The 'I don't seem to like the new album' thread

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"EASY TO PLEASE? LOL Just check out the title of this thread, it screams don't hit me i'm just sayin, just sayin...."

I'm not referring to many people in this thread, but to people in other threads who say what a brilliant album this is. I guess what bothers me most about NLOTH is just how bad Bono's voice is on a couple of notes, how did that get through as the final version? We're not talking some mediocre band here, we're talking one of the bast bands of all time, and I'm shocked the band and co-producers were happy with the final versions of a couple songs.
i know what parts ur talking about, it didnt slip by, nothing does, as we all know u2 are way too in love with themselves to let that happen. I think the idea was..."well shit, we're helping bono's voice along so much that a couple "human moments" might be nice to counter the phonyness of the rest of it.
"EASY TO PLEASE? LOL Just check out the title of this thread, it screams don't hit me i'm just sayin, just sayin...."

I'm not referring to many people in this thread, but to people in other threads who say what a brilliant album this is. I guess what bothers me most about NLOTH is just how bad Bono's voice is on a couple of notes, how did that get through as the final version? We're not talking some mediocre band here, we're talking one of the bast bands of all time, and I'm shocked the band and co-producers were happy with the final versions of a couple songs.

Sorry Chris Martin wasn't available during most of the sessions...
While I respect this forum considerably, and this is my favorite band of all time, in my opinion many people on here are far too easy to please. I don't think this album is anywhere close to their 3rd masterpiece. After listening to 3 of the beach clips dozens of times I was extremely excited to hear this album, when I did, I was very upset these songs were left off, and essentially replaced by shit.

I do think 4 or 5 songs are very solid, and consider my life better off that I have 4 or 5 new U2 songs, but I'm irked by some of Bono's songwriting or lack thereof, Edge's overall background vocals and the lame Eno influence on 4 or 5 of the songs. In contrast to many of the posters here, I think ATYCLB was a phenomenal overall album, and just behind JT and AB in its overall greatness. I don't feel this album comes close to that level overall. I like Magnificent, Moment of Surrender, Breathe, White as Snow, parts of Unknown Caller, and Fez to a degree. Unfortunately. I think the other 5 tunes as a whole are very weak. Of course I'll see them live, but I pray they only play maybe 4 or 5 songs off this album. Had they substituted 3 of those beach clip songs for SUC, NLOTH, and either GYBO or Cedars of Lebanon, I think we could legitimately be talking about their 3rd or 4th masterpiece. Sadly, I feel underproduction and a bit of pandering to Bono (his vocals in two or 3 instances are poor) has left this album to be far less than it could have been. Of course music is very subjective, so I'm happy for those who love this album, I just can't say overall that I'm one of them.

Are you talking about the 2008 beach clips? Because all 5 made it to the album. They were Unknown Caller, Breathe, Get On Your Boots, Magnificent, and I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight.
Breathe probably has the best lyrics on the album (or maybe WAS/BB)

I'm not sure what a Ju Ju Man is though, I suspect he's like a 'medicine man'?

Neither do I. That sounds about right. Although someone mentioned to me that they heard it was a Chinese poem. Don't know the legitimacy of their claim however.
I always think of Come Together by the Beatles, 'he got ju ju eyeball'

Didn't want to post here, just to say that I'm not a big fan of Unknown Caller.
Ok, just a question to all here who have extreme opinions of the album: before listening to it, how many of you said that you will wait at least a few months before judging it?
By what I remember, statements like that were being bandied about quite a bit.... I wonder where they are now.

(100 :up: )
Hmm I have been reading this forum for a long time and never bothered to post really so this is a first time post. Its funny I have been a U2 Fan going right back to the release of the War Album, seen play on every tour in different parts of the world. I remember the first discussions in the class room at school, with no internet at that time discussing the band and being the first to know that the new album was called the Joshua tree, hearing the fly for the first time in the car on the radio and going "what the F$£$ was that" then going off on a journey with them right through pop and zooropa. ATYCLB and HTDAAB were on first listens great but then kinda lost me in a way, great songs but never an overall feel - still some very personal songs though. When I first heard boots I thought here we go again but hell if the song has not creeped up over the weeks to tapping on the shoulder going "listen to me, listen to me there is a lot more going on here" Reading all the hype from the leaks which I chose this time not to get before purchasing the album, was getting me more worried..seen all this before. After getting yesterday I can honestly say "whoa boys way to pull this out of the bag". I love the way the initial songs draw you in to create a mood that is almost sufficating in a way, light fading, then it moves you outside into the light almost, lets some air in before finally pressing down and almost strangling the life out of you.There is lot going on here,different moods that are influenced how you are listening to the music, when you are listening. I dont know about all this masterpiece stuff as I am not really into that, I just know what I like and this I like a lot. Not sure if its AB like, which to me is the most personal one to me, just captured a moment in my life but this one has something that I connect with right now. Different for everyone I guess but I guess that is what makes people really believe that they own a piece of these guys. Fair play to them after 30 years and long may it continue. Roll on the tour !!!!
Am I the only one who isn't impressed with the new album?

I've had a few listens to NLOTH, and one word comes to mind: disappointment. It seems as though so many people on the forum are praising and rejoicing this album, but I must be missing something. While I don't think that the album is horrible, mediocre is about the best compliment that I can give it. Does anyone else share my feelings? For me, there are only two really strong songs (Beathe, Moment of Surrender), five OK songs (NLOTH, White as Snow, Stand Up Comedy, Crazy Tonight, Magnificent) and FOUR songs that I will most likely skip over forever. I tend to think that maybe people are just so excited for a new U2 album (as I was), that they are willing to overlook the mediocrity present here. HTDAAB didn't get a lot of love on this site when it was first released, but I actually think that it was a much better album as a whole.
I don't hate it, of course. Maybe my expectations were just a bit too high and it will grow on me....:hmm:
You're skipping Get on Your Boots, Fez-Being Born, AND Cedars of Lebanon?

Yeah, you're the only one.
You're skipping Get on Your Boots, Fez-Being Born, AND Cedars of Lebanon?

Yeah, you're the only one.

So...being a fan for well over 20 years, what am I missing? It's just disappointing to me when I listen to a new U2 cd and on first listen do not particularly like/love at least most of the songs...

Just for comparison when I first heard the previous album, the only songs that didn't appeal to me right off were a Man and a Woman and Yahweh. Once hearing the acoustic version of Yahweh, I came to love it. This cd....I guess I'll try to give it more time.
So...being a fan for well over 20 years, what am I missing? It's just disappointing to me when I listen to a new U2 cd and on first listen do not particularly like/love at least most of the songs...

Just for comparison when I first heard the previous album, the only songs that didn't appeal to me right off were a Man and a Woman and Yahweh. Once hearing the acoustic version of Yahweh, I came to love it. This cd....I guess I'll try to give it more time.

You just have different tastes/expectations - nothing wrong with that.

I love Pop, and a lot of people don't enjoy that album like I do - but that is just me.

A few of the songs take a while go get into as well. For me, Moment of Surrender took 10 days and I am still not wholly convinced by the chorus. Unknown Caller I feel is a bit dodgy, but has also grown on me.

The album isn't as immediate, but maybe it will grow on you - maybe it won't but that is okay too.
So...being a fan for well over 20 years, what am I missing? It's just disappointing to me when I listen to a new U2 cd and on first listen do not particularly like/love at least most of the songs...

Just for comparison when I first heard the previous album, the only songs that didn't appeal to me right off were a Man and a Woman and Yahweh. Once hearing the acoustic version of Yahweh, I came to love it. This cd....I guess I'll try to give it more time.

yeah, i would suggest listening with headphones too. the layers on this cd are amazing. but if you don't like the songs, you don't like the songs.
You just have different tastes/expectations - nothing wrong with that.

I love Pop, and a lot of people don't enjoy that album like I do - but that is just me.

A few of the songs take a while go get into as well. For me, Moment of Surrender took 10 days and I am still not wholly convinced by the chorus. Unknown Caller I feel is a bit dodgy, but has also grown on me.

The album isn't as immediate, but maybe it will grow on you - maybe it won't but that is okay too.

Good to hear some supportive words. I also love POP and don't know why it gets hammered so damn much!
I've had a few listens to NLOTH, and one word comes to mind: disappointment. It seems as though so many people on the forum are praising and rejoicing this album, but I must be missing something. While I don't think that the album is horrible, mediocre is about the best compliment that I can give it. Does anyone else share my feelings? For me, there are only two really strong songs (Beathe, Moment of Surrender), five OK songs (NLOTH, White as Snow, Stand Up Comedy, Crazy Tonight, Magnificent) and FOUR songs that I will most likely skip over forever. I tend to think that maybe people are just so excited for a new U2 album (as I was), that they are willing to overlook the mediocrity present here. HTDAAB didn't get a lot of love on this site when it was first released, but I actually think that it was a much better album as a whole.

Actually there's a whole thread about this...

I find it to be completely arrogant to think that no one can honestly like this album on it's own merit just because you don't like it.

And you're wrong about Bomb, it got quite a bit of love at first and then became a target.

What rumor are you going to try and start this tour?
Actually there's a whole thread about this...

I find it to be completely arrogant to think that no one can honestly like this album on it's own merit just because you don't like it.

And you're wrong about Bomb, it got quite a bit of love at first and then became a target.

What rumor are you going to try and start this tour?

I was just asking if there were others that agree with me. I had read so much good about the new cd on here that I had to listen to it. Being a huge fan, I will like essentially anything that U2 puts out, but I am very disappointed. Does this really make me a target or am I allowed to have an opinion?
I was just asking if there were others that agree with me. I had read so much good about the new cd on here that I had to listen to it. Being a huge fan, I will like essentially anything that U2 puts out, but I am very disappointed. Does this really make me a target or am I allowed to have an opinion?

It does make you a target.
It probably isn't the wisest idea to air your dislike of the album, since (unfairly) people will react negatively to it. I think some people feel discussion comes from agreement, where I think it comes from disagreement.

People like their views on things to be validated - which is why negative feelings, reviews and such affect them so much.
I think we have a thread for this.

I didn't get all of the album with first listen, either, that's not necessarily a bad thing. I don't feel any disappointment about the album, maybe because I didn't expect anything.

I wouldn't call any U2 album "mediocre".
All I can say is that the albums that sound great on the first listen usually end up being the ones that dry up faster and the ones that are harder to wrap your head around the first, second or third time through will generally be the better records. I hope you will come around to the album but if you dont that is OK as well not every fan will like everything :)
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