The Temple Bar - Doing 'It' 'Cos We Can!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
No no no...'It' isn't here yet...I have Netflix..'it' will be here Friday :drool:

<caught the above edit and fixed her own>
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I was at a friends bday party

see i'm in early

do you know regina spektor? the song Better??? I thought it was
"if I kiss you where it's sharp" which I thought was weird then it made a lot of sense and I liked it. Then I googled it and realized it's "if i kiss you where it's sore" now I don't like it as much.

"will you feel anything at all" I still love that part :heart:
Has this off the record thing been ripped yet, cause it's on right now, but I don't feel like watching it right now...I'm watcihng the colbert report
I've been listening to KROQ all morning. They are taking extreme measures to block scalpers from buying Acoustic CHristmas tickets which notoriously sells out insanely fast.

When certain song is played the tickets will go on sale at ticketmaster, that minute. So you have to listen non stop. I'm not even sure what day they will go on sale :huh:

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