Tiger Woods injured in car crash

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Really? What kind of douchebag revels in the misery of others and hopes for the end of a marriage that they have NO IDEA about the inner workings?

Dude, you need to CHILL the fuck out! :down:

I'm not reveling in anyone's misery and, duh, of course I have no idea about the inner workings of their marriage.

But, if you cheat on your wife with multiple partners, sorry, but I have no sympathy for you.

That goes for Tiger Woods, Steve Phillips, David Letterman and all the rest.
I love that Rachel Uchitel is now trying to jump back in the spotlight after being pushed aside by Tool Academy chick. She got blindsided, but as someone who turned 9/11 into a career booster, we had to expect that she wouldn't just sit by while someone else got to be all over E!, ET, extra, and whatever else.
He was simply noting the fact that your response (about the cheating gossip) had absolutely nothing to do with what he was talking about (the chances of a legal case against Tiger's wife for attacking him).

Ah, thanks - must have skimmed his post because I thought he meant the story will lose fuel and not the case. My bad, it was late :wink:
It's the double standard to end all double standards. Women are whores and men are poor, innocent bastards when it comes to cheating.

Yes indeed. If Elin had done the same to Tiger she'd be called a gold digging ho (Elin supposedly didn't even want to date him for fear of being called a gold digger) and Tiger would be seen as the victim. No one would be saying that Elin was just going out to get ..(insert crude phrase that some have called what Tiger did). Who would be going on and on about Elin's "privacy"? Tiger's veil of "privacy" could be one of the things that allowed him to think he could get away with all of this.

Tiger Woods is an arrogant colossal douchebag, for lack of a more appropriate word. Personally I think it applies.. Great golfer. The guy didn't just make one "mistake'. I wouldn't be surprised if there are several more women all over the country and the globe. I like what Jesper Parnevik said-he's the only one I have seen come out and speak what he honestly feels.

Cheat on your spouse, cheat on your children. Funny that that is barely ever said. Their young ages aren't relevant. He's cheating on them all the same. That's what I believe. Tiger should start with a good dose of humility. I guess he's being forced to.

And that statement he made about his "transgressions"..he can't even come out and say he had affairs and cheated on his wife. Gee he had plenty of explicit language to use in those text messages. He's not fooling anyone at this point-man up and say the words, at least on your web site.
Yes indeed. If Elin had done the same to Tiger she'd be called a gold digging ho (Elin supposedly didn't even want to date him for fear of being called a gold digger) and Tiger would be seen as the victim. No one would be saying that Elin was just going out to get ..(insert crude phrase that some have called what Tiger did). Who would be going on and on about Elin's "privacy"?

... I like what Jesper Parnevik said-he's the only one I have seen come out and speak what he honestly feels.

No offense, but no indeed not. You agree with Jesper Parnevik when he says that Elin should take a heavier club to assault Tiger with? Your response was in agreement with a basically irrelevant post because noone is giving Tiger a free pass, and in truth Rachel Urchitel and this other waitress are, in fact, career homewrecking whores who mainly screw married men and then blab about it, I can only imagine, in hopes of either stealing him away when the wife dumps him or making a load of cash. I don't know anyone in this thread, including myself, who is excusing Tiger or saying that he "just" went out to get some ass.

Atlanta, Germany, and Hispanics are all vaguely related to a running joke about a particular poster from a few years ago. Whenever the subject of people cheating comes up, those usually do as well.

I know Cori addressed that already, but I wanted to add Hispanics because if you're not familiar with it, it looks either stupid or racist.
I bet Tiger's wishing he'd driven a bit more carefully the other night....
what else can one possibly think of someone who sees the ring/is told that they are married, but still pursues or at very least proceeds? At best they are being whorish, and at worst are secretly plotting to upset the other person's marriage and take that person. Or have I missed something?
It's something you can't understand unless you're in that position. I know I never did, especially after my (ex)fiance cheated on me and had serious hostility towards people in affairs.

Fast forward a few years, a little older, wiser, and have seen people close to me on both sides and realized it's not so easy to vilify. Fast forward a few more years to when I became the other woman and saw the other side and how things can happen. I know I'm not whorish at best and never secretly wanted to break up anyone's marriage at worst. Didn't persue, but allowed it to proceed. Foolish, selfish(behaviour), yes.

I'd explain further, but I'd be taking this way off topic. I'm not sure what my point is other than that I hate those easy assumptions. :shrug:

It's still wrong, regardless.

Didn't you know that Gabe is the be-all end-all to knowledge about women?
I know it :wink:

Cheat on your spouse, cheat on your children. Funny that that is barely ever said. Their young ages aren't relevant. He's cheating on them all the same. That's what I believe.
My feelings, too. I've said it before.
I'm not sure what my point is other than that I hate those easy assumptions. :shrug:

It's still wrong, regardless.

I agree, and I guess unless some are pro marriage counsellors or psychiatrists most of us can really only talk from personal experience..which I also don't want to get to far into :sigh: :|

Judging you in the situation you described wouldn't be fair..things aren't always as black and white as they seem. Don't really know you all that well but I think it safe to say that you likely don't have anything like the resume that Rachel Urchitel has, that's for sure. :hug:
I'm fairly certain that a home can't be "wrecked" unless a resident of said home allows it to be, and that the onus to stay faithful to the marriage is on the one who actually took the wedding vows.
I know this is a controversial topic for many but lets try to keep personal issues with one another out of the thread. The ignore list comes in handy. :up:
I'm fairly certain that a home can't be "wrecked" unless a resident of said home allows it to be, and that the onus to stay faithful to the marriage is on the one who actually took the wedding vows.

Thank you for stating the obvious.

These women (however many of them) didn't wreck Tiger's home or marriage; if it ends up wrecked, it's because he did it. Unless somebody here wants to argue that they in fact had affairs with him without his consent.
Thank you for stating the obvious.

These women (however many of them) didn't wreck Tiger's home or marriage; if it ends up wrecked, it's because he did it.

Agreed. I don't care if she's the most stunning woman in the world promising you everything you ever wanted: you took vows that are supposed to be for life. If you break those vows, it is entirely your fault.

Besides, this whole "homewrecker" thing suggests that men are incapable of turning down sexual advances. "I really didn't want to have sex with her, but she made me!"*

*This reminds me of an FYM thread from a few years ago...
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I think the last few posters have made some very good points and have caused me to not necessarily reduce my repulsion for women like Rachel Urchitel, but I have to remember that in the end, every adult makes their own decisions in consensual sex, that's why it's called consensual sex between two adults. Tiger gets no free pass, if he did in fact sleep with these women. No further if ands or buts from me, really. The lot of them all deserve each other if everything we're hearing is true. :down:
No offense, but no indeed not. You agree with Jesper Parnevik when he says that Elin should take a heavier club to assault Tiger with? Your response was in agreement with a basically irrelevant post because noone is giving Tiger a free pass, and in truth Rachel Urchitel and this other waitress are, in fact, career homewrecking whores who mainly screw married men and then blab about it, I can only imagine, in hopes of either stealing him away when the wife dumps him or making a load of cash. I don't know anyone in this thread, including myself, who is excusing Tiger or saying that he "just" went out to get some ass.

Yes indeed yes-it IS a double standard, so that was not agreeing with an "irrelevant" post. That post about a double standard was one of the most relevant, in my opinion. Not in yours, but that doesn't make me wrong.Not to mention that many people would be questioning Elin as a mother. Where is the questioning of Tiger as a father?

I agree with Parnevik's statements about feeling badly about introducing Elin to Tiger and that he thought Tiger was a better person than that (and for having the guts and decency to say it publicly). You honestly think his statement about using a heavier club was something other than hyperbole? I doubt that he condones violence, though he might want to take a swing at Tiger at this point. You'd have to ask him. I don't condone violence at all-but I do understand perfectly where Elin's anger is coming from. And where Jesper's anger is coming from.

Tiger Woods is a homewrecking whore. The point has already been made here. Doesn't mean I condone what his "girlfriends" did but he is all the same. Same standard, not a double one.
Let's not pretend the double standard doesn't cut both ways. When a man cheats, he's a sex crazed idiot that doesn't care about anyone but himself. When a woman cheats it's because her needs weren't being met in the relationship. Cause and effect in a relationship is rarely that simple though. Only a fool would think they could make judgements about a relationship of which they no inside knowledge.

In the end, I don't feel bad for any of the cheaters involved in this story. Tiger made his bed and must lie in it. The women chose to sleep with a married man and make that public and now they're being called out for it. I hope for the children's sake, Tiger and his wife can work this out and save their mariage.

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