Shuttlecock II: This is Where We Can Reach Around

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But the music behind it is so good, I just don't even care anymore. Seriously, I have never just loved a new U2 album, before. This and the previous two are the only examples I have, of such experiences, in regards to myself, of course, but I have zero qualms with this album. When I heard Bomb and NLOTH for the first time, both of them I loved, but had issues with.

I just really can find next to nothing to complain about with SOI. Of course, I'm only speaking for myself, I'm just saying, even the stuff that feels cheesy, like the Whoa-Oh's at least put a smile on my face.

That reminds me, I owe Mikal a glance at my cheesy music playlist.
Bono's quote about the method of the album release being "punk rock" ("bring disruptive and getting in people's faces") is being mocked all over Facebook today.

It's exhausting trying to defend this. It's like they're doubling down on welcoming new hate for the band.
...and those songs are better.

It also has more energy.

I'm not the only one here; pretty sure NSW feels the same way.

I'm with you on this as well. Even if The Bomb doesn't have songs as good as Kite or When I Look at the World.
I don't get the love for California. It sounds like what I imagine a Katy Perry song would sound like. All those synths and whoa-o-a-ohs.

I don't like this song particularly, but I just heard it on XM Spectrum driving home, and I've been humming it ever since. Damn chorus is super catchy.
He needs to shut the fuck up about anything "punk rock." They were never "punk rock." EVER

I've seen so, so many shitty definitions of "punk rock," Bono could take three of the top 5 worst ones himself.
I was laughed off in EYKIW when I compared California to Call Me Maybe. But seriously those STRINGS. Their use in that specific pop context sounds exactly the same to me.
I live in California (Southern) but stream Minnesota's 89.3 "The Current" radio station at work because the station is awesome. They're playing "Volcano" right now. At least they get it.
But the music behind it is so good, I just don't even care anymore. Seriously, I have never just loved a new U2 album, before. This and the previous two are the only examples I have, of such experiences, in regards to myself, of course, but I have zero qualms with this album. When I heard Bomb and NLOTH for the first time, both of them I loved, but had issues with.

I just really can find next to nothing to complain about with SOI. Of course, I'm only speaking for myself, I'm just saying, even the stuff that feels cheesy, like the Whoa-Oh's at least put a smile on my face.

That reminds me, I owe Mikal a glance at my cheesy music playlist.


Agreed completely. Having gone through many U2 album releases (Achtung Baby was the album that got me into them when I was 12, so Zooropa was my first ZOMG!!!111NEWU2 moment), this is the first album since Zooropa that I haven't had an issue with. Even though Zooropa and Pop rank in my top 3 U2 albums, I remember hating Babyface and Miami/Playboy Mansion right away on those albums. I've come around to tolerating them now.

ATYCLB - Hated Wild Honey and Grace right off the bat.

HTDAAB - Hated ABOY and still do. Overall I thought they made poor tracklist choices on this one. Mercy, Are You Gonna Wait Forever, and Smile could have easily replaced some of the songs on that album.

NLOTH - Love 2/3 of the album, but the middle 3 represented everything I didn't like about the band post-Pop. And of course they had to stick that shit right in the middle of their most experimental album in 12 years.

There is not one song that I cringe when I hear it on SOI, and I'm starting to feel a couple of tracks pull away as potential U2 classics (EBW, Reach Around, Iris, Wolves).
HTDAAB should have looked more like this:

1. Native Son
2. All Because of You (alternate)
3. Are You Gonna Wait Forever?
4. City of Blinding Lights
5. Miracle Drug
6. Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own
7. One Step Closer
8. Crumbs From Your Table
9. Smile
10. Mercy

Short, sweet, personal and unabashedly U2.
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Native Son is a great track. It's raw, it's topical (what the hell is Vertigo about, anyway?), and the slashing guitars complement the lead riff well.
HTDAAB should have looked more like this:

1. Native Son
2. All Because of You (alternate)
3. Are You Gonna Wait Forever
4. City of Blinding Lights
5. Miracle Drug
6. Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own
7. One Step Closer
8. Crumbs From Your Table
9. Smile
10. Mercy

You include Miracle Drug(my least favorite song on that album - I actually really enjoy Edge's solo and vocal verse, but it's not quite enough) and still omit A Man And A Woman(my favorite song on that album)? I'll give it a go:

1. Native Son
2. Xanax And Wine
3. All Because Of You(Alt.)
4. Are You Gonna Wait Forever
5. City Of Blinding Lights
6. Smile
7. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own(Alt.)
8. A Man And A Woman
9. Crumbs From Your Table
10. Love And Peace Or Else
11. One Step Closer
12. Mercy

Or something like that.
Is Levitate from those sessions as well? I forget.

The way things were labeled on "Unreleased & Rare" was confusing(and perhaps even incorrect), but I think ultimately both Levitate and Love You Like Mad were from the ATYCLB sessions.
I never cared for Smile or Flower Child. Levitate isn't bad, and I do really like Native Son (although I feel it was the right choice to change the song to Vertigo for the single/album).
Oh god, Love & Peace or Else. That song must be the definition of ham-fisted. The thing that really puts me off Bomb nowadays is how completely devoid of subtlety it is.
You include Miracle Drug(my least favorite song on that album - I actually really enjoy Edge's solo and vocal verse, but it's not quite enough) and still omit A Man And A Woman(my favorite song on that album)? I'll give it a go:

1. Native Son
2. Xanax And Wine
3. All Because Of You(Alt.)
4. Are You Gonna Wait Forever
5. City Of Blinding Lights
6. Smile
7. Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own(Alt.)
8. A Man And A Woman
9. Crumbs From Your Table
10. Love And Peace Or Else
11. One Step Closer
12. Mercy

Or something like that.

Couldn't find a spot for the Fast Cars/AMAAW duo I wanted that would actually make sense. Trying for coherence here.

Plus, Miracle Drug is pretty decent. It's just laughably bad after Vertigo. Worst transition ever?
Levitate, Love You Like Mad and Flower Child are from the ATYCLB sessions. Smile is HTDAAB era.
Oh god, Love & Peace or Else. That song must be the definition of ham-fisted. The thing that really puts me off Bomb nowadays is how completely devoid of subtlety it is.

Yeah. One of my least favorite songs in their catalog. The live versions were even more heavy-handed on the sloganeering front.
Maybe it was just being my first time seeing them, or whatever, but I loved the Vertigo tour.
Yeah. One of my least favorite songs in their catalog. The live versions were even more heavy-handed on the sloganeering front.

Thanks U2 3D for illustrating Bono's hand gestures during that song. The heavy-handed sloganeering wasn't obvious enough! :happy:
Oh I agree. It had great moments. The re-surfacing of Electric Co., An Cat Dubh/Into the Heart, The Ocean and Gloria was awesome. Getting Wild Horses full band was probably my favorite moment.
I can't believe I forgot Zoo Station returning. Running to Stand Still too.
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