Someone Else's Dream - Chapter 23

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Blue Crack Supplier
Mar 3, 2005
completely out of touch
another short chapter... I have been having a difficult time getting the chance to sit and write, no matter how much I want to finish this story up. I'll try to break the last few chapters down a bit and post more frequently, rather than posting long chapters

U2, unfortunately, are not mine. They are real people who I have written about here in a fictional situation that never happened. I don’t have their permission to use their likenesses, but I make no money from the story and it really is just all meant in good fun. Remember, please, that this is just a twisting, turning story out of my imagination which should not reflect upon the band or the individuals within it. It’s only make-believe. There will be some adult themes within this story, and almost undoubtedly a lot of offensive language. Read at your own discretion.

Catalina Chronicles Book 4:

Someone else’s dream

Chapter Twenty-Three

I always thought you were the best
I guess I always will
I always felt that we were blessed
And I feel that way still
Sometimes we took the hard road
But we always saw it through
If I had only one friend left
I'd want it to be you
Sometimes the world was on our side
Sometimes it wasn't fair
Sometimes it gave a helping hand
Sometimes we didn't care
'Cause when we were together
It made the dream come true
If I had only one friend left
I'd want it to be you

from ‘One Friend ’ by Dan Seals

“If he kisses my belly one more time I’m going to lose it,” Trine muttered under her breath as Bono approached her with open arms. Cat smiled understandingly. Trine and ‘Tequila Monster’ had undertaken a considerably shortened five week tour of the UK and parts of Europe to promote the release of their CD, and Bono had been with them every step of the way. He worried over her as if he were afraid every time she sat down too hard it would be bad for the baby.

She had been happy when the tour ended just because it meant Bono would go home and give her a bit of breathing room. A few days ago, they had done an ultrasound and found out that the baby she was carrying would be a boy. Everyone in the house had feared Bono was going to spend the night that night he was so reluctant to leave his son.

“There she is!” Bono declared, bending and planting a fat kiss just above Trine’s belly button. She was grateful that she could barely feel it through the heavy material of her shirt. Cat suppressed a giggle.

“and there’s my boy!” he said as he rubbed Trine’s slightly protruding belly. Bono’s large hand bumped against her protruding belly button and he grinned at her lopsidedly. “Happy to see me?” he asked playfully. Cat snickered as she watched Trine try to keep from assaulting the man who so desperately wanted the baby in her belly.

“You’re so funny I forgot to laugh,” she told him dryly.

“Seriously, what’s going on here?” Bono asked, lifting the bottom of her shirt in an attempt to get a peek at the mysterious bumps it was hiding. Trine slapped his hands away and shrieked in shock and dismay at his behavior. She stormed off, leaving Bono and Cat behind as she slammed the door to the bathroom and locked herself safely away from him.

“It’s just her navel, being pushed out because there’s no room inside now that the baby is growing,” Cat explained. “Adam told her it was like the pop-up timer on a turkey, it popped out when the baby was nearly done.”

Bono chuckled at the imagery.

“You look like you have big plans,” Cat commented, noticing that Bono was dressed quite handsomely in a black silk shirt (which was actually less than half buttoned) and a perfectly worn pair of jeans. His hair was a riotous mess, but there was really nothing to be done about that; it was just at an awkward length and he was determined to let it grow longer again. As it was, it reminded Cat of the downy feathers on a baby duck, and it gave him an extremely boyish air.

“We can’t let Larry get married without an elaborate bachelor party. He’s the last unmarried man of the group, we won’t have another opportunity for this sort of debauchery until Pauley gets married,” Bono told her with a smirk.

“You may have the chance to have a bachelor party before you get re-married if you take this one too far,” Laney threatened from just outside the window. She and Tessa were sitting on the porch admiring Adam’s exquisite garden and sipping white wine. Bono clearly had no idea that she had been there, listening.

“When have I ever taken anything too far?” he retorted, recovering quickly from his shock. Laney’s laughter drifted back to them like soap bubbles on a summer breeze.

“What have you gals got planned?” Bono asked, suddenly more interested in what his wife and her friends were planning for the night. It was an unusually warm autumn evening, but their cheeks were none-the-less rosy from exposure to the cooling air when they came around to the sliding glass door to join Cat and Bono inside.

“Just a boring hen’s night, nothing for you to tax your pretty little mind on,” Tessa teased, a sparkle in her eye that had been growing stronger all the time as she regained her health and found herself securely but gently held in Edge’s love. She was in the fourth decade of her life, but was discovering that it was only getting better all the time.

“Uh-oh,” Bono voiced his concern arching an eyebrow and wrapping an arm around Laney. “Maybe we should have planned a group engagement party so the men could keep you all out of trouble.”

“Too late for that now,” Laney murmured, kissing his jaw line. There wasn’t a part of him she didn’t like to kiss, she thought to herself contentedly as he leaned into her kiss and then turned to nuzzle her cheek with his.

“You’re feeling better, then?” he asked, remembering the way she’d been feeling lately. It seemed like it had been at least a week now since she’d woken up less than miserable. She’d been sleepy and sick to her stomach a lot, but tonight she was practically glowing.

“Yeah, I think I was just overworked. This was exactly what I needed,” she assured him.

“I thought I was the one getting married, why are they acting like newlyweds?” Larry asked, stepping through the doorway and handing the keys to his jeep over to Tessa, who tucked them away for safety’s sake. Bono sighed and did the same when she held her hand out for his as well.

Cat and Larry exchanged an awkward hello and retreated to opposite corners of the living room. Edge and Adam emerged from the depths of the house to join the others soon, correctly interpreting the tense silence.

“I’d better hurry and get ready, I’m supposed to be jumping out the cake at Simone’s party in less than an hour,” he teased, making Cat smirk and toss a pillow at him.

“Simone was just, uh, just making sure her parents and brothers had everything they needed for the night, she should be here soon,” Larry told Cat.

“Was Lawry doing all right with them?” she asked, thankful for a safe subject for discussion.

“Yeah, he was fine. He and Lorna are going to make the military look like a lenient employer comparatively, though,” he laughed. “They had all the other kids quite wound up when I left.”

“I never realized Simone’s family was quite so big,” Tessa commented, sounding exhausted from the introduction to them earlier in the afternoon.

“I can’t believe you got them all to come to Ireland for the wedding,” Edge added. “One of the kids told me earlier that you wouldn’t be married in America because you were getting married in a foreign country.”

This earned a round of laughter, and the mood was much lighter by the time Adam had dressed for the evening’s outing and returned to the living room. They had already run through the rehearsal for the wedding, which would take place tomorrow, and now it was time to relax and start the celebration.

The men left (Edge and Adam each having surrendered the keys to their vehicles as well) via limo. Cat had no doubt the cigars and drinks were already being passed around even before they turned out onto the road toward Dublin. A second limo arrived soon after, from which Simone emerged to gather her friends.

Cat caught her by the hand as Trine, Laney and Tessa climbed in.

“Simone… I just wanted to, I never had the chance to tell you…” she stammered.

“Don’t say it. I don’t want to think about the past tonight; this is all about the future,” Simone told her, shaking her head gently.

“Ok. But Simone?” Cat replied with a nod. “I am, you know. And … thank you, for inviting me tonight.” Simone nodded and wrapped her arm around Cat’s shoulders.

“I can’t exactly blame you, you know,” she said playfully as they settled into the limo. “As is so often pointed out to me, he is Larry Mullen Jr. , God’s gift to womankind, after all.”

“And who is it that tells you that?” Laney asked, rolling her eyes. With a chuckle, all of the women answered at once,



“Had too much fun last night, did you?” Bono asked Laney when she shuffled back to their king size bed and flopped face down onto a pile of sheets and pillows. He’s been awakened by the sound of her retching, even over the noise of the running shower.

“Feck off,” she growled, making Bono laugh out loud. He rolled out of bed and slipped into the bathroom to shower while she was resting, his own head pounding like a kettle drum and his mouth tasting a bit like a toxic waste dump might. It had been a lot of fun at the time, but Bono worried how Larry was feeling this morning, and how much he was going to be blamed for the drummer’s hangover.

He smiled as he remembered the first time they had gotten Larry completely pissed, he’d been no more than eighteen at the time, and he, Adam, Edge and Gavin had thought it was great fun. Until the next day when he was so desperately hung over that he could barely stand to keep his eyes open, and then the wrath of Larry Mullen senior had nearly destroyed the band.

As the spray of the shower hit his bare skin and coaxed him to wake up, Bono wondered if he should be less afraid of Simone’s wrath or more.
Sad_Girl said:

:lol: Sorry - no extended scenes here

next chapter though, :wink:

Jem :hug: DG :hug: Thanks guys, I thought it was rude, but then I thought maybe I was just being over-sensitive

I didn't really get what she meant with it... :shrug:

:drool: next chapter..... sounds fine to me...

girlwcrimsonnls said:
where u at SG?? we miss you! lol

I have the next chapter written, the only thing I am not finished with is the extended scene, and I hope to finish that tonight. I have to go to church and have dinner with my parents and then I will be back here finishing that up.

Things have been a bit crazy for me lately; I hate not having more time to write! Thanks for showing your interest, it means a lot ot me :hug:

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