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2 weeks til what?

Akira - yes. But I need to watch it again. I tend to miss a lot with Anime cause I think things like, "Wow, that's cool. Is that drawing? How do they make the rain look like that? What's with the glowing light effect - paint? Computer? WTF?" all the time.
Akira - yes. But I need to watch it again. I tend to miss a lot with Anime cause I think things like, "Wow, that's cool. Is that drawing? How do they make the rain look like that? What's with the glowing light effect - paint? Computer? WTF?" all the time.

I do that too! Most of the time the plot is so convoluted it takes several viewings to get a handle on it.

Akira is pretty fucked up but I :heart: it nonetheless...

What about Princess Mononoke?
yes but, you sayin for couple of hours, you stand there, almost, by the door, by the person speaking, legs apart, hands grasped behind buttocks, all straight and calm, just to look mega-important?

now come on Elfa, I know for years you have been working in the Boiler room, but to get old Sam to give a damn about you, thats not the way to be doing it! Esp if you volunteer to turn the pages or hold his pointer.
yes but, you sayin for couple of hours, you stand there, almost, by the door, by the person speaking, legs apart, hands grasped behind buttocks, all straight and calm, just to look mega-important?

now come on Elfa, I know for years you have been working in the Boiler room, but to get old Sam to give a damn about you, thats not the way to be doing it! Esp if you volunteer to turn the pages or hold his pointer.

I make it a point not to hold another man's "pointer" :tsk:
Hi VP how goes it dear?

yes men and animation.

give them Popeye, they laugh and enjoy it more than 10 Strippers wearing unpoppable balloons.

Bleh, I'm hanging in there. How about you?

My daughter has dabbled in anime, plus she's a huge Final Fantasy geek (oddly, both the video game series and the performer), so yeah, some of it's impressive. I never get involved in the plots, though, I just look up at the tv from time to time and appreciate the pretty animation.
Dexter - I finished season 2. Waiting for Season 3 DVDs.

Mononoke and all those ones by...uh...that guy, are brilliant. Which is the one with the spiders that crawl on the floor and carry coal? I love that one. I just started Steamboy too. Only about 30 mins in, I'd say, but I like it.

I used to watch a lot more, but i sorta fell out of it. I recently watched Tokyo Godfathers, which was good. Grave of the Fireflies - totally not what I expected and I will say one of the more thought inducing movies I've ever seen - really makes you look differently at WWII. But I can't recommend it to anyone cause it's just too depressing.

Bebop is my favorite by far. That shit was art. There is one episode - something about "Angels" - that is one of the finest 30 minutes I've even spent in front a TV.

And Evangelion is great, but can tend to get tedious. Elfen Lied - I loved that - but man, it's cooky.

I did like Naruto for a while. But it got too kiddy and I stopped. I used to DL them, and last I checked the TV show still hadn't caught up to where I left off. Maybe I'll get back in to it sometime....
And Evangelion is great, but can tend to get tedious.

ugh, did you watch any of the final “movies”? If you haven’t, I suggest you avoid them, total waste of time that make absolutely no sense :tsk:

Have you seen Berserk? It's an excellent series but it ends rather abruptly though.

Kenshin is good as well but goes on too long and once again, the final two "movies" are confusing and depressing as shit...

In fact, I can't recall watching a single anime series that ended in a satisfying manner, they have real problems over there with tying up lose endings...

sorry, truth is Im not in Anime.


I prefer stick men and women drawings.

just four lines and a round shape, very simple.

make them move round on the page, very simple.

make them do things, very simple.

ya know?

I don't get the appeal of anime, either. I can't tell the girls and guys apart, and then there's all those crazy symbolic things you need to know the meaning of.

Oh, you were asking for her anime pics. When I said she dabbled in it, I meant she reads/watches/plays, not that she draws.

Stick people. :drool:
I don't know :sad: He's at home.

But I will be there again in one week and three days :drool:
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