Shuttlecock! XIX: Servers of the Disappeared

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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So my boss has decided to hold a big meeting in Chicago the weekend of September 11th. Yeah, THAT weekend. :scream:

And a friend who is not really into music or anything but who knows I'm a U2 fan keeps emailing me because she found out U2 is playing in Houston on her birthday and somehow this is suddenly significant to her (I don't think she actually owns any U2 records) and in some way that isn't clear to me yet, I am somehow involved.

On the last tour, my boss (who is no longer my boss) informed me that I was to get her a ticket and she would go with me. I told her that was not going to happen.

I want everyone to get out of my U2 business except for other U2 fans who I know from the Internet, and when I say "the Internet," I mean this site.

So that's what I'm irritated about today.

Yeah, nothing like coworkers hanging around to ruin your U2-related debauchery with internet people. :wink:

That is pretty annoying.
I always get the "Hey, did you know U2 has a new album out?!" type questions.

Oh wells, at least people are trying to be nice in their own little annoying ways.
My dad still calls. Truth be told, he's actually let me know about a couple television performances I admittedly was not aware of, so I probably shouldn't complain too loudly.
Mindblowingly amazing discovery:

If you stay up way too late on a work night, you're tired the next morning and may show up late to work.
Mindblowingly amazing discovery:

If you stay up way too late on a work night, you're tired the next morning and may show up late to work.

I was 40 minutes late this morning. :huh:

And now that I'm here, I need to leave to go get a latte.

Luckily, no on here cares much about my comings and goings.
I think my allergies are getting better. :up:

I had an iced coffee with cream this morning on the way in. It was delicious.

I watched that new show Glee last night and totally loved it. I'm bummed it's not actually starting until fall.
What's Glee? I need a new show. Right now I'm just waiting for True Blood to start back up. :drool:
I was 25 mins late. I even woke up on time. Being tired makes me do everything slow and make bad decisions about how I spend what little time I have in the morning.... (like turning on the computer to listen to music, and then looking at the internet for 10 or 15 minutes...)

I'm guessing Elfa killed and ate that raccoon, as he is a closet meat-a-holic.

Time for me to go get something to drink as well.
It's a show about a teacher who takes over his school's struggling glee club. The characters are awesome. Jane Lynch plays the coach of the award-winning cheerleading team, and she's hilarious as always.

The main teacher guy is in a rather unhappy marriage, and there's a germophobe teacher who has a crush on him.

the two main glee club singers are a total Tracy Flick overachiever with a great voice and an overwhelming need to become famous. She's hugely unpopular and routinely mocked by her classmates. Then there's the football star who loves to sing and is tricked into joining the glee club.

It was really wonderful, very funny, and very well done.

It doesn't start up for real until the fall, but is going to the pilot episode online for viewing all summer, I think.
no, I put a big board in the dumpster he could climb out on and then I poked at him with stick until he ran out :happy:

I'm calling PETA. Even though you were doing something kind for the raccoon, I'm fairly certain it's going to have psychological trauma from being poked with a stick.

Drink acquired. I have decided that I only like one or two flavors of Vitamin Water, and the rest are terrible. I unfortunately keep forgetting which two flavors I like though...
I'm the same way with Vitamin Water. I also find that I have to drink them when they're very cold - if it gets too warm, it tastes very chemically and awful to me. But cold, it's delicious.

I like the one that's got XXX in the name, which is very silly, I know. It's a purple-ish color and has acai in it, I think? There's another flavor I like, but I'm blanking on it. I know it when I see it.

I don't buy them very often.
I love acai but damn it's expensive. Yesterday at Whole Foods I had three items - ice cream, kitchen counter cleaner, and a jar of acai juice. Imagine my shock when these three items came to $50 and change. I said, excuse me? Yeah, $40 of that was the acai juice, which I thought was $18.99 and considered that expensive, too, but I was willing to splurge. Turns out the juice was shelved under the wrong price, which was meant for a smaller jar. I said no thank you, and ran off with my ice cream and basil kitchen counter cleaner.
The Lemonade Vitamin Wateris good, I know that's one I like as I had it yesterday.

Phanan, did you end up running in that marathon? If so, how'd it go?
Hell, if it was a marathon, I'd still be running.

It was only a 5K race, which is more than enough for me. It went well, considering I haven't done one in ages. Thanks for asking...

I was going to do the Red Hook race this Sunday, but it filled up. 2000 people!

The free beer afterwards probably has something to do with that.
Ahhh, 5K. If a race has a "K" in it, I immediately assume it's a marathon. :wink: Good to hear that it went well. One of my friends was recently telling me that a race he had just ran in didn't allow people to have iPods or anything that uses headphones. I don't think I'd even be able to make it half way without music.
Not to change the subject, but is it weird that I haven't gone in to that New Mexico thread when I live in New Mexico? :crack:
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