The actions only thread!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Blue Crack Addict
Aug 16, 2002
I'm only sleeping
*enters the room*

*grabs a drink*

*sits down*

*explains to everyone that this is the actions only thread, and that no discussion is permitted*

*waits for next person to enter*
*walks in*

*looks around*

*looks around for a seat*

*waits for someone to say hello*

*waves and smiles and says hi to bls and davec*
*shows everyone my divil horns and nail varnish for the ball tomorrow*
* enters the room and waves

* sits and pulls out sketch and proceeds to draw everyone in the room
*enters thread*

*looks around*

*says hi to friends*

*thinks to self about how stupid this thread is*

**sits on the comfy couch pretending not to notice all the smoochin' that's going on and that she has been on line too long...again**

**can't handle sitting about...gets up waters the plants, restocks the mini-bar**

**exits left, leaving the musiclovers too it**
*walks in
*baggy pants drop
*trips over falling pants
*pulls up pants
*bolts to the bathroom
*takes a :censored:
*washes hands
*leaves bathroom
*glances to see if anyone noticed the embarrassing situation
*walks over to the bar and orders a drink
*cries cause he can't get into Mr. Pussy's Cafe (man that sounds bad :lmao: )*

*remembers that he still kicks mad ass*


*buys BLS a drink*
*peeks in room and notices giant slumber party where everyone is asleep*

*grabs a blankie and pillow and curls up on the sofa and falls asleep*

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