The 'dont you hate it when...' thread

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I hate it when the mods warn me about something bad I've done.

I also hate it when you get a bad headache, can't sleep as a result and there's no pain relievers. That really sucks.
When the power goes out twice in less than an hour. :grumpy: and you're actually trying to get something done on the computer.
When something exciting happens and you tell the ones around you, all excited and hyper to relate the story, and they look at you with an amused "I dont believe it but I'll pretend to" expression....

:| :| :madspit:
Don't you hate it when you know that someone you're talking with is bullshiting you, but you just can't seem to call them out on it because you're trying to be polite, even though in your head you've love to yell at them?

Don't you hate it (guys) when you're girlfriend asks you a loaded question, where there's only one, very abstract, right answer, so you're afraid to open your mouth? She knows it too (God bless her) but she wants to see what you say. :eeklaugh:

Don't you hate it when you talk to somebody of the opposite sex at school and they automatically think you're coming on to them?

Don't you hate all those studies you read in the paper, every week proving that another kind of food or beverage will kill you?

And finally, for some of my fellow Canadians, don't you hate it when you shovel your driveway and then the snowplough comes by to clear the street and leaves a thick, pack of snow at the end of the driveway, that is a bitch to clear away?
Don't you hate it when you have to mail in for a rebate? The whole "rebate" system should be abolished. Just give me the discount when I make the purchase! :madspit:
On top of that, I finally got my Cingular Wireless $50 rebate this week. However, it's in the form of a Visa creditcard and expires at the end of June. Why can't I just have the cash? :angry:
Don't you hate when one of your close friends is dating your ex-boyfriend that you still have slight feelings for and that loves to break girls' hearts, and you and everyone she knows warned her for about six months, and even though that ex-boyfriend of yours lied to her, used her to flirt with when his girlfriend at the time wasn't around, treated her terribly, and your close friend kept saying terrible things about him, she STILL dated him?

Oh, well, I do. :shifty:
Got Philk? said:


I hate it when something reminds me that I'm actually getting older. I'm only 25, but there really is a big difference in college now than when I went before...

For example, I have text messaged my professor.

:hug: Thank you :)

I can´t believe TV have made us think we are old with 25 years :grumpy: I hate that :grumpy:
:mad: Disco..yes! i am From L.A.! i know what you mean! but....i have to give L.A. folks this: they Don't cross double yellow lines as if they don't exist!! ugh!:madspit:
I hate it when I'm reading threads in this ZC forum and people make trolling, irrelevant comments. There are plenty of other forums here for random "silliness".
I hate when I tell my best friend to be careful at this party where I know he's drinking, and all he can say is "Tracy, I'm partying. Get over it." :|
Don't you hate it when...

your doctor calls in a prescription to the pharmacy for you because he feels you need the medicine, and the pharmacy calls you back stating that the doctor's office has to call / get approval from the insurance company so that you can get your medicine? WTF is up with that? The insurance company is going to decide if I get the medicine my doctor says I need?

:angry: :angry: :angry:
I hate stupid ass drivers who don't use their turn signals and swurve and change lanes and get on your ass, flash their lights...when you're already going 60 in a 35 zone!!!! Or the dumb ass who's smoking a ciggerette, talking on the phone, dancing in his seat to the radio, and looking out the window. PAY ATTENTION AND DRIVE YOU JERK!
I hate it when your hands or feet swell from being cold. Today we had a blizzard and I had no gloves in the car, since just a few weeks ago it was sunny and 80. It took forever to wipe off and dig out the car. That was at 5, now it's almost 11 and my hand is still so swollen I can't make a fist. WTF?
I reeeeally hate it when the teenage boys and their friends across the street,
peel out in their shitmobiles, i mean cars, everytime they leave.
And they speed through the streets, screeching their brakes on purpose.
Every fricken day.

If i could nut punch them i would.
in case you need this, here it is :wink:
I hate it when ppeople who don't live on my street park on my street and leave their cars there for days. The house next to me has at least three cars, and my house has four (my neighbor and I have one and my landlords have two), so we need those parking spots, especially when we come home with groceries or something :mad: I especially hate getting home late at night and having to park halfway down the block, because the lights on our street don't always work.

I had to post! So health insurance premiums are very high as it is, right? On my latest statement, I now have to pay an additional $2.00 administration fee, unless I enroll in automatic bill pay. You mean me sending in a check for the last, god knows how many years, is now going to cost me additional money? On top of the $725 I pay per month as is? Motherf**kers! :angry:
Holy CRAP, Lila! That sucks! They shouldn't be able to get away with that!

My Auto/Renters Insurance charges me $3/month "Administrative Fee" for billing me monthly which I think is stupid. A computer spits off an invoice that gets mailed and I mail my payment back. THAT costs $3? :mad: :mad:
Yeah, I get that with Auto Insurance too, if you don't pay in full. Pure bullshit if you ask me. But who the hell can you complain to? I know it's only $2 but they get thousands from me each year. They have to add insult to injury? I had them fax me a grievance form :|
Don't you hate it when you get Salmonella (or something like it that involves getting really sick and puking but waits a bit to kick in) from your pet hermit crab and have it reach it's peak at a Morrissey show in the middle of Death of a Disco Dancer a few days before your birthday....? :|

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