The Official Interference Super (it's two words, people) Bowl Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Varitek said:

I asked this in the Brady-u2 thread but you're probably more likely to read it here - how'd you get to be a Pats fan from Canada?



Well, New England is a stone's throw away from Montreal, so we usually get Pats games on Sundays.

But I grew up a 49ers fan, so that theory doesn't apply to everyone up here. :)
Originally posted by the poster formerly known as Chizip
so it turns out the pats cheated in the superbowl win over the rams, no big surprise, fucking cheaters

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I'm disappointed that this was the best post you could make.

Taping a walkthrough practice (if it DID happen, that is) would surely be the difference, when all the media was there, too.

Plus they had Tom Brady's favorite band play the halftime, clearly a conspiracy.
i love the media.

honestly... does anyone with any sort of athletic IQ honestly believe that the pats changed their gameplan based on a walk through that was open to the media less than 24 hours before game time? gimmie a break.
Varitek said:
how'd you get to be a Pats fan from Canada?


At least that's how it is here in Nova Scotia. :crack:
Dusty Bottoms said:
so it turns out the pats cheated in the superbowl win over the rams, no big surprise, fucking cheaters

Thank you for that enlightening contribution to the Super Bowl thread.

And we now return you to your regularly scheduled bitterness.
Yeah, this Arlen Specter/spygate stuff is getting bloody annoying, and the timing is highly suspect.

Let the NFL investigate all forms of cheating going on in the NFL by all teams. Videotaping, steroids, piped in crowd noise, etc etc etc. It won't be pretty.
Go Patriots

I want them to win because of the media bullshit and, more importantly, because New York sucks.
i'd honestly like to thank senator spector and the idiotic media for giving the patriots, as if they needed any, that last speck of motivation for today's game. honestly... great timing, every giants fan everywhere appreciates it. :madspit:
DaveC said:

Thank you for that enlightening contribution to the Super Bowl thread.

And we now return you to your regularly scheduled bitterness.

Dave, if I didn't know you're feelings about the Pats, I would think that your avatar actually means that you don't want them to go 18-1. :ohmy:
phillyfan26 said:
Go Patriots

I want them to win because of the media bullshit and, more importantly, because New York sucks.

2 reasons to root for the Pats to win the superbowl today.

1. The thought of Don Shula, Mercury Morris and Nick Buoniconti popping champagne corks if they lose.

2. There's a Manning at QB for the opposition.
phillyfan26 said:
Go Patriots

I want them to win because of the media bullshit and, more importantly, because New York sucks.

New York doesn't suck! Go Giants!

I don't expect the Giants to win because the Patriots are that good. But, if NY does win, their victory will be one of the biggest upsets in sports history. So they've got that going for them too. Lol!
My Ten Most Hated Sports Teams in All of Sports List Thing

1. New York Mets
2. New York Giants
3. New York Yankees
4. Dallas Cowboys
5. Georgetown
6. UNC
7. Atlanta Braves
8. Ohio State
9. Boston Celtics
10. New York Knicks

Thus, go Patriots.
For the record, I'm cheering for the Pats.

If Eli and Jeremy Shockey were to get Super Bowl rings...ugh...:barf:
phillyfan26 said:
My Ten Most Hated Sports Teams in All of Sports List Thing

1. New York Mets
2. New York Giants
3. New York Yankees
4. Dallas Cowboys
5. Georgetown
6. UNC
7. Atlanta Braves
8. Ohio State
9. Boston Celtics
10. New York Knicks

Thus, go Patriots.

eric mangini appreciates your support.
well... it's off to the super bowl party.

it's been 18 years since a team i root for has won a championship... and as i've already posted in the baseball thread, it seems that every team i hate has won at least two titles in that span. so now the giants have a chance that shit even i'll admit i never thought they'd get just a month ago. but here they are... and wouldn't you know they're going against an undefeated team... from boston.

the pats are obviously the better team... and i know full well that the whole any given sunday thing is a bit over-rated (seriously... polk high school ain't beating the new england patriots on any sunday, given or not). but they're in the game, they have a chance, and all i can do is hope for the best.


we are ONE :hug::heart::bono::edge::larry::adam::heart::hug:
phillyfan26 said:
My Ten Most Hated Sports Teams in All of Sports List Thing

1. New York Mets
2. New York Giants
3. New York Yankees
4. Dallas Cowboys
5. Georgetown
6. UNC
7. Atlanta Braves
8. Ohio State
9. Boston Celtics
10. New York Knicks

Thus, go Patriots.

Well, all that I wish to add to that is: Go Eagles!

Oh yes, that's right, the party was over for them a long time ago. Lol!

Instant karma is gonna get you!

Off to the Super Bowl party I go.
Headache in a Suitcase said:
eric mangini appreciates your support.

He'd be in my top ten hated coaches list, but the Jets generally don't mean shit to me, so I'd file them in the "Indifference" category.
MrPryck2U said:
Well, all that I wish to add to that is: Go Eagles!

Oh yes, that's right, the party was over for them a long time ago. Lol!

Instant karma is gonna get you!

What's this about karma? Karma for what?
They just played exactly 3 seconds of Weird Fishes/Arpeggi on FOX's NFL pregame

I made the mistake of going to the grocery store two hours prior to the game.


I'm still slightly traumatized.
corianderstem said:
I made the mistake of going to the grocery store two hours prior to the game.


I'm still slightly traumatized.

Yeah, bad idea :hug:

I don't know who to root for. I don't really care about either team.

So I'm going with the Giants out of spite :up:.

Although, the thought of denying Mercury Morris his champagne is tempting :hmm:
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