vuey how they played out of control last night, cause I had it in my head whilst I was here at the setlist party.


Man, I wish I could get to a show. They are in Ottawa on my birthday!
Axver said:

Allow me to rub a statistic in the face of you and LJT and any other Irish folk here. :wink: New Zealand has never lost to Ireland in the rugby! Sorry, couldn't help myself.

UF Tour ... :drool: Any tour that opens with 11 O'clock Tick Tock is awesome.

Yeh but everyone wants to be Irish...who wants to be a New Zealander:wink:
Axver said:

Allow me to rub a statistic in the face of you and LJT and any other Irish folk here. :wink: New Zealand has never lost to Ireland in the rugby! Sorry, couldn't help myself.

UF Tour ... :drool: Any tour that opens with 11 O'clock Tick Tock is awesome.

Is that just in competitive games yeh? Thought we may have beaten you a few years back. Rugby is miles behind the 3 big sports here in terms of popularity so we have some excuse! Yeh, UF Tour kicked ass. Indian Summer Sky wasn't played often enough though
DublinGuy said:
Are any of you guys in to Arcade Fire? I think their album is the best debut in years and their demo and EP have some great stuff on it too and they apparently kick ass live!

i think many of us here love that Montreal band...they truly are amazing and i really need to see them live sometim:yes:
Ah, good to be back in this decade in terms of internet speed. I haven't checked last night's setlist yet. I'm almost scared to do it.
kellyahern said:


Did you go to FSU? :hyper:

I'm going to have to wait until 9 p.m. to go back to the game . . . Bono is on CNN (have to tape that :reject: ). Don't worry setlisters, it's not live :wink:.

P.S. How did we score that touchdown in the beginning? I missed that :lol:.

Naw, I didn't go :(......yet:wink:

My dad did get to go to the Miami game on Labor Day, I was so jealous :mad:
LJT said:

i think many of us here love that Montreal band...they truly are amazing and i really need to see them live sometim:yes:

There's a cool pretty official site that you should check out for liuve stuff.
The whole Electric picnic gig isn't up yet but there's a 20 minute radio thing from it available to download. It has Tunnels, Haiti, Rebellion and Power Out and kicks bottom big time!
RavenBlue said:

Yep just a sec I'll get the article from google news

Here's one from IGN

wooo that is pretty funky...but i have always found Nintendo to come up with great seems an interesting way of doing things...anyway it looks like there will be an ordinary controler shell available.
DublinGuy said:

Is that just in competitive games yeh? Thought we may have beaten you a few years back. Rugby is miles behind the 3 big sports here in terms of popularity so we have some excuse! Yeh, UF Tour kicked ass. Indian Summer Sky wasn't played often enough though

There is only one Irish team that has ever beaten the All Blacks - Munster. Ireland has also drawn with NZ, I think just once.

Totally agree about ISS. That song is way too under-rated.
Oooo. Just checked last night's list. (You just don't know how wonderful it is to be able to have more than one window open at a time...) Looks like they're shaking it up a bit with openers. Yay to Fast Cars and Out of Control. REALLY hope they keep both of those in the rotation.
DublinGuy said:

There's a cool pretty official site that you should check out for liuve stuff.
The whole Electric picnic gig isn't up yet but there's a 20 minute radio thing from it available to download. It has Tunnels, Haiti, Rebellion and Power Out and kicks bottom big time!

I am there my friend i am there:D....i wish i couldve went to the Electric Picnic but most of my money went on Oxegen.

Do you know that Arcade Fire did covers of Christmas songs? I seem to have found a bunch of them...
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Axver said:

There is only one Irish team that has ever beaten the All Blacks - Munster. Ireland has also drawn with NZ, I think just once.

Totally agree about ISS. That song is way too under-rated.

Ah, yeh I was probably thinking of the draw. Yeh, it's a class song. In the forest there's a clearing, I run there towards the light. Love the way he sings that line. Promenade deserved a play too for sure
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