The Amazing Race 10

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Blue Crack Addict
Dec 6, 2004
in the darkness on the edge of town
Watching Survivor tonight reminded me that The Amazing Race starts on Sunday. I believe they start off in Seattle and head to China right away, and also visit Mongolia and Vietnam during the first several weeks.

Interesting places. Should be fun...

I saw the commercial ad tonite during Survivor for the Amazing Race so I made note. I love that show too because I like to see all the places all over the globe that they travel to as well as the excitement of the challenges and the race. Good show. Wasn't aware it was starting in Seattle tho, thanks Thora. I love Seattle.
Plus it won't start right at 8PM every week cause CBS football will screw up the start time of 60Minutes and throw the whole night into a tizzy, so taping it will be tricky if we are busy watching The Simpsons at 8PM.
When I was channel surfing last night I ran across a show that was talking about the contestants for this season but I didn't watch it. I like it to be a surprise from the first episode.
Wow, that was quite a twist tonight with the mid-leg elimination. Too bad the Indian couple was eliminated, I liked them.

I'm actually glad TAR is on Sundays now because I'm home 99.5% of the time then and there's nothing else on Sundays. When it's on weekdays at 8 or 9, I have to tape it a lot and also get home near the end of it, so I get spoiled before I can watch the whole thing.
Most of the contestants seem ditzy and not very strong, athletic or intelligent, you know? It'll be interesting for sure. I was surprised so many of them seemed to down those fish eyes! I think I like the father/daughter duo.
It was nice to see Seattle, albeit a short glimpse. They actually passed by my old neighborhood! :happy:

I loved the early elmination twist! This looks like it's going to be a good season. I'm glad they're shaking things up and doing some different stuff. :up:

I was sad to see Vipul and Arti eliminated - they seemed like such a sweet couple. I'm not sure who I'll be rooting for now.
LivLuvAndBootlegMusic said:
I saw a few minutes of the show for the first time. I want to be on it!!

Hey, why not apply? They usually have a hook or story, aren't you a newlywed? They love that kind of stuff, makes for great tv:wink:
trevster2k said:

Hey, why not apply? They usually have a hook or story, aren't you a newlywed? They love that kind of stuff, makes for great tv:wink:
Especially if you and your spouse argue about every little thing. :wink:
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
Right now I'm rooting for the father and daughter team.

I always have a soft spot for the father/daughter teams. :cute:

I thought that was a very good episode! :yes: I felt bad for both of the couples who were eliminated though. :(
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
The Muslims were a couple? :huh:

Oh, the coalminer's wife is already getting on my last nerve. I wanted to duct tape her mouth shut.

I love Terry & Tom, too. :up:

I hate that one episode in and I'm sucked into this damn show.

I had this evil thought that if one of the teams with 1 or 2 females was battling the Muslim dudes (the beards as one other team called them) in a tight finish, a female should lift her shirt, the Muslims would have to poke their eyes out or something wouldn't they...dirty pool but good strategy, but alas it didn't matter as they got bounced fast.

The coalminer's wife said she couldn't believe someone as good looking as her husband would date someone as ordinary as her...I turned to my wife and asked, "Is he good looking?"...I got a resounding "No."

And at first I thought the screen said the gay Ny'ers were Tom and thats how I'll refer to them henceforth.
trevster2k said:

Hey, why not apply? They usually have a hook or story, aren't you a newlywed? They love that kind of stuff, makes for great tv:wink:

YES I will be on Saturday! I couldn't figure out where to apply. It wasn't in the FAQ....

We don't argue, but we really are night and day!
I missed parts of this last night because there was two hour Mythbusters ep on that I hadn't seen before. I saw the early elimination.. did another team get eliminated?

I like the coal miner and his wife, the two friends from Alabama.. I guess those are my picks so far.
The best part of last night was how so many teams faced that gutcheck moment so early in the race with the wall. Usually, only one maybe two teams struggles with the physical challenge.

I got a kick out of one of the teams when they told the taxi driver to take them to the " Great Wall.......................................of China". HAHA!! No the take me to the Great Wall of Spain!!! I thought it was funny!!

Hmm, I read earlier that there is an alliance this season, the Amazing Race website suggests an alliance of 5 teams starting next week. That should be interesting to see.
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