So Whats Wrong With NLOTH

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^That's the problem; people do judge an album by the first single. Releasing GOYB as a first single of NLOTH was a bad mistake IMO.

I don't think any of the tracks are going to be hugely successful singles (other than Magnificent)...but I hope I'm wrong.

Strange, cuz Edge said this was an album of singles! BTW: Why is Edge M.I.A on this album? Where are the guitar solos?

I've been listening to NLOTH long now? Hasn’t completely grown on me.

But I know alot of you guys love it!
I'm not saying it's bad...just, erm...well, I was alittle..erm...under whelmed by it. I was pulling for an "Achtung" and I feel like got another "Bomb".

But it's still a pretty solid record :up:, despite its flaws...reading this thread, you guys already seem to have discussed them.
I liked NLOTH, especially Bono-wise. Lyrically he's improved since ATYCLB/Bomb and vocally as well.

Less limited than All that... but more comfortable with the higher notes than Bomb (he was having a shouting match throughout that entire album). Also trying different styles from the fast delivery on Boots and Breathe, sorta-rap style on SUC, Leonard Cohen-ish delivery on Cedars. The one time he may be over-screaming is MOS, and it works. The only delivery that's not quite there is the title song of NLOTH (and the two unfortunate squeals in Crazy tonight).
I liked NLOTH, especially Bono-wise. Lyrically he's improved since ATYCLB/Bomb and vocally as well.

Less limited than All that... but more comfortable with the higher notes than Bomb (he was having a shouting match throughout that entire album). Also trying different styles from the fast delivery on Boots and Breathe, sorta-rap style on SUC, Leonard Cohen-ish delivery on Cedars. The one time he may be over-screaming is MOS, and it works. The only delivery that's not quite there is the title song of NLOTH (and the two unfortunate squeals in Crazy tonight).

Bono is a lot more "on board" on this record, he seems to have given it his 100% attention and it shows, this is a much better and much more cohesive album than its two predecessors. His lyrics let him down a bit on SUC but otherwise I have no complaints and I actually love his vocal delivery on NLOTH.
Nothing wrong with most of the music except Standup Comedy which I don't like much at all sorry.

The album is slipping down some album charts and that isn't good news, also will 'single II' be the one?

I know they always seem to stagger the album release - tour schedules by 3-4 months [well since 2000 anyway], but maybe this time, given the 4yr gap between albums and taken into consideration the seismic changes in the music industry that have occured in that time period, they should have gone into things quicker, maybe done a short and crazy tour of the US/Can + some dates in Europe/UK playing actual concerts like they did in 1984 and 1992, stripped down like Boston Sommerville? and then a respite followed by the big bad tour, dunno... might have kept the album in the top 20 longer [UK] and 10 [USA] kept people interested... :hmm:
What is wrong with people? How on earth can they say Bono sounded better on ATYCLB and HTDAAB than he does on NLOTH? On both of the two previous records he sounds very scratchy, his range reduced from both ends. On NLOTH he yells Magnificent likes his late eighties self, gives a marvellous rendition of Being Born and shows his versatility with a moody vocal on COL. He has not sounded that good since Zooropa and still people protest- baffling.
Nothing wrong with most of the music except Standup Comedy which I don't like much at all sorry.

The album is slipping down some album charts and that isn't good news, also will 'single II' be the one?

I know they always seem to stagger the album release - tour schedules by 3-4 months [well since 2000 anyway], but maybe this time, given the 4yr gap between albums and taken into consideration the seismic changes in the music industry that have occured in that time period, they should have gone into things quicker, maybe done a short and crazy tour of the US/Can + some dates in Europe/UK playing actual concerts like they did in 1984 and 1992, stripped down like Boston Sommerville? and then a respite followed by the big bad tour, dunno... might have kept the album in the top 20 longer [UK] and 10 [USA] kept people interested... :hmm:

But do they really care about the charts at this point? I think they do, but just don't know how to go about it. I agree about the time inbetween CD release and tour...
What is wrong with people? How on earth can they say Bono sounded better on ATYCLB and HTDAAB than he does on NLOTH? On both of the two previous records he sounds very scratchy, his range reduced from both ends. On NLOTH he yells Magnificent likes his late eighties self, gives a marvellous rendition of Being Born and shows his versatility with a moody vocal on COL. He has not sounded that good since Zooropa and still people protest- baffling.

I do think Bono is better on NLOTH....mostly......
but you can't compare it with pre-Zooropa Bono.....we were lucky to have that much, and I'll always love it.
Oh Annie...:sad:

You cannot be "off pitch" and still be "in tune".

I have no clue what you are really trying to say your terminology is all off, I think this is a very strong album vocally.

And as far as the melodies, they are a little more subtle this time around but they work for me. I find myself humming MOS and NLOTH all the time.

I'm sorry, you misquoted me. What I said was that I'd rather someone sing slightly off pitch than someone scream in tune. I agree that you can either be in tune or out of tune, it's very straightforward concept unlike the quality of the actual voice. That judge on American Idol gets on my nerves. He can never just say someone was great he always has to pick and find a fault. He's like Danni Minogue, everything has to be out of tune.

liked NLOTH, especially Bono-wise. Lyrically he's improved since ATYCLB/Bomb and vocally as well.

Less limited than All that... but more comfortable with the higher notes than Bomb (he was having a shouting match throughout that entire album). Also trying different styles from the fast delivery on Boots and Breathe, sorta-rap style on SUC, Leonard Cohen-ish delivery on Cedars. The one time he may be over-screaming is MOS, and it works. The only delivery that's not quite there is the title song of NLOTH (and the two unfortunate squeals in Crazy tonight).

Lyrics come a poor 3rd for me after melody and singing. Yet I prefer the lyrics on both ATYCLB and HTDAAB to those on NLOTH. Since when has Bono turned into Morrisey and become so damned miserable? I see the reflection in the mirror and I didn't recognize my own face.....what has he got to moan about? Has he lost his job in the recession and is on the verge of loosing home? He should come and work at our place then he'd have something to moan about. The thing with HTDAAB no matter how many people explain what a certian lyric means people are still too stubborn to to realize that coming with new matephors is good. The single metaphor in ABOY was already explained to us, but no still people whine. How many more metaphors are there on the album? Not much. MD was explained in the Dec 2004 addition of Rolling Stone, and yet people still whine about it. Many songwriters use metaphors. There's nothing scary about them. The thing with a line in a lyric is that it's over in a few seconds. The baby's head line lasts a couple of seconds but then you're left with the rest of the song aren't you?

Why is he immitating Cohen? He can't sing and he's not a rapper, he's a singer. Maybe I shall send him some CD's of the old crooners, so next time he can immitate them.

Besides if I wanted to hear poetry I will buy a book of prose. When I buy music the thing that attracts me what I cannot gain from a book. I've got a collection of CD's with Cuban, Russian and Portugese music yet the only language I can understand is English.

What is wrong with people? How on earth can they say Bono sounded better on ATYCLB and HTDAAB than he does on NLOTH? On both of the two previous records he sounds very scratchy, his range reduced from both ends. On NLOTH he yells Magnificent likes his late eighties self, gives a marvellous rendition of Being Born and shows his versatility with a moody vocal on COL. He has not sounded that good since Zooropa and still people protest- baffling.
But yelling is not singing is it? This is the point I was trying to make.

I swear I never hear any scratch or rasp on any of these albums, and I listen to them quite a lot. However, I do notice the horrid straining he does for most of the songs on NLOTH :yuck:. I can't listen to the album all the way through it's that bad, it makes me want to barf at the carpet. I find it bizzare how someone seems to notice something that is so minute (if there is any scratch on the vocal at all) yet they cannot notice the dreadful screaching on IGCIIDGOCT. And I've looked at the scores for both ATYCLB and HTDAAB, and he does go very low and high at different points during the album. On New York he goes as low as a G. Is it the Falsetto that people don't like because he goeas very high. In fact when I bought ATYCLB although I found most of the songs very dull I thought that his voice was stunning. I don't think that at all with NLOTH.

I do think Bono is better on NLOTH....mostly......
but you can't compare it with pre-Zooropa Bono.....we were lucky to have that much, and I'll always love it.

I agree with something BVS posted a few weeks back where she asked why are the 80's and early 90's stuff are used as a measering stick? I abosolutely hated his voice during the 80'S and the Zooropa era. What's wrong with it? Well do I start? The husky tone :yuck:. That kind of creaking noize he makes as though he's chords are contracting whilst he's singing particularly on songs like BTBS :yuck:. I know people's voice changes as they get older but I much prefer the prettier brighter tone to his voice after the Zooropa era. I think his voice is much more beautiful now.
This is the first time I have heard the complaint that the lyrics are stronger on ATYCLB and Bomb then NLOTH. I have to disagree with you on that. You also seem to be one of the first people I have encountered that does not like the moodier tone of the lyrics...

Furthermore, I don’t hear this "screaming" or "yelling" phenomena you are talking about... Bono has always belted out his lyrics pretty forcefully from the beginning but I don't hear anything out of the ordinary on this album.
My observations/summary:

-I love the album, it is by far my favorite since Zooropa.
-I think the promotion for this album (with the exception of the Letterman performances) sucks big time.
-I think they are waiting far too long to formally release magnificient as the second single, and further, I don't think it is the right choice for a second single
-I don't think this album will ever do well (vs. previous albums) on radio or charts, and that does bother me, because U2 has never been "bad" at getting airplay/sales.
-I think U2 are big enough now (because of ATYCLB and HTDAAB) to have a successful stadium tour despite how this album is being received. And this tour will most likely help album sales.
-I think the grammies are key. It seems they've boosted the past two albums' sales considerably. Will be interesting to see if they are nominated and/or win anything.
may i ask why the total sales of this album are so important to some of you? it's not like any of us are members of principle management, and it's not like U2 is a young up and coming band and we're trying to help them get their name out there.

i personaly couldn't care less. one of my favorite U2 moments is the Passengers album, and they weren't even allowed to release it under the name "U2".
I'm sorry, you misquoted me. What I said was that I'd rather someone sing slightly off pitch than someone scream in tune. I agree that you can either be in tune or out of tune, it's very straightforward concept unlike the quality of the actual voice.
Ok, you're right the wording through me off, but I reread it and you did say you would rather have someone off pitch. But I have to say you are in the minority most would agree(even if they don't know anything about music) that pitch is the most important part of singing. For tone, range, etc are pretty much inconsequential if you can't keep pitch. To be honest I have no idea what lack of quality you are hearing in Bono's voice, overall this album is the best he's sounded since Zooropa. Pop you could tell something was happening to his voice, and ATYCLB and Bomb his voice came back, but this album tops those two as far as quality.

Lyrics come a poor 3rd for me after melody and singing. Yet I prefer the lyrics on both ATYCLB and HTDAAB to those on NLOTH. Since when has Bono turned into Morrisey and become so damned miserable? I see the reflection in the mirror and I didn't recognize my own face.....what has he got to moan about? Has he lost his job in the recession and is on the verge of loosing home? He should come and work at our place then he'd have something to moan about. The thing with HTDAAB no matter how many people explain what a certian lyric means people are still too stubborn to to realize that coming with new matephors is good. The single metaphor in ABOY was already explained to us, but no still people whine. How many more metaphors are there on the album? Not much. MD was explained in the Dec 2004 addition of Rolling Stone, and yet people still whine about it. Many songwriters use metaphors. There's nothing scary about them. The thing with a line in a lyric is that it's over in a few seconds. The baby's head line lasts a couple of seconds but then you're left with the rest of the song aren't you?

I honestly have no clue what half of this paragraph is about... :huh: But you're missing the fact that MOS is written about a character who is an addict.

I find it funny that you're complaining about Bono being miserable, because others are complaining about him being too optimistic... :lol: What a wonderful world Interference is...

I agree with something BVS posted a few weeks back where she asked why are the 80's and early 90's stuff are used as a measering stick? I abosolutely hated his voice during the 80'S and the Zooropa era. What's wrong with it? Well do I start? The husky tone :yuck:. That kind of creaking noize he makes as though he's chords are contracting whilst he's singing particularly on songs like BTBS :yuck:. I know people's voice changes as they get older but I much prefer the prettier brighter tone to his voice after the Zooropa era. I think his voice is much more beautiful now.

This does explain a lot...
My observations/summary:

-I love the album, it is by far my favorite since Zooropa.
-I think the promotion for this album (with the exception of the Letterman performances) sucks big time.
-I think they are waiting far too long to formally release magnificient as the second single, and further, I don't think it is the right choice for a second single
-I don't think this album will ever do well (vs. previous albums) on radio or charts, and that does bother me, because U2 has never been "bad" at getting airplay/sales.
-I think U2 are big enough now (because of ATYCLB and HTDAAB) to have a successful stadium tour despite how this album is being received. And this tour will most likely help album sales.
-I think the grammies are key. It seems they've boosted the past two albums' sales considerably. Will be interesting to see if they are nominated and/or win anything.

Agreed on all points but the last. I don't give a damn about the grammies and I don't see many people who do.

I think Magnificent would've been much better for a first single. Even a second single would've been okay, had it been released a monh ago!
I would like U2 to be #1 and Magnificent to be #1 etc etc. but really in the end, I don't care. They made the CD I wanted them to make. I'm happy.
I'm really happy with NLOTH - it still gets a lot of airplay in my home, I've had the album for over 2 months now and I'm still not bored of it. This just didn't happen with the last two albums for me.
For a while it was the only U2 I listenened to, but as usual, eventually I delved back into their older stuff and now I really think this album stands up very well with their past output.
I have a 50 or so favourite U2 songs mix on my ipod on random at the moment peppered with NLOTH tracks - it cemented my firm belief that the NLOTH tracks are up with their best work.

Cheers! Have a good weekend!:wink:
After weeks of listening, the Album has sure grown on me as I thought it would. I certainly like this album alot better than HTDAAB and ATYCLB (but I must admit ATYCLB surprisingly is getting alot of airtime on my playlist lately).

My main problem with this Album is still the decision to release Boots as first single. I'm really digging Magnificent more and more and hearing it played in Baseball Stadiums during games and Hockey Arenas get's me so excited and seeing them play this live was great (Letterman, Fordham...) Could you imagine the guys coming out and playing Magnificent at the Grammy's?

Whilst most of you know my disdain for Boots, the arguement here was that Boots is like them releasing The Fly as first single off of AB. U2 and the record industry was in a whole differant place back in the early '90's. I still think releasing Boots was a HUGE mistake....
may i ask why the total sales of this album are so important to some of you? it's not like any of us are members of principle management, and it's not like U2 is a young up and coming band and we're trying to help them get their name out there.

i personaly couldn't care less. one of my favorite U2 moments is the Passengers album, and they weren't even allowed to release it under the name "U2".

It doesn't really and it shouldn't at the end of the day. I can't speak for everyone else but there is a part of me that wants U2 to succeed and sell lots of albums, I can't really explain why because I don't like sharing them with other people either - it's very odd now that I think about it...
There is nothing wrong with wanting to see your favorite band sell lots of albums. It's natural. Like wanting to see your favorite team win the championship or your favorite politician win the election. U2 is in the business of making music and selling albums. Of course we care about how successful they are. We've invested our time and emotions because we like them and want them to succeed.

What I don't understand are those who claim not to care. U2 wouldn't be the band they are today (or likely even around) if they hadn't had all their past success.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to see your favorite band sell lots of albums. It's natural. Like wanting to see your favorite team win the championship or your favorite politician win the election. U2 is in the business of making music and selling albums. Of course we care about how successful they are. We've invested our time and emotions because we like them and want them to succeed.

What I don't understand are those who claim not to care. U2 wouldn't be the band they are today (or likely even around) if they hadn't had all their past success.

but good art is not about "winning". U2 has "won" this entire decade, but imo, the artistic quality of their work has suffered. i've always loved U2 for their music, not their success. and the way i look at it, the fact that they're not trying hard to rub their noses into every talk show and using phrases like "biggest band in the world" says so much about the artistic integrity of this album.

i won't deny that i'm pleased with the amount of success the band has had the last 30 years. their strong album sales have led to some amazing visuals during their tours. but their sales figures and awards won have never been very important to me.
Maybe U2 isn't into being relevant with the young audience as much as they were with ATYCLB/Bomb and they just want to promote the album less than the single/s.
Maybe U2 isn't into being relevant with the young audience as much as they were with ATYCLB/Bomb and they just want to promote the album less than the single/s.

yes, and they may be taking another approach as well so as to not let one song dominate or define the entire album and instead want the album as a whole to stand on it's own.
I love the last two albums, but most people think Beautiful Day or Vertigo when those albums are mentioned and forget about the other gems such as Kite, OOTS, COBL, Stuck, etc. etc. At the end of it all, I do not think people will think just Boots when they think of NLOTH. I like this strategy.
yes, and they may be taking another approach as well so as to not let one song dominate or define the entire album and instead want the album as a whole to stand on it's own.
I love the last two albums, but most people think Beautiful Day or Vertigo when those albums are mentioned and forget about the other gems such as Kite, OOTS, COBL, Stuck, etc. etc. At the end of it all, I do not think people will think just Boots when they think of NLOTH. I like this strategy.

I think this album is gonna be like Zooropa and Pop were casual fans don't know a single song off of the album unless they own it.
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