The Disappearing Male

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Dec 1, 2003
More and more boys are being born with genital defects and are suffering from learning disabilities, autism and Tourette's syndrome, among other disorders.

Male infertility rates are on the rise and the quality of an average man's sperm is declining, according to some studies.

But perhaps the most disconcerting of all trends is the growing gender imbalance in many parts of heavily industrialized nations, where the births of baby boys have been declining for many years.

What many scientists are calling the most important -- and least publicized -- issue surrounding the future of the human race will be highlighted in a CBC documentary that features two Windsor researchers who've studied the phenomenon.

The disappearing male

The article goes on to suggest that chemicals from nearby plants for one First Nation (native Canadians) group may explain why the male species is experiencing so much trouble.

Its too bad I do not live in Canada and can't watch this show, but I'm sure it will pop up on the Internet somewhere.

This makes me feel sorry for men. This may sound like I'm freaking out, but I wonder about my future children. Would I have a son that will have a disability, like autism?
If the male species is dying out or at least deeply troubled, what kind of future will women have? Nothing but sperm banks?

It makes you think and wonder...:hmm:
Upon reading this title, my bet was that we would get to ten posts in here before the white male persecution discussion came into play. Looks like I lost this bet AND the Penn State-Iowa game yesterday. Rough weekend.
Cool, most of 'em are bigots anyway.

OK, you changed your original post, which said "some here will welcome that".

I haven't seen anyone on this forum say anything close to hoping men will disappear. I'd like to know where you get this belief.

I really doubt anyone will wish men to disappear. Some women may say that out of anger, such as a lousy date or boyfriend. But deep down, I don't think any women want men to disappear.
I remember reading an article about how basically the Y chromosome is in a state of degeneration, that it will cease to exist, that does not necessarily mean males will cease to exist though, as there is a type of mole I believe with no Y chromosome, just the gene that determines sex has migrated to a different chromosome, thus there are still males in the population. Whether that will happen in humans who knows, but we are talking thousands of years in the future.

Anyway even if us guys do die out, it would become the cultural norm and accepted that humanity is all female, shouldn't really bother your family planning right now. If males disappear it also kinda would mean that naturally the human race would be extinct, but obviously with technology women could fertilise the eggs themselves, and to ensure diversity take the required genetic material from another woman. Unless women themselves are evolving to reproduce asexually.

(Edit: Its very late at night here sorry for getting my chromosomes mixed up)
On a personal level, I'm going to spending more money on clothing if I have girls. This is disheartening.
I really doubt anyone will wish men to disappear. Some women may say that out of anger, such as a lousy date or boyfriend. But deep down, I don't think any women want men to disappear.

There is little doubt in my mind that some here - and I certainly don't mean you - have an anti-male agenda.

But, for the sake of argument, even a statement saying that 'all men should disappear', in jest, or as an immediate response to a relationship that didn't work out, would be in itself a form of hateful prejudice that would not be tolerated if it was said of a minority.
The disappearing male

This may sound like I'm freaking out, but I wonder about my future children. Would I have a son that will have a disability, like autism?

Most serious, congenital problems affect boys more than girls and have done so for a very long time--nothing new to worry about there.
But, for the sake of argument, even a statement saying that 'all men should disappear', in jest, or as an immediate response to a relationship that didn't work out, would be in itself a form of hateful prejudice that would not be tolerated if it was said of a minority.

I've noticed guys get really upset at the slightest anti-guy comment. At the same time, when guys make major sexist comments, there are girls out there - and they are girls, even though they're adults - giggle in the "tee hee!" way. Its like its a major sin to criticize guys, because the world revolves around their egos, yet its OK to criticize women and voice sexist beliefs about them. Controversial as this sounds, I do think some criticism - thoughtful criticism - of men should be acceptable. I also think its OK for women to say they are better than men. And that comes from someone who's worked with sexist guys for a long while.
^Not that I believe in any anti-male conspiracy or anything, but how do you thoughtfully criticise us men as a group? It's not like we have a big male conference and decide to be sexist or stupid.
This article seems unclear about it, but from what I've read on the topic (I actually posted an article about this last year, but can't find it now), many of the 'excess girls' in these Arctic villages are genetic males who developed into (irreversibly infertile) females as a result of exposure to endocrine disruptors in utero.
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^Not that I believe in any anti-male conspiracy or anything, but how do you thoughtfully criticise us men as a group? It's not like we have a big male conference and decide to be sexist or stupid.

I'm not saying you have a big male conference and decide to be sexist. What I am saying is, I see nothing wrong with women complaining about men's nature.
For example, I think its OK to say men are all about their egos. In my experience, they are. Maybe I've been around too many assholes, but I see nothing wrong with saying men are egotistical.
Most serious, congenital problems affect boys more than girls and have done so for a very long time--nothing new to worry about there.

Any idea why that is? What is it in the formation of boys that makes it more likely that they will develop congenital problems in general?

I mean it's not likely their massive egos cause problems right from conception, so it has to be something else. :wink:

(And for our humour deficient readers -- the first two sentences are serious, the third one is not.)

You mean our planet may someday be ruled by a race of amazon women right out of some 50's science fiction film?

Far out man.
I would assume it depends on whether they are including X-linked chromosomal defects in those statistics. In which case it would be rather obvious why boys are more often affected.

If we exclude those, then that's a different story.
On a side note, our lecturers tell us off in class for using North American spelling of haemophilia....they have issues with epinephrine and the like as well...even though half our reading list are American textbooks.
On the bright side, since it's affecting men now, we might actually start caring about ending pollution, instead of worrying as to whether it will affect corporate profits. After all, it took fear of AIDS spreading to whites before we actually cared about trying to treat and cure it--hence why malaria, an easily treatable disease, is horrendously neglected in the third world.

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