Throw Ron Artest out of the league

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Headache in a Suitcase

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Jul 16, 2000
Opinions are my own.
I can't believe what I just saw...

Ron Artest takes a cheap shot at Ben Wallace, Wallace reacts, a small skirmish breaks out, it calms down, it's over.

A moronic fan of the Detroit Pistons throws a beer at Ron Artest... Artest being a bigger moron hurdles himself over the scorers bench and attacks a fan... Artest's teammate follows him and starts throwing punches at fans. Fans obviously start throwing punches back and an all out meley breaks out in the Detroit stands.

The game is forefited, the Pacers win the game.

And then every announcer says the fans should be ashamed of themselves...

FUCK YOU!!! Are you frigging kidding me???? Yes... the fan who threw the beer should be ashamed of himself and damn it he should be arrested. But god damn it as a professional athlete you DO NOT storm the crowd and start throwing punches. That is the most disgraceful thing I have ever seen... Ron Artest and Stephen Jackson should be suspended for the remainder of the season, and every one of thouse annoucers who made excuses for those fucking idiots who went storming into the crowd throwing punches at fans should be fired. I'm fucking sickened right now.
yeah, i was at eating dinner at a bar, and this was on the big screen. all i could do was stare in disbelief. i was really hoping that the fans of detroit would all unite and just beat the crap out of the pacers. ron artest is obviously about the stupidest guy in the league, and at this point i think will also be facing assault charges.

also, did you see the look on larry brown's face? that guy is kicking someone's ass...
i can't belive how many cowards there are in sports broadcasting who refuse to place any blame on the indiana pacers. i couldn't believe this shit... yes, the fans should be ashamed of themselves. the detroit pistons fans were absolutely disgraceful. but god damn it getting hit with a cup of beer is no fucking excuse to storm into the crowd and start throwing punches at people.

and i've seen more video where artest was walking away from the fight and some fan started yapping at him and artest flat out cold cocked the guy in the face... the guy falls to the floor... artest is pulled away, the guy starts getting up and jermaine o'neal comes running over and throws a punch at this guy.

i can't believe this shit... the entire indiana pacers team needs to be suspended.
i'm still in disgust... i played college basketball. i've been hit with things from the crowd before. i've never once thought of running into the crowd. this was the lead story on abc news in new york... so ya know there's gonna be a LOT of discussion about this event and some huge fines and penalties comming.

news is that the detroit police want to arrest at least jermaine o'neal

this is a sad sad day for the NBA and basketball in general.
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wow, i just saw the highlights again on espn2 after the syracuse game. i hadn't seen where they started attacking the fans down on the floor. that is utterly pathetic. i'm sorry, but sports or not, there is no place in society for this behavior. what a friggin' idiots.

and of course the espn guys aren't going to rip the players. without things the players, they don't have jobs. i mean, hey they don't want to jeopradize those indiana ratings. i think coward is the right way to describe this attitude.

i'm sorry, i should know this, but who coaches the pacers? i really can't imagine a team behaving like this under their previous coaches, like larry brown or larry bird. there has to be a level of respect for the game, and obvious the pacers don't have it.

btw, any thoughts on this affecting o'neal's nike deal?
my level of disgust has gone up another level... I just read the official recap of the game on they practicly celebrate what the pacers did.

AUBURN HILLS, Michigan (Ticker) -- Stephen Jackson made quite a first impression on the overheated rivalry between the Indiana Pacers and Detroit Pistons.

Jackson delivered knockout punches of all kinds as the Pacers brawled with fans in the stands and on the court after a 97-82 victory over the Pistons, a game that was called with 45 seconds to play.

In one of the craziest melees in NBA history, Jackson, Ron Artest and Jermaine O'Neal all delivered haymakers to unruly Pistons fans, who showed the worst side of their behavior by throwing everything from plastic bottles to chairs at members of the Pacers.

The Pacers fought back - literally. Several went into the stands to accost fans who had thrown things. Jackson climbed into the seats and landed a roundhouse right that floored a fan who had thrown a plastic beer bottle at Artest, hitting him in the face.

Fans continued to throw things and verbally accost members of the Pacers. Several came onto the court and one took a fighting stance against Artest, who dropped him with a punch. O'Neal ran over and floored another fan with a righthanded blow.

Fighting with each other minutes earlier, the Pacers and Pistons quickly teamed up to fight off the fans.

Referees called the game, which forced the Pacers to make their way through a gauntlet of angry fans who continued to throw objects despite pleas from Pistons coach Larry Brown. Players and team officials were showered with beer, soda and popcorn.

Acquired in the offseason, Jackson is new to this rivalry, which peaked with the Pistons defeating the Pacers in six physical games in last season's Eastern Conference finals.

He scored 13 points, including a dagger 3-pointer and dunk less than 40 seconds apart that ended a rally by the Pistons and gave the Pacers a 93-79 lead with 3:52 to play

and the head coach of the pacers is rick carslisle

and wow... the 4 fucking morons on ESPN's NBA bench CONTINUE to place all the blame on the fans and none on the players... Did the incident get ugly because a fan threw a cup of beer at ron artest? no... the incident got ugly because RON FUCKING ARTEST STORMED INTO THE CROWD LIKE A MAD MAN.
you ever have the thought go through your head "everyone is retarded but me?" yeah...that is definitly what i'm thinking right now. how could these people who are supposedly educated on basketball look at what happened and interpret it this way? i guess because it's all their job to market the league and its players...:mad:
at least a chick didnt get naked for him in the locker room before the game
what the heck was that fan doing on the floor in the first place, dude we cant just blame the players, there both to blame. the drunk fans for screwing off, and the fricken players.
let the security guards deal with the fans. these players aren't getting played to knock anyone cold. plus, if the pacers had stayed out of the stands to begin with, the situation never would have gotten to this point.
well, it is detroit...but after the cup is thrown, artest flips the guy off yells at him, whatever, the guy gets thrown out, pays a fine or whatever, situation over. but artest goes into the crowd, the rest of the pacers go into the crowd, and things blow up. i'm sorry but i think there has to come a point where someone shows some restraint.

i really thought that steven a smith would be a smart guy in this situation. shows how much i know.
I'm gonna have to check out the replay of this later on tonight. Is Ron Artest the one who just took some "personal time" to work on his recording label? Anyway, sounds like you're right, Headache. The Pacers players are the ones responsible for making a bad situation into a ridiculously horrible and stupid one.
macphisto23 said:
what the heck was that fan doing on the floor in the first place, dude we cant just blame the players, there both to blame. the drunk fans for screwing off, and the fricken players.

fuck that... i've had stuff thrown at me as a player, i've had stuff thrown at me now as a coach... i have never entered the stands... the thought of entering the stands has never even entered my mind.

the fans were disgraceful... beyond disgraceful. towards the end of the mele some fan picked up a chair and lobbed it. the fan who threw the original cup should be arrested. the fan who threw the chair should be arrested. but god damn it, so should ron artest, jermaine o'neal and stephen jackson.

and holy mother of god if i hear one more announcer say that the players have it so bad because they get taunted and have stuff thrown at them... THEY MAKE 15 MILLION A FRIGGIN YEAR!!! THE FAN PAYS HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS PER GAME TO SEE THESE PRIMADONNAS.

Does any fan have the right to throw something on the court/field? Hell no... he should be arrested on the spot. But by no means do you EVER go into the stands over something like a thrown plastic cup.

and the fan who was on the court... yea... fine... he was tresspassing. but he was only about 5 feet from teh baseline seats, and he wasn't throwing any punches. in such a brawl where fans and 6'8" players are flying threw the stands, it's common sense that some of the fans from that area are going to spill out onto the court, simply by trying to avoid getting crushed by the mob. the two guys who were sucker punched by jermaine o'neal and ron artest were NOT throwing punches, cups, beer bottles, anything.

the word professional is supposed to mean something. amature players get taunted by drunken fans... get hit with random objects. they are expected to remain on the court and not fight the fans. a professional athlete?? you've got to be kidding me. he was hit in the chest with a lobbed PLASTIC CUP. A PLASTIC CUP... this was not glass, this was not a beer bottle, this was not a chair... yet.

This disgraceful incident starts and ends with one man... Ron Artest.

Ron Artest was already considered to be the dirtiest player in the league. I've said before in a thread in here about fighting in sports... the only time I'm fighting is if someone fouls me hard from behind. That's exactly what Artest did to Ben Wallace. Some may say Wallace over-reacted. Bullshit. When the player who's considered to be the dirtiest player in the league hits you while you're in mid air... from behind... without making a play on the ball... what would YOU do? Of course Wallace is gonna confront Artest. The Pacers were up 15 points when this happened... let me repeat that... The Pacers were up 15 poitns when this happened. There is no reason to foul Ben Wallace in that situation, with under a minute to go, PERIOD... let alone a hard foul from behind. Artest lets Wallace score, the Pacers lead by 13 points with under a minute to go. The game is over, no fight happens.

Move on to how the incident got uglier... Ron Artest, like the nut job that he is, is now laying down on the scorers table as the rest of his team fights a fight that he started. A fan hits artest with A PLASTIC CUP. If Artest alerts security or the police, the fan is ejected and/or arrested, they finish the game, they go home. OVER. END OF INCIDENT. This didn't turn into an all time black eye until the point that Ron Artest went into the stands. Artest and Artest alone is to blame for turning a bad situation into the worst incidents in NBA history.

And to make things evern worse... Artest hit the wrong guy. The older guy in the white had in the video is the one who threw the cup. Artest stormed the stands and hit some 18-24 year old kid square in the face. He hit the wrong person. He hit an innocent bystander.
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headache, this should make you feel better, one of the guys on the fsn rocky mountain sports report finally took a stand and said artest deserved to be suspended for a year, and should face legal action, and the other commentators agreed.
It ain't cool to get hit by stuff that fans throw...but I agree, Artest going into the stands incited a near riot atmosphere in that building.

That is a serious situation that should have serious consequnces!

Didn't Axl Rose get arrested for inciting a riot in Montreal??
this isn't a one time incident for artest... he has a history of ugly incidents and it's about time that the league dropped the hammer on him BIG time.

and i have to give props to the former craziest man in the NBA, rasheed wallace, for being the biggest peacemaker in this entire ugly incident.
Ron artest is a fucking idiot who wants to be Dennis Rodman and hes a punk. This is incredible, I watched the whole replay just now rooting for the fans to clock him in the face. I dont blame any of those fans for doing that, and those ESPN fuckers should all be fired for their comments. Oh, the brave pacers for sticking up for their players, why can't Detroit be good fans and stick up to their fellow fans? That's not allowed, but O'Neil and Jackson jumping in the crowd to swing at fans is being a great teammate.
Those guys on ESPN said artest did nothing wrong. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? He cheap shoted Ben Wallace with 30 secs left when up by like 20 points, and then jumps in and goes after the wrong fan!!! Ya, nothing...I just laughed when all the fans lined up and threw stuff at O'Neal and Artest. The chair was way out of line and it's a disgrace it came to all this, but Artest deserved what he got. So did the Pistons fans, especially the guys who ran onto court to swing at him. Still, to put the blame only on the fans of Detroit is ridiculous.
I just saw the replay on SportsCenter. I am close to crying...I have never seen such a frightening thing at a sports event in my life, and I've watched plenty of Yankees-Red Sox games!

What really gets to me was when some players were leaving the court, and people were throwing beer, popcorn, etc. at them like they were animals. That said, players should not go into the stands and punch out fans. Let security take care of unruly "fans"--that's their job.

And Headache--remember how Knicks fans went crazy when Frederick Weis was drafted by them instead of Ron Artest? Maybe the Dolans knew what they were doing for once!
I wish the cops would come after at least Artest. What a bunch of fucking thugs. And the guys on ESPN are almost as bad. I hope there is some serious backlash coming their way when this hits big time tomorrow.
Perhaps Ron Artest should have taken up his issues with Pistons superfan Chris Chelios, who was also sitting courtside.
well after having even more time to review it... it's still the most dispicable thing i've ever seen a pro athlete do. to respond like that to a thrown cup of beer is absolutely disgraceful. SportsCenter showed a different angle of Artest while he was laying on the scorer's table... the entire team he's laying there he's picking his head up and yelling back at the fans... this went on for a good 5 minutes... artest and the fans yelling at each other. then the plastic cup of beer was thrown... and then artest moved on from an idiot to a complete psychopath... along with his cohorts stephen jackson and jermaine o'neal.

if i was the commissioner of the NBA...

Ben Wallace... 5 game suspension for fighting.
Jamal Tinsley... 15 game suspension for attempting to use a dust pan as a weapon
Jermaine O'Neal... season suspension for attacking fans
Stephen Jackson... season suspension for attacking fans
Ron Artest... life suspension for insiting a riot, attacking fans, etc. etc. Chance for reinstation after 2 seasons.

The NBA... it's faaaaaantastic.
the worst is Tim Legler, that bastard. Joe Dumars came out and said the best thing all night, he basically said "everyone is at fault. The pistons, the fans of detroit, but so are the pacers." What an intelligent statement. Then Legler calls him "ridiculous" saying that players have the right to jump in the crowd if they get thrown beer at. How is Tim Legler going to criticize Joe Dumars? That's like Milli Vanilli ridiculing Bono's vocal skills.

The biggest punk is that kid Jackson on the pacers, what a loser, he was stepping up to Ben Wallace only because his people were holding him back, Wallace would have split him in two. But then again, he'll be out of the league in two years anyway so he might as well get his two mins. of fame in.
Here's a poll on ESPN about the brawl. The results so far:

1) Was this the ugliest incident of fan-player violence you can recall?

83.0% Yes
17.0% No

2) Which was the worst incident between fans and players?

67.7% Ron Artest and Pacers battle Detroit fans in the stands
26.1% Royals coach Tom Gamboa attacked on field in Chicago
6.2% Texas pitcher Frank Francisco throws chair into stands

3) Who is most to blame for Friday night's brawl in Detroit?

49.6% Detroit fans
35.9% Ron Artest
8.7% Ben Wallace
5.2% Detroit security
0.6% Referees

4) Do you fault Ron Artest for going into the stands after being hit from close range by a full cup of beer and other items?

56.2% Yes, he has to have a cooler head and let security handle it.
43.8% No, any person has a right to defend him or herself in that situation.

5) Do you fault other Pacers players for going into the stands after Artest reacted?

54.0% No, they've got to protect a teammate.
46.0% Yes, they weren't attacked but they escalated the situation.

6) What should happen to Ben Wallace?

54.0% Suspended 1-5 games
17.0% Monetary fine but no suspension
16.0% Suspended 6-10 games
13.1% Suspended more than 10 games

7) What should happen to Ron Artest?

44.6% Suspended more than 10 games
24.2% Suspended 1-5 games
17.6% Suspended 6-10 games
13.6% Monetary fine but no suspension

8) What should happen to Stephen Jackson?

36.8% Suspended more than 10 games
28.9% Suspended 1-5 games
21.3% Suspended 6-10 games
13.0% Monetary fine but no suspension

9) Should local authorities use videotape to prosecute unruly fans on any applicable charges relating to Friday's game?

59.3% Yes, anyone throwing anything at players or personnel
34.4% Yes, but only those involved in physical violence
6.2% No, keep it out of those kind of courts

10) How much of a role did alcohol play in Friday's brawl escalating out of control?

49.9% Somewhat responsible
36.2% Largely responsible
13.9% Barely played a role

11) When should beer sales end at NBA games?

40.4% After third quarter
38.4% Halftime
21.3% End of the game

12) Have you ever had too much to drink at a sporting event?

72.4% No
27.6% Yes

13) Should the NBA consider nearby neutral sites like Toledo, Louisville or Cincinnati for future Pistons-Pacers games?

81.6% No
18.4% Yes

14) Are fans hypocritical for blasting a loss of sportsmanship among professional athletes?

51.3% Yes. Have you been to a game lately? Fans have lost all civility.
48.7% No. It's only a small percentage of fans, compared to a larger percentage of athletes.

15) What did you think of the foul by Artest that started the incident?

40.0% It was a hard foul but that's about it.
33.7% Cheap shot. What was he doing fouling at all at that point?
26.3% Wallace was just sore about the score; fouls like that happen all the time.

16) What should happen to Jermaine O'Neal?

30.6% Suspended 1-5 games
27.0% Suspended more than 10 games
24.8% Monetary fine but no suspension
17.5% Suspended 6-10 games

Total Votes: 114,062
Headache in a Suitcase said:
and i have to give a whole bunch of kudos to chris "mad dog" russo on WFAN in New York for trashing all of the reporters and announcers for defending ron artest's actions.

The Mad Dog had Steven A. Smith on and when asked how many games Ben Wallace should be suspended, Smith responded (I think) 3-5 games. RUSSO just about laughed at him. Then Smith became smart and said Jackson could be gone for the season.....

Yet another classic Saturday Mad Dog rant (1st the Boston parade) and now this.....
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