The drink driving laws are a form of tyranny

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Roughly $2000 for a DUI, 48 hrs in jail, 1 year license suspension.

Can I just ask, why would you drive drunk? I mean, what is it that compelled you to do so?

I have never managed to understand this and to this day, I don't.
I've taken them in the past, when available. Considering everything I've said in the past I wouldn't lie about that little factoid.
Main Entry: fac·toid
Pronunciation: \ˈfak-ˌtȯid\
Function: noun
Date: 1973
1 : an invented fact believed to be true because of its appearance in print

Do you have a link to this please? I'd like to think you don't naturally type like a dictionary, but this is the internet, and you can never be sure.
Come fucking find a taxi here.

Then you make sure you're going with somebody who will drive you home sober or you walk home and if neither is practical, then you don't get drunk.

The sense of entitlement is really astounding (even for a troll).
in 2005 i was pulled over after getting off a train because i had a tail light out. before i got on the train i had a few drinks.

my BAC was just a hair over the legal limit. if it had been 2 years earlier, my BAC would have been well below the legal limit and they would have let me go on the spot.

i was arrested by a NY State Trooper and brought to their station house... i did not have to spend any time in jail and was released within a few hours.

i had a good lawyer whom i had known most my life who just happened to have worked as an assistant DA with the Judge whom i was assigned to. because my BAC was so close to the legal limit, and because i had a good lawyer, i was able to cut a plea, dropping the DUI to a charge of DWAI (driving while ability impaired).

i served 40 hours of community service... which i did at a local state park doing manual labor. i served my last 8 hours during a blizzard, clearing snow away from some of the buildings on the boardwalk as unbelievably cold wind whipped in off the Long Island Sound.

i was suspended from a volunteer coaching position.

had to pay $500 in fines, lawyer fees (thankfully less than they would have been due to my longtime relationship with the lawyer... he was my neighbor), and another $750, payable over 3 years, in "driver assesment fees"

i had a conditional liscense for 6 months in which i could only drive to work/school. had my photo ID taken away from me during this period.

my car insurance sky rocketed... it has only just recently come back down, but is still much higher than it should have been... i had to live with my parents for much longer than i ever would have wanted to because of this. all the fines and extra fees and insurance strained my finances, hurting my credit score.

and it's all my fault. i have every reason to be bitter about it... i was barely over the limit, a limit which was just recently changed. i wasn't speeding, i wasn't swerving all over the road... i was on a straight stretch of road 10 minutes from my house, and the only reason why i was pulled over was because my taillight was out.

but i'm not... it was a stupid decision, one i regret, and one i'll never make again. i still drink, but have not and will not ever get behind the wheel of a car again after doing so... even after having just a couple. i would gladly pay the occasional obscene cab ride fare to get the thousands of dollars that i have lost in fines and increased insurance rates.

so yea... these fines and rules are a major pain in the ass. and that's the point. it was the most humiliating time of my life... one i will never go through again.

knowing how embarassing it is... how financialy deblitating it can be... if you continue to do it regardless of all that, then you need to check yourself into rehab, because you obviously can not make rational decisions when you drink.

everyone makes mistakes along the way... if you can not learn from those mistakes, then you have a problem.

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