The Endless Edge Chat

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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From the official U2 twitter:

" Decisions, decisions..."

Hi there :wave:

it's my first time writing in the pleba section (and the main reason I signed in in this forum :giggle:) and I thought it was about time stopping just lurking... and it's just because nobody would think I'm crazy, lol!

Last night I dreamt of Mr Edge, yes, and it was my first time...maybe it was because I was watching this thread before going to bed, who knows...anyway it was PopEdge :drool::drool: he was wearing the cowboy hat, big sunglasses and that yellow 70's shirt (I know there's a pic like this somewhere)...I'm just walking and I see him going downstairs in a building with outdoor staircase, so I decide this is my chance to meet him and start to follow him....then all of a sudden he's on a wooden platform (looks like it's a huge boat) and he's speaking to a woman (probably Morleigh) - there's a lot of people standing on the borders of this 'boat' but everybody is quiet, like it's just I head toward him very easily, no bodyguards at all...then I just say: "Hi! I'm sorry, would you mind if we take a picture and... can I have your autograph?" - he turns to me with that big heartbreaking smile of his and says: "Yeah, sure!" (at this moment he looks like he has a slightly different face and I think: "He doesn't look like in the pics" :hmm:) so we hug for the pic and he bends over my right shoulder to take out a fallen hair or something like this and I have the strong feeling that in the meantime he's checking out my v neckline :combust: so I try to stay cool and just say:"Oh, thanks!" :shifty: he was totally flirty! Then I just remember that I got my small notebook back and all of a sudden a short guy from the crew appears and kindly invites me to leave because they have to polish the parquet...grrrr!!! so I leave and open immediately my notebook (which in the meanwhile is of a bigger size) and see that there's not just his autograph, it's a page and a half of writing! So I start to read and he started with a quote or full poem from Gabriele D'Annunzio and I think: "Wow, that's so cool of him!!"...then the dream started to fade so I'll never know what he wrote...I remember that I was thinking: "Damn, why didn't I say a word? I had to tell him that I love his solos and that I hope he'll play on tour that solo in Crystal Ballroom because it's so :drool:"

....and well, that's it plebans!
Muh. Thanks for those, SweetestEdge. I was just trying to describe that quiet, relaxed body confidence that he has today and ended up just sending her links because I couldn't do it.

I made a bunch of gifs of that beach scene in the working out thread, if you want to check them out! I should really put them here.
Muh. Thanks for those, SweetestEdge. I was just trying to describe that quiet, relaxed body confidence that he has today and ended up just sending her links because I couldn't do it.

I made a bunch of gifs of that beach scene in the working out thread, if you want to check them out! I should really put them here.

:hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper::hyper: YES PLEASE! :D :D:drool:
Apparently, Edge was at the Golden Globes yesterday, I saw a picture of him in a newspaper today. Any news about that or pictures?
No, but what about this one from the U23D permiere? I've never seen it before.

The buttons, darling....
Please do! Gifs are my absolute favorite. My photobucket is really disorganized, but if you like I can make it available so you can see what I've done.
Oh that'd be great and sweet of you! U2 gifs are :up: for the good mood...sometimes I think I would love to have a tumblr page so that i can have all those awesome pics and gifs at hand!

ps: I was checking the work out thread some time ago but now it looks like I can't find it anymore, would you please link it? Also I remember I saw a Pop Edge gif where he's making the sign of the you happen to have it?
thanks a lot!!
I have not seen that one! Our resident image goddess, Bonocomet, hasn't been around much lately, but she has all sorts of things I've never seen. This is my tumblr, which I have not updated much in a while, but enjoy! I will see about PB too.
Having a look at your tumblr....:drool::drool::drool::drool::hyper: (think I'm gonna get one too :hmm:)

I don't know why but I'm pretty sure that gif was not in the gif thread...and I remember someone wrote also a funny comment like "Jesus, I hope we won't be stuck in the Lemon" or something like that :D
Sorry if I look like a spammer here but I forgot to post this gif (unfortunately coudn't find a better quality video)

:drool::drool::cute: love his dancing :dance: will go back thinking what to gif :hmm: though have already a few ideas :sexywink:
Sheesh I'd love to go through all of your photo buckets! ? I have a tumblr too! I'm wideawakeindublin. I hope that's okay to put it out there like that. ?

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It's totally OK if you are ok with it! I have not seen that one before! Comet made me a great one of Edge dancing with his guitar during TTTYAATW before I could make my own... I'll try to dig it up.
Are any of you guys on Pinterest? I'd some more super yummy Edge pics to add to my collection. He's just nom!

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