
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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More diamondphotos from letterman and providencehedoesntknowwhichshow.



Notice the diamondunsexysign in the background.


This must be diamond the diamondsexi


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Nothing I Can't Do Without
So The LittlesexyItalianGoddess is goin be postin some more pix from P#1 and Letterman..

I tried to get her to start another thread but she wasnt havnt it,plus she was holding that 'bull-whip' w/a 'don't even phuckw/me look'.. using my dimonintuition I deferred... is she purdy..


"...The big guy is made of STEEL." - Bono as we stood together on stage at Boston #4, June 9th, 2001.

If curious click
links for
Bono/Dimon-Bos.4 Story
and Photos..
Hey DB9 - was that YOU I happened to see in the "signs and shirts shot" from the MTV U2 special??? I swear it was you...with longer hair...wearing a "War" t-shirt...??? I yelled out "OMG that's Bruno!!!"

And if it's not you...then my neighbors are right. I guess I AM crazy!

Originally posted by Discoteque:
Hey DB9 - was that YOU I happened to see in the "signs and shirts shot" from the MTV U2 special??? I swear it was you...with longer hair...wearing a "War" t-shirt...??? I yelled out "OMG that's Bruno!!!"

And if it's not you...then my neighbors are right. I guess I AM crazy!


Yes Disco-
Click on my story at bottom..and youll find out how I lost that shirt at Bos.4-

"...The big guy is made of STEEL." - Bono as we stood together on stage at Boston #4, June 9th, 2001.

If curious click
links for
Bono/Dimon-Bos.4 Story
and Photos..
Cool pics! I'm wondering...what kind of diamondsexycamera didja use?
Originally posted by mocool12:
Cool pics! I'm wondering...what kind of diamondsexycamera didja use?

Just a 69$ Vitatar from Target becuz KMart is beneath me.

They were 5$ cheaper at WalMart but that store isnt sexy enough and they sell too many guns to kooks..

Oh well..

"...The big guy is made of STEEL." - Bono as we stood together on stage at Boston #4, June 9th, 2001.

If curious click
links for
Bono/Dimon-Bos.4 Story
and Photos..
Well all that hard work paid off, Sicy! Those are great pics, different shots of the band than you normally see and diamond (and someone) out there doing their thing...

So DB9 now that Sicy has explained that all to you, can you tell me how posting pictures from a disk works? I have a few pictures from Miami I would love to put up.
Originally posted by DebbieSG:
Well all that hard work paid off, Sicy! Those are great pics, different shots of the band than you normally see and diamond (and someone) out there doing their thing...

So DB9 now that Sicy has explained that all to you, can you tell me how posting pictures from a disk works? I have a few pictures from Miami I would love to put up.

sheeesh..I am spent..
Sicy knows all tho..


"...The big guy is made of STEEL." - Bono as we stood together on stage at Boston #4, June 9th, 2001.

If curious click
links for
Bono/Dimon-Bos.4 Story
and Photos..



doctorwho hah. omg read db9s shirt.


db9 in his sexydiamondvest
and Hewson


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Nothing I Can't Do Without

[This message has been edited by SicilianGoddess (edited 11-06-2001).]
Wow you can see my earplugs in that pic!....HOO HAH!
If I knew I was gonna be on display at interference I would have gone to Macy's first and bought a sexyHewsonvest for the occasion!! Double HOO HAH!

The joker is the best card.
did you meet larry in providence? was that outside the venue or something?


"I'm addicted too... I'm just addicted to being up here on this stage.
Adam, Larry Mullen Jr., and Edge. They're my drug. Tonight I'm feeling high."
-Bono, Tempe, Arizona

"I just wanted to say that I'm really proud
to be spending my brithday with 18,000 of my closest friends!
Larry onstage, 10.31.01

* U2TakeMeHigher *
..outside Letterman ,Olive..
Only said hello to-
BigGerry-sp-both of U2Sec

and after Pr.1
Joe O'H.
and your guy's other boyfriend-


"...The big guy is made of STEEL." - Bono as we stood together on stage at Boston #4, June 9th, 2001.

If curious click
links for
Bono/Dimon-Bos.4 Story
and Photos..
I like hot Larry's profile in that one pic.


damndiamond and his diamondsexyvests and diamondhookersooopsimeansexies.

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Nothing I Can't Do Without
Originally posted by Diamond The U2 Patriot:
I tried to get her to start another thread but she wasnt havnt it,plus she was holding that 'bull-whip' w/a 'don't even phuckw/me look'..
wouldn't that be a diamondsexy-bull-whip?

Shake it, shake it, shake it
thats awesome, d... yeah they ran to RI from NY so I was confused how anyone would have met them (assuming we had to GA sit)

btw, Kathleen (sheisraging) told me that you guys hung out after the show (prov2)- and your friend ? i think, took a pic of me w/ my sign for larry- any chance you know if that's online anywhere that I can see?


"I'm addicted too... I'm just addicted to being up here on this stage.
Adam, Larry Mullen Jr., and Edge. They're my drug. Tonight I'm feeling high."
-Bono, Tempe, Arizona

"I just wanted to say that I'm really thrilled
to be spending my brithday with 18,000 of my closest friends!
Larry onstage, 10.31.01

* U2TakeMeHigher *
I liked seeing the picture of doctorwho and db9.

Doctorwho rules!!!

Remember the goul.

Shake n' bake
Do whatever it takes
Hoo-ha! db9, come on, admit it now...even you got a little giggly when you saw Larry there outside Letterman, right?
You should have given him one of your sexydiamondvests, but y'know, Larry doesn't need em to look cool. lol

Great pics, I am insanely jealous of all you people with all this damn time off.
Hey diamond! I think I met you outside Letterman after the guys left. You were telling me the story of how you got up on stage in Boston and Bono told you to pick him up and carry him around. That was you, wasn't it?
Originally posted by ti-hua:
Hey diamond! I think I met you outside Letterman after the guys left. You were telling me the story of how you got up on stage in Boston and Bono told you to pick him up and carry him around. That was you, wasn't it?

Yes-now were you the Adam-freak?


"...The big guy is made of STEEL." - Bono as we stood together on stage at Boston #4, June 9th, 2001.

If curious click
links for
Bono/Dimon-Bos.4 Story
and Photos..


Are you a little diamondexcited in this pic with the broad. It looks like you got some diamondspunkdribble showing. Or maybe that's the blacklight in my room.



[This message has been edited by TheU2 (edited 11-07-2001).]

[This message has been edited by TheU2 (edited 11-07-2001).]
ti-hua of course it was him.. havent you heard the story 3,984 times?

That broad needs to put a bra on.

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All About Sicy
Nope, not the Adam freak. That was the other one. I was the one who probably looked really cold and absolutely exhausted (4 U2 encounters in 5 days will do that to you!)
Jealous, jealous, jealous.

Not only did sexydiamond get to see U2 about 8000 times this fall, but he got to see the Beasties and met Jimmy Fallon.

OK, I'll quit my notsosexybitching now.

Tonight this city belongs to me...
Lemons are indeed tasty little buggers!

Tonight this city belongs to me...

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