The 'I don't seem to like the new album' thread

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I really hope so because Bomb isn't bad for me, it's just much more of the same of ATYCLB but a little bit more 'rockier'. So when Bomb came out I was pleased but not as impressed as ATYCLB for example which was a departure from Pop (the back to basics concept/theme).

NLOTH is a departure from Bomb but it still feels more of the same from other albums and to me at times feels like they are departing from Bomb territory and have set sail to their past. Which in turn, feels repeated, feels like it's been done before, feels like it's not fresh, feels nothing new in that regard, to me anyhow.

I can see that. The problem is that U2's long winded history just makes it harder for them to go off into another direction without it sounding forced. I am damn impressed with this album and can see there are a lot of similarities to past tracks but that has to be expected of course. One exception upon listening thus far is Unknown Caller for me - I classify this song as a modern songwriting approach to rock music (haunting).

I've said too much

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I don't understand how people can hear songs like I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight, Stand Up Comedy, and Get On Your Boots and still insist that this is one of U2's best albums. There are just too many songs on this album that are either mediocre or just-plain-bad to be considered one of their best. :|

By the way, does any one else think that Magnificent sounds like a James Bond theme? That's the only song from the album I'm listening to at the current moment.
There is no bad song on this album, no song I'd say I don't like. The album is complete to me, therefore there's a good chance it's indeed one of U2's top three albums.
I don't understand how people can hear songs like I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight, Stand Up Comedy, and Get On Your Boots and still insist that this is one of U2's best albums. There are just too many songs on this album that are either mediocre or just-plain-bad to be considered one of their best. :|

By the way, does any one else think that Magnificent sounds like a James Bond theme? That's the only song from the album I'm listening to at the current moment.

Because some people actually enjoy those songs? just because you dont like it, it doesnt mean the whole world thinks they are bad.
Because some people actually enjoy those songs? just because you dont like it, it doesnt mean the whole world thinks they are bad.

Exactly. :up:

ALL of U2's albums - in fact most other albums as well - are flawed and have weaknesses and not so great moments.

There are also moments I might not find so great on NLOTH, still I say it's among my top 3 U2 albums. No need to bash the album just because it has one weaker song.
Why can't people bash the album? this is a thread that is dedicated for that very reason.

But can I ask why are people who love the album so much actually in this thread - is it to try and persuade others into thinking differently about the album? I just don't really see the point.
Because some people actually enjoy those songs? just because you dont like it, it doesnt mean the whole world thinks they are bad.

I can appreciate someone thinking that the album is good for an average rock band, but for U2 it is "below the mean." Compared to their other work, NLOTH is disappointing. There are a couple of songs worth listening to, but as a whole, I think the collection is meandering, clunky, and not all that compelling.

Frankly, there's no way that this album holds up against The Joshua Tree or Achtung Baby. It is truly mind-boggling to me that people here would make those comparisons. Maybe people are cutting them some slack because the band members are about to turn 50?

Maybe it's hard for a super-wealthy person to write compelling songs. How can he write songs for the common man (or woman) if he doesn't have to deal with the same kinds of problems that we all face?
Why can't people bash the album? this is a thread that is dedicated for that very reason.

But can I ask why are people who love the album so much actually in this thread - is it to try and persuade others into thinking differently about the album? I just don't really see the point.

To stir a debate maybe?

I can't imagine how depressing this thread would be if it just had posts from people who hated the album.
Have to admit I'm not a big fan of Get on Your Boots and Stand Up Comedy. But then I've always been allergic to 'dad rock'. I'll Go Crazy is also pretty much the same generic shit they've been releasing for the last nine years. But other than that, I'm happy with the album.
Why can't people bash the album? this is a thread that is dedicated for that very reason.

But can I ask why are people who love the album so much actually in this thread - is it to try and persuade others into thinking differently about the album? I just don't really see the point.

It's a simple concept really; this is a U2 forum filled with U2 "fans". We all love U2 to some degree, well most of us do...

Anyone who starts a thread specifically geared towards negative comments about U2 on a U2 Forum who does not expect people coming into their thread to defend U2 are either brain dead or are clearly looking for a fight.

I'm sorry but it's human nature, you can do what you like you can say what you want but if you talk shit about U2 on a U2 Forum you are going to piss people off. The same goes for people who just want to talk about positive things - inevitably you are going to get some people coming in making negative comments as well.

There is nothing wrong with having a thread or two or whatever in which people want to bitch and complain about U2 but to expect that people will just leave you alone to do so is very naive.

I agree with it being pointless by the way but it comes down to human nature, people just can't let things go, sorry, that's just the way it is. :shrug:
Frankly, there's no way that this album holds up against The Joshua Tree or Achtung Baby. It is truly mind-boggling to me that people here would make those comparisons. Maybe people are cutting them some slack because the band members are about to turn 50?

I'm a somewhat critical U2 fan (last two albums were shit), been a fan since Achtung Baby, and I strongly disagree with the above statement. Is this album better than those two? Don't know...only time will tell but it has a shot of being in their company.

Some people will not like it just like some people despise Pop and Zooropa. The U2 fan base is very diverse -- hell, some rate Bomb and ATYCLB in their top 3 :huh:

I'm not cutting U2 slack. If I were prone to doing that I wouldn't have slagged them endlessly regarding to the last two albums. I was about to write them off as done after the last two wrecks. Thank god this album came along.

I'm sure there are others that feel similarly.
frankly, nloth is very difficult to digest.

first night of listening, 'stand up' & 'nloth' are the only tracks i love, can relate to and seems disappointed from the long wait for a new u2 album. i cant understand fans saying 'breath', 'mos' & 'magnificent' are the best u2 songs they have heard.

second day of listening, 'goyb' & 'being born' seems fresh. but still not happy of the over all album.

but this is new u2 album & the band is saying it is one of their best work. i need to give some time & check why they said that statement.
I have a genuine question for those of you who really aren't getting or liking this album. I'm trying to understand where you are coming from since I think this new album is great.

How do you feel about albums such as TUF, Zooropa, and Pop? Do you see those has triumphs with great depth or merely mediocre albums?
bono out of breath

My first impression after 2 listens is that there are 4 maybe 5 worthy songs, the rest I simply did not enjoy much, and 1 or 2 are unlistenable.
Bono's voice sounds good on some tracks but extremely strained on others, aiming too much for the high notes, and with that I am out of breath winy quality that Paul McCartney has on most of his later albums.
I will continue listening to see if maybe as with most U2 albums, it gets better with time.
Why can't people bash the album? this is a thread that is dedicated for that very reason.

I agree with you. I wish it would be left at that without all of other comments. This thread would probably be much shorter. I'm at the point where I don't care why someone dislikes any of U2's album.
NLOTH is a great effort by a band that off course produced better albums than this.
There is no way that this holds up to classics like JT and AB. It does however clearly sends a message that they can still get the job done and are able to produce a great record
It's a simple concept really; this is a U2 forum filled with U2 "fans". We all love U2 to some degree, well most of us do...

Anyone who starts a thread specifically geared towards negative comments about U2 on a U2 Forum who does not expect people coming into their thread to defend U2 are either brain dead or are clearly looking for a fight.

I'm sorry but it's human nature, you can do what you like you can say what you want but if you talk shit about U2 on a U2 Forum you are going to piss people off. The same goes for people who just want to talk about positive things - inevitably you are going to get some people coming in making negative comments as well.

There is nothing wrong with having a thread or two or whatever in which people want to bitch and complain about U2 but to expect that people will just leave you alone to do so is very naive.

I agree with it being pointless by the way but it comes down to human nature, people just can't let things go, sorry, that's just the way it is. :shrug:

I understand that people who start a thread about not liking the album are going to upset some people. However, what I honestly don't get is why people are arguing with other people in a thread that specifically states it's about not liking the album. Then they complain and dictate what they should say or how they should say something. Do they really need to police this thread? Why can't people just freely express their opinion in a polite manner without getting some flak and condescending tones? Are people that childish that they have to go to lengths into proving people's opinions are wrong or unworthy or that they "need to grow up" as one person put it.

It saddens me that people are behaving this way because I can remember a time when this forum was a lot more pleasant and almost put to shame other fanbase forums. It's not just because of the new album either, for a while the forum has been cluttered with people being childish and it's progressively got worse over time and it almost makes me cringe and not want to be a part of the community anymore.
I have a genuine question for those of you who really aren't getting or liking this album. I'm trying to understand where you are coming from since I think this new album is great.

How do you feel about albums such as TUF, Zooropa, and Pop? Do you see those has triumphs with great depth or merely mediocre albums?

I like the TUF but I don't rank it highly it has a few great, great songs on there but a few that really don't do anything for me too. Zooropa on the otherhand I like more, there are more songs I enjoy. Pop? not so much, I like Please, Mofo, IGWSHA and Gone but I don't like the songs like Miami for example.
I can appreciate someone thinking that the album is good for an average rock band, but for U2 it is "below the mean." Compared to their other work, NLOTH is disappointing. There are a couple of songs worth listening to, but as a whole, I think the collection is meandering, clunky, and not all that compelling.

Frankly, there's no way that this album holds up against The Joshua Tree or Achtung Baby. It is truly mind-boggling to me that people here would make those comparisons. Maybe people are cutting them some slack because the band members are about to turn 50?

Maybe it's hard for a super-wealthy person to write compelling songs. How can he write songs for the common man (or woman) if he doesn't have to deal with the same kinds of problems that we all face?
The recorded versions of Even Better Than The Real Thing, Acrobat and Love is Blindness are pants
Red Hill Mining Town is irritating as is With Or Without You and Exit is diabolical
This album ranks among Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby. Oh crap. My mistake umm, umm, this album is so bad, it hurts my ears, Joshua Tree is so much better. Pfff, whatever gets you off. This album rocks!!!
This album ranks among Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby. Oh crap. My mistake umm, umm, this album is so bad, it hurts my ears, Joshua Tree is so much better. Pfff, whatever gets you off. This album rocks!!!

For what reason was the point of that post may I ask?

The reason I ask this is because you made your way into the thread yesterday boasting the same stuff:

"Listen, no use in replying to these people. They don't like the album, check. They don't like the single, check. They don't like the eyeliner, check. Have a nice live, bye."

If you really don't like people expressing their opinions on why they dislike the album then this thread is not for you and you should stay away since you offer no contribution to the discussion. Sorry but it needed to be said.
I love the first half of the album. Fez-Being Born and White as Snow are when the album falls off. Breathe brings it back up....and then the Cedars is perhaps my "least favourite last song on a U2 album", song.

Don't sleep...Moment of Surrender.....that's the bomb.
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