The first thing that pops into your head part XXI

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I was quoting George on Seinfeld.

You say Prokofiev? Shostakovich is far superior. Far far superior. :)

... so was I :wink:

Oh no, no one can ever match or better the Great that is Prokofiev! Except perhaps Chopin. But he's so different you can't even compare the two
... so was I :wink:

Oh no, no one can ever match or better the Great that is Prokofiev! Except perhaps Chopin. But he's so different you can't even compare the two

Is that the line that follows? I must have missed that due to laughing at George's comment.

I don't know. Alexander Nevsky is decent. His symphonies and piano concertos are good and the Toccata is one of the hardest works written for piano. I will say that I think Scythian Suite and Love for Three Oranges is incredible. (More orchestras need to perform Scythian Suite).

Chopin, ehh, never really got into piano music, but it's good relaxing music, just as a percussionist, I prefer orchestral music since it gives me a chance to play. It's probably why I like Shostakovich more than Prokofiev because Shosti's percussion parts cannot be beaten. :)
Is that the line that follows? I must have missed that due to laughing at George's comment.

I don't know. Alexander Nevsky is decent. His symphonies and piano concertos are good and the Toccata is one of the hardest works written for piano. I will say that I think Scythian Suite and Love for Three Oranges is incredible. (More orchestras need to perform Scythian Suite).

Chopin, ehh, never really got into piano music, but it's good relaxing music, just as a percussionist, I prefer orchestral music since it gives me a chance to play. It's probably why I like Shostakovich more than Prokofiev because Shosti's percussion parts cannot be beaten. :)

No, it's not, I was joking :lol: I've only seen Seinfeld about twice in my life, and I doubt either episode was that one.

I don't like Piano music in general either - I prefer an ensemble piece or anything with an Orchestra. But a friend turned me onto a CD performed by the Royal Philharmonic and my heart was stolen. I'm now rather a big fan :)

Ah so you're a percussion person? I tend to favour the strings or Woodwind - both of which Prokfiev excels at. I've never heard Shostakovich's work, but I might just be tempted to look some up now :up:
I've never heard Shostakovich's work, but I might just be tempted to look some up now :up:

If I may suggest a few works -

When people think Shostakovich they immediately think his fifth symphony. It's the most played and OVERPLAYED work of his. Just like The Joshua Tree, it's not the best thing of his out there. So steer clear of that, for now.

I'd suggest the following works:

Piano Concerto No. 2
Symphony No. 4 (Never premiered until after Stalin's death due to Shosti fearing for his life).
Symphony No. 7 (Leningrad)
Symphony No. 8
Symphony No. 10 (The first symphony I heard of his. The 2nd movement is a portrait of Stalin. The first full orchestral work he wrote after Stalin's death.)
Symphony No. 11 (The Year 1905 - Quite possibly the greatest Shostakovich symphony of all time. The timpani part is 21 pages long!!!)
Symphony No. 12
Symphony No. 15 (This is a self-portrait of his life, or some historians claim it to be.)

Macbeth (Opera, banned from performances for a while. The rape scene is explicitly depicted by the trombone section, which didn't help the opera's cause.)

For your viewing pleasure, the 2nd movement of Shostakovich 10, performed by a youth orchestra. The conductor in this video, Gustavo Dudamel, is the new music director/conductor of the LA Philharmonic. He's quite an amazing conductor.

YouTube - Gustavo Dudamel / SBYOV Shostakovich Symphony 10 II. Allegro
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