Things I Hate Part ∞ and then some.

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My Paypal account got hacked and someone went on a shopping spree at the Microsoft store. :grumpy: I have no idea how. My password is really strong and is not used on any other sites. :angry:

I think it will all get fixed, will just take some time. Meh!
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cobl04 said:
So I'm 21 today. At 10:10pm to precise. Now I really hate being down, or a complainer, etc, so I very rarely say what troubles me in this forum. And I shouldn't do this on my birthday. But I will. In a spoiler.


But as of today I am legally allowed to drink in the US so there'll be no more whinging from me! :D
:hug: i totally hear you. i hear you on clubs, i'm not much of a partier myself so i've not been clubbing too much but in my personal opinion i don't see it as a place to find someone to have a relationship with, just a hookup. perhaps you're right though and you should start surrounding yourself with some more friends who have similar interests as you. it's just a part of life, you get older and can find you don't have the same interests as your friends anymore. with school and work, it's always tough to keep those friendships once you're no longer there. it may not seem like it, but so much of the conversation can tend to be about that. once you're not there, there's no more complaining about an assignment or asshole coworker.

as a result, you might be able to find a relationship. some guy you befriend might have a single girl friend, sister, cousin, etc. or while hanging out at an event, you meet someone. i know the crap about finding someone when you're not looking is a cliche but it's true. i do wish you good luck though, you're a good guy and deserve to find someone special. :)

neutral said:

My Paypal account got hacked and someone went on a shopping spree at the Microsoft store. :grumpy: I have no idea how. My password is really strong and is not used on any other sites. :angry:

I think it will all get fixed, will just take some time. Meh!
holy shit, that sucks! good luck getting it all fixed. methinks it's time for me to change my password, just in case.
Thanks khan. Just watching some old videos of me when I was a baby/kid. Mum says I was always smiling. Even when I had a massive ear infection on my first birthday, I was still beaming. Maybe I can take a bit of inspiration from a very young me :)
^ But Two and a Half Men is the best show history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- adding chicks on facebook only to find out they have boyfriends.
I hate that there is nothing to do here :/ I would at least like to go to'd even go for some random historical sites in the miserable rain. Anything but sitting time, I am staying in one of the cities.

(right, like I'll have money to do that on my own XD)
I hate being sick. I know what this is. I know all I can do is treat the symptoms. But it'd be awfully fantastic if the meds would WORK ALREADY. :angry:

OW OW OW stupid insides OW. :sad:
So I'm 21 today. At 10:10pm to precise. Now I really hate being down, or a complainer, etc, so I very rarely say what troubles me in this forum. And I shouldn't do this on my birthday. But I will. In a spoiler.

I have never been in anything close to resembling a serious relationship. I have had some opportunities, few and far between, that for one reason or another have dissolved. But I learn from those. I do worry because I mean, fuck, I'm 21! The older I get the harder it will become, right? People always say "when you least expect it"/"plenty of fish in the sea"/"you'll meet the right person" but the fact is there are people in this world who haven't and may not. Frankly I'm pretty mortified by that. I'm quite a social person, I've got plenty of girls that are friends, but too many are just that - friends. Sometimes I think maybe I'm not being 100% true to myself. I can't pick up in clubs. Maybe it's not my scene. Maybe I spend too much time with all the people I call my great friends and not enough time embracing other sides of myself, where I could perhaps meet people and things could develop. Am I too "ashamed" to interact more with more like-minded people because of my friend group? I'm pretty keen to go on a trip solo, either in Australia or overseas. Because I'm pretty social and I think I'd do well. I often think that if I had a girlfriend, or was just "picking up" every so often, my life would be pretty much perfect. A lot of it is about attitude and confidence. I don't have the same confidence some others have, but I like to carry myself with a positive attitude as often as I can. A lot of those self-help books are rubbish, and The Secret was overblown, but if you take it right back to the simple "Secret" - the law of attraction I think it is - it's got a lot of truth to it. The mind is very powerful. I get my braces off in two days (managed to not tell a soul either) so I do kind of hope that will result in more attraction and/or confidence, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much.

But as of today I am legally allowed to drink in the US so there'll be no more whinging from me! :D

:hug: Can say I 100% know that feeling D. I have the exact same situation and it SUCKS ballz. I've no clue how to fix it, I have confidence, but guys just never like me that way. Perhaps they're intimidated, whatever. But it just doesn't happen.

Move to Holland kplzthnx?:flirt:
I hate that there is nothing to do here :/ I would at least like to go to'd even go for some random historical sites in the miserable rain. Anything but sitting time, I am staying in one of the cities.

(right, like I'll have money to do that on my own XD)

There's a few things to do in Howth, but possibly not best when it rains. Climbing the big hill to the lookout point is awesome(but don't do it on the only brilliant summer day when it's 30C, that was a BAD idea) and the chapel is nice too. Plus the harbour has cute little shops and there's seals there that come by every afternoon!
I hate that no matter what I say or do, it seems to be the wrong thing. A bazillionty people can say if such and such happens you should 'stand your ground' or 'you should...'. But yet the moment I do... KABOOM. And then I'm the bad guy.

I hate being sad about stuff. I hate feeling like someone is slipping away. I hate that family members have done some mean things and now act like it never happened. I hate that I know that I am a good person but some insist on making me feel bad. I hate the state of some things. I hate some states! (Sorry, not a fan of Indiana). I hate liver. Eww, it's a filter! Why would you eat that.


Hate things I have no control over :sigh:

Me too.

Not sure what you are dealing with and don't have control over... But I am sorry you are feeling that anxiety.
There's a few things to do in Howth, but possibly not best when it rains. Climbing the big hill to the lookout point is awesome(but don't do it on the only brilliant summer day when it's 30C, that was a BAD idea) and the chapel is nice too. Plus the harbour has cute little shops and there's seals there that come by every afternoon!

I'm not even there yet, I'm in Waterville! And the only stuff to do involves much driving to other places :/ (I did get out and go to the beach today and it wasn't freezing, though, thank that's good)

And you forget the thing to do is stalk a certain drummer :shifty: IF he comes over to his house sometime soon.

I hate that everything costs money. Do we need money? No. Is it annoying that euros mean everything costs 2x as much as I'm used to? Yes.
I'm afraid I don't know waterville, where is that?


basically where that image of a house is...and it took hours to get here from Dublin... over was hell! Although I listened to Unforgettable Fire ~3 times on the CD dock in the car on the way...heh.
So I'm 21 today. At 10:10pm to precise. Now I really hate being down, or a complainer, etc, so I very rarely say what troubles me in this forum. And I shouldn't do this on my birthday. But I will. In a spoiler.

I have never been in anything close to resembling a serious relationship. I have had some opportunities, few and far between, that for one reason or another have dissolved. But I learn from those. I do worry because I mean, fuck, I'm 21! The older I get the harder it will become, right? People always say "when you least expect it"/"plenty of fish in the sea"/"you'll meet the right person" but the fact is there are people in this world who haven't and may not. Frankly I'm pretty mortified by that. I'm quite a social person, I've got plenty of girls that are friends, but too many are just that - friends. Sometimes I think maybe I'm not being 100% true to myself. I can't pick up in clubs. Maybe it's not my scene. Maybe I spend too much time with all the people I call my great friends and not enough time embracing other sides of myself, where I could perhaps meet people and things could develop. Am I too "ashamed" to interact more with more like-minded people because of my friend group? I'm pretty keen to go on a trip solo, either in Australia or overseas. Because I'm pretty social and I think I'd do well. I often think that if I had a girlfriend, or was just "picking up" every so often, my life would be pretty much perfect. A lot of it is about attitude and confidence. I don't have the same confidence some others have, but I like to carry myself with a positive attitude as often as I can. A lot of those self-help books are rubbish, and The Secret was overblown, but if you take it right back to the simple "Secret" - the law of attraction I think it is - it's got a lot of truth to it. The mind is very powerful. I get my braces off in two days (managed to not tell a soul either) so I do kind of hope that will result in more attraction and/or confidence, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much.

But as of today I am legally allowed to drink in the US so there'll be no more whinging from me! :D

no advice or words of wisdom (cuz I'm old and bitter and twisted :wink: ) I'm just gonna get all mumma like on your ass :hug: . . . hang in there lovely; you're a good soul and well, good things will happen :hug:


My Paypal account got hacked and someone went on a shopping spree at the Microsoft store. :grumpy: I have no idea how. My password is really strong and is not used on any other sites. :angry:

I think it will all get fixed, will just take some time. Meh!

:yikes: I'm sorry


Hate things I have no control over :sigh:

. . . going with the flow is a hard one eh? sending you some :zen: :)
I hate that no matter what I say or do, it seems to be the wrong thing. A bazillionty people can say if such and such happens you should 'stand your ground' or 'you should...'. But yet the moment I do... KABOOM. And then I'm the bad guy.

I hate being sad about stuff. I hate feeling like someone is slipping away. I hate that family members have done some mean things and now act like it never happened. I hate that I know that I am a good person but some insist on making me feel bad. I hate the state of some things. I hate some states! (Sorry, not a fan of Indiana). I hate liver. Eww, it's a filter! Why would you eat that.

:hug: just be . . . cliched as it is, if you are true to your own self the rest will come . . . sorry the curveball is biting you in the ass :hug: . . . and as for liver . . . :sick:

<-- day one of term 3 and the games have already begun :banghead: mama mia . . . :zen:
I hate that no matter what I say or do, it seems to be the wrong thing. A bazillionty people can say if such and such happens you should 'stand your ground' or 'you should...'. But yet the moment I do... KABOOM. And then I'm the bad guy.

I hate being sad about stuff. I hate feeling like someone is slipping away. I hate that family members have done some mean things and now act like it never happened. I hate that I know that I am a good person but some insist on making me feel bad. I hate the state of some things. I hate some states! (Sorry, not a fan of Indiana). I hate liver. Eww, it's a filter! Why would you eat that.

Being made to feel like the bad guy is part of standing your ground. You wouldn't need to stand so firmly if people just accepted and agreed with your opinion. In the end, more people will respect you holding onto your principles than waffling at the slightest prodding, even those who once pressured you.

Been there, done that.
Hate? I hate how I feel right now.

I'm there too. So sorry Jeff!:hug::hug::hug: You are a great guy and deserve only good things.

For myself, I hate not knowing what changed in a friendship that was once so great. WHAT THE F*CK!!!! At least let me know what happened.:sad:

Sorry I am venting so much in here, but these last few days have been just awful.
I hate going through a week long heatwave without Air Conditioning. That should be fixed by next week, but it's only Monday and I'm sick of sweating buckets. I think it would be wise to visit the outdoor pool this week.
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