Spam me: ZOO TV indoor footage

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Dec 12, 2012
Rue St. Divine
There's a lot of stuff on youtube from the summer stadium leg, but I'm looking specifically for the first 2 months, so fire away. Concerts, interviews, TV spots and radio, please!
So you are looking for the 1st leg, right the tour of North America, correct? There is also alot of video on youtube for the 2nd European leg which is also indoors. I think some of the venues were smaller. Just want to make sure it's ok to post from youtube. The videos are live recordings but I'm not sure of it's origin. I can also PM you some things I have found.
The opening of the St Patrick's Day show in the Boston Garden is on Youtube.

Good grief. It just occurred to me how unbelievably crazy that show had to have been. U2 in Boston on St Patrick's Day.
I was there that night. It was absolutely insane. 21 years later, still the best concert I've ever been to.

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