Straya thread part 4 - culling the chazzwazzers population

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There was heavy overcast and rain all day here, so I settled for a live stream... which was itself cut off due to cloud before the maximum eclipse. Not sure where it was streaming from. Looked pretty cool though.
Even if it hadn't been raining I was teaching so I would've missed it anyway.

Meanwhile, ICAC sure is providing us with plenty of entertainment lately. Who needs TV dramas when we've got dodgy NSW politics?
PS: a 'debt levy' is what a country does when it can't face having a conversation about the tax system, because people are stupid and lied to and stupid and stuff.

Debt levy. Heavens to Betsy. Debt levy??!!
Far more of a tax than the carbon price ever was. Good work there Tone, broadsiding even some members of your own ministry.
Oh dear Tone. Having problems with infighting and a divided cabinet?

I have been enjoying The Roast's take on all this (and everything else) enormously.
Commission of Audit report: key points | World news |

This could be historic, folks, and not in a good way. If even half of this gets up, it would mean the dismantling of much of what has come to define Australian society ever since federation, especially in terms of the public framework erected during post-WWII reconstruction. That post-war edifice has been modified, refurbished, and at times had portions removed, but it remains in place as an important part of who we are as a nation and a society. I can't help but feel this Commission of Audit is a classic softening-up move, where whatever cuts come in the budget will seem mild by comparison and thus be accepted by a public expecting worse, rather than received with the derision they would provoke were they to emerge out of the blue.

Specific thoughts:
- The Medicare and medication co-payments are particularly offensive, and get to the heart of the social support and healthcare system we have built over decades. The upshot is actually probably going to be a greater long-term expense to the taxpayer, as people forego routine or minor check-ups only to end up in the hospital with more serious and costly conditions that went undiagnosed. (This is already a serious problem in dentistry given it is not part of Medicare.)

- Privatising the likes of the Mint, Australia Post, etc. is just absurd. Some services are natural monopolies and should be run by government, since competition is neither viable nor desirable. Although not mentioned in that article, one of the proposed privatisations is the Australian Rail Track Corporation. We have already learnt, through two decades of experience, that privatisation of railways does not work. New Zealand and Victoria have already had to buy back aspects of their railways. Why do neoliberal troglodytes insist on making this costly error again?

- Devolving certain powers to states should make people in traditionally one-party states (looking at you Queensland) very very worried.

- Slowing down the NDIS rollout would be a real slap in the face after it appeared to have strong bipartisan support.

- Affected by a natural disaster? The Commission of Audit doesn't care about you.

Ultimately, this obsession with returning Australia to surplus is baffling. There's no actual need for Australia to be in surplus. We are more than capable of servicing our debt and we are servicing it comfortably. A nation state is not a company. It does not need to run at a profit. As long as it is creditworthy and its creditors are happy, all good.
Every successive Liberal-National coalition government in my lifetime has been dumber and nastier than the ones which preceded it. Reading about this stuff today... I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

Whatever bunker Tim Wilson is residing in while he furiously jerks off, I'd suggest he stay there. As for the rest of them; vicious, hateful scum. Subhuman trash. They deserve to be electorally annihilated, and they must be or the whiff of this stuff will linger, and eventually, prosper. One day some future LNP leader, flailing about for some of that vision stuff, will fetch the ol' report down from the bookshelf.

I agree, it is a softening-up exercise.

(This is already a serious problem in dentistry given it is not part of Medicare.)
Yes because as everyone knows, teeth are not part of the body.

But honestly, the meal a decent opposition could make of this. "What did Australia ever do to you, Mr Abbott?" "Please, don't hit me." (there I go implicitly comparing the electorate to a battered spouse again)
Tim "I'm not a libertarian I'm actually a classical liberal" Wilson has been parading his smug ass face all over shows like Q&A and Insight in recent times. Much like with every prominent Tory, I have very little respect for their lives.
You just know that the final budget before the next election will be full of middle class tat to buy off the electorate and soothe any lingering memories of what's about to happen. That said, some of this could foster deep resentment that can't be bought off - people will be reminded of how much they hate the government every time they get sick, and if the election is just after winter that could be potent indeed!

Of course, what will be really interesting is how the Senate receives this. The Greens are obviously opposed. Hopefully the ALP will have the balls to oppose it. Then it's down to the new Senate. Could be fun and games, with Clive Palmer bathed in the limelight. (Of course, it would also be defeated if any three of Xenophon, DLP, Fundies First, and Libertarian Cuntbuckets join together to oppose it - though Libertarian Cuntbuckets are probably already wanking furiously about this, and I don't see the Fundies getting on board.)
Tim used to be Triple J's go-to guy when the panel needed some balance, not sure what happened to that. Maybe he is too busy these days.
I'd be interested to see if the DLP guy could be peeled off, assuming he knows any more about his own party's intellectual history than the rest of the country anymore. Say what you will about Santamaria's small-f holy fascism, it was not big on letting the market rip.
I'm worried about Xenophon, actually. He's big on SA nationalism, so the prospect of having some quasi-return of income taxation power will probably appeal to him strongly. Hopefully the thrust of the rest is enough to militate against that.

Also, I would love to know what's going in the Nats right now. The radical cuts to rural services and funding go to the heart of why the party even exists. If they roll over on this, there is no point them existing as an independent party or pretending to stand up for regional interests. Back when it was the Country Party, they would have already broken ranks to denounce key parts of the commission of audit.
There's been little point to the Nats since at least the start of the nineties. Nothing that I can see, other than remnant tribalism and weak tribalism at that, accounts for their continued electoral representation.
It's bizarre that in the only state where they were still viable, they chose to merge, while everywhere else they keep pretending to be a separate party with independent views.

(OK, maybe they have a shred of viability in the WA state parliament as well, though that appalling performance at the Senate re-run suggests they're toast for federal representation there unless they run a celebrity as they did in the first go-around, and even that wasn't half enough to get them over the line.)
I'm not wholly familiar with their history in WA except that they did seem at times to display a bit of genuine independence.

In Queensland, to this day I'm not sure who wags what after the big merger.
Despite him being around for ages I still have no idea what Nick Xenophon's stance is towards anything bar being against pokies.
He's against anything that impedes the further career and adventures of Nick Xenophon. Also he talks about himself like that, in the third person, just like George Remus.
Is that a dig at me? If so, it's completely fair. What an idiot I was back then.

It wasn't a dig at you actually; I'd no real idea what you used to say about things like that.

People far more informed than you, or I, did however argue along those lines - and still do. It infuriates me in its irresponsibility.
Also re the proposed pension changes. They don't affect you if you were born in 65 or earlier. Guess when Joe Hockey was born....

Guess who also has a lucrative parliamentary pension.

...maybe I should run for office. I'd like one of those too.
Father Bob is the best bit of PR the Catholic Church in Australia has going. I mean that slightly tongue-in-cheek of course, as he is his own agent and not exactly heavily embraced by the higher-ups.
If I could just get myself into one of the legislative assemblies, like Pauline has been trying this last decade, I'd be set for life.

For life, man.
It wasn't a dig at you actually; I'd no real idea what you used to say about things like that.

People far more informed than you, or I, did however argue along those lines - and still do. It infuriates me in its irresponsibility.

I still kind of stand behind my comment that if one person doesn't vote it's not going to change anything because no government is ever going to take power with a one-vote win, but yeah, I did used to say things like "there's no difference between so and so and so and so" and it was irresponsible and ignorant, and we are seeing that writ large right now. Wish Bob Brown was still leader of the Greens. I think the likes of Sarah Hanson-Young and Adam Bandt do a good job but Christine Milne has been pretty quiet.

Father Bob is the best bit of PR the Catholic Church in Australia has going. I mean that slightly tongue-in-cheek of course, as he is his own agent and not exactly heavily embraced by the higher-ups.

If the Catholic Church in Australia had any sense whatsoever, they would have been embracing him more. He is everything that is good about religion. Champion.
I still kind of stand behind my comment that if one person doesn't vote it's not going to change anything because no government is ever going to take power with a one-vote win

I can point to plenty of examples of seats where the winner came down to the casting vote of the returning officer.

Seriously, this is just beyond baffling. Who the fuck hates wind turbines? Especially any person who has ever seen an open-cut mine?
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